P̸̫̚a̵̫̫̋̾r̶̐͜t̶͍̽ ̶͇̣̕2̸̞̈́9̷̲̜̀̽

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      Killian shuts off the camera and turns to the Avengers. "I'll see you all in 12 hours." he leaves the room and Tony starts to laugh. The Avengers look at him like he's crazy and Tony shakes his head. "What? The guys a moron!" Natasha shakes her head. "What are you talking about Stark?" Tony smiles. "He just broadcasted globally. Did you forget that my daughter is a hacker that found Barnes with nothing to go on?"

      The Avengers start to smile and Tony purses his lips. "Not to mention my protégé and her... boyfriend," He says with venom in his voice. "Is a arachnid themed hero." Tony smiles at his team. "They'll save us." They nod, but a solid fear still resides in their chests.


      Peter watches Spencer as she stares out the jet window. She's lost in thought, and he knows whatever she is thinking can't be good so he stands and sits next to her. "Have you ever been on a plane before?" Spencer looks at him and shakes her head. Phoebe used to say how she wanted to travel the world with Spencer. It had been her dream for so long, but that wasn't possible anymore.

      Peter nods and looks out at the clouds. "Me neither." He frowns. "But my parents, they..." Spencer grabs Peter's hand. He doesn't need to finish. She knows. Peter smiles at her and squeezes her hand. Spencer checks her watch. There is only six hours left on the clock to get to the Avengers. Six hours until they were murdered on live television. Six hours until Spencer was finally an orphan.

      "The plane should land in two hours." Spencer nods and leans her head back onto the seat. Peter rests his head on her shoulders and Spencer closes her eyes, and leans toward him.


      Tony rubs his chains against the pipe they are connected to. The sound of rattling chains fill the room and the Avengers are starting to grow tired of it. He's been doing this for the past... who knows how long. "Tony, give it a rest. They aren't going to break." Tony groans as he cuts his hand on the pipe. He cranes his head to look at Steve. "Well, it's the best plan we've got, so," Tony continues to rub the chains and Natasha hangs her head.

      Wanda and Pietro share a look. When they were taken a pair of cuffs were strapped to their hands so they couldn't use their abilities. Wanda had been desperately trying to use hers but every time she tried, the more drained she became. Pietro's fingertips just barely reach his sister's. Wanda can feel his thoughts and her eyes tear up. Maybe this is when they finally meet their parents. Maybe this is the end of the Avengers.


      In the dark, Spencer and Peter approach the building. In the upper floors the lights are on, and they can see guards peeking out the windows. Peter continues to eyes the upper floors, but Spencer scans her surroundings. There are a few video cameras, but if they time it right, they should be able to run past them. She takes a step forward, but Peter stops her. "Don't. Look up." Spencer's eyes reach the top of the building and she sees several snipers. They are lucky to have not been spotted yet.

      They back up and out of sight. "How are we going to get past them?" Peter asks in a hushed voice. Spencer's left eye twitches as she thinks, then an idea sparks in her mind. She carefully steps out of the dark, just enough so the snipers don't spot her and narrows her eyes. In the dark she can see the dim blue glow of earpieces in their ears. She takes a deep breath and reaches her hand out, and with a spark of electricity the snipers earpieces explode in their ears.

      Peter smiles at her trick and grabs her hand, running across the parking lot while the snipers are distracted. They hug the building wall and inch their way around the back. "Neat trick." Peter whispers to Spencer. She smiles a bit and her eyes find an electrical plant not too far away from the building. She glances up to make sure no snipers are on this side of the building, then grabs Peter's hand and runs across to it.

      "Spencer what...?" Spencer grabs a lock and grabs the lock on the gate. "Spencer!" He scolds. Spencer rolls her eyes and points at the coils, then at herself with an eyebrow raises. Peter glances between her and the coils, then his eyes widen. "Are you crazy?!" Spencer makes a face and shrugs. It's debatable. She's has alot of stupid idea in her life (giving herself brain surgery was one of them) but nothing can quite top this. "Spencer, you could die."

      Spencer looks up at the building. The Avengers are definitely going to die in less than four hours if she doesn't do this. She looks at Peter and determination is set in her eyes. Peter stares back at her and sighs. He doesn't want to fight with her. There's no time for this. "Okay, just be careful." Spencer nods and Peter runs off. Spencer walks into the electric plant and nods to herself. She grabs two coils and her head is thrown back as the electricity hits her. Peter watches as the whole plant lights up with electricity, Spencer right in the center of it all. "C'mon Spence, you can do this."

      Spencer lets out a ragged breath as the power hits her. Every inch of her body is shaking, and is starting to burn. A tear slides down Spencer's eye. She's going to die.


      The Avengers watch as the light flickers in their room. Outside the room, there are shouts and the sound of running. They all share a look, then the lights go out.


      Spencer screams in pain. This is it. This is how she dies. She'll finally see her mother again. But what will she be leaving behind? Her father. The man she's dreaded most of her life became her salvation. Peter. The person that showed her that she could continue on, no matter how hard life got. The Avengers. The family she never knew she needed.

      She didn't want to die. She's supposed to have a good life. It isn't supposed to be like this. It's not fair. How is it that her whole life has been terrible and now she has to die? She never got to tell Peter she loved him. It's not fair.

      "Spencer!!" Peter yells out as the Electricity zaps everywhere. Spencer's eyes snap open. They are electric blue again, and full of tears. "Peter." She breathes. No, she isn't done fighting yet. She can do this. She has to. Spencer yells in effort as she turns her head to look at her hands. The world hasn't seen that last of Spencer Stark.

      The electricity suddenly stops, and Spencer screams as it consumes her. A huge pulse is exploded from her and car alarms around her go off. Peter is knocked off his feet, but he jerks his head up to see Spencer and his eyes widen. She was... floating off the ground, looking up at the sky.

      His spidey sense goes off and his eyes find a snider on the roof. "No. Spencer!" But it's too late. The sniper fires and right before the bullet hits Spencer a bolt of electricity stops in in mid air. Spencer's head snaps in the direction of the sniper and she thrusts her hand out at him. A bolt of electricity hits him, and he is sent flying back. Peter's eyes widen and he starts walking toward her.

      "Spencer?" He asks cautiously. Something tells him Spencer isn't herself. She floats to face him and raises her hand. "Spencer! It's me!" She stops, and drops her hand. Peter relaxes. "Are... are you okay?" Spencer doesn't answer him and looks at the building. "You find the Avengers." Electricity travels up her arms and her brows arch in determination. "I'm going after Killian."







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