P̸̤̀a̸̤̅ŕ̷̥t̶̩͘ ̷̨͝1̴̦͂1̶̦̈́

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Flash trips Peter down the stairs and his back flares in pain. "Ow." Flash laughs and walks off. Peter pulls himself up and dusts his pants off. Flash was being especially cruel today because he had failed a test. Peter was apparently the reason, hence the tripping down the stairs.

Hey spider boy
Come around the back of the school.

Peter raises an eyebrow but follows the command. He looks around the dark backway. He could hardly see anything.

The Avengers are switching bases
I'm coming with

That's cool! Wait where are they going?

Stark won't tell me, and I honestly don't care
All I know is that it's not in New York
In other words
I won't be able to do my little drop ins.

So why am I back here?

Take your eyes off the phone and find out.

Peter raises an eyebrow but looks up. In front of him is Spencer. He still can't see her face, due to the hood, but she steps out of the shadows and pulls her hood off. Peter's jaw drops. She's gorgeous. "You're Spencer?" She tilts her head, and doesn't answer, instead looks down at her phone.

Forgot to mention
I'm deaf so texting is our only option of communication.

Peter was a bit shocked, but nodded anyway.

So why are we meeting in person

I wouldn't be seeing you
Plus I figured my friend should know who I am right?

Peter smiles at the mention of him being her friend. He tries to type a response but his spidey sense goes off. It was telling him there was danger coming from both directions, then a van pulled into the alley behind Spencer. Peter grabs her and pulls her away from them, but electricity courses through his body and he falls to the ground. A man had snuck up behind him and tased him.

The back of the van opens and two men grab Spencer and drag her inside. In the struggle she drops her phone. She fights back, but they were stronger and one of them eventually knocks her out. They pull her into the van and drive off.

Peter groans and sits up. He was on the concrete. It took him a moment to figure out what was going on, then he remembered. He jumps to his feet. The sun was setting. "Spencer!" He calls out, then he sees her phone on the ground. He opens it and remembers Spencer knows the Avengers. He finds Mr. Stark's number and dials.

Tony was starting to get pissed. It had been three hours since Spencer had left. The others had already taken the jet to the compound, while he was left to wait for Spencer. His phone rings and he raises an eyebrow at Spencer's name. Last he checked, Spencer couldn't call anyone. "Hello?" Tony answers sceptically. "Mr. Stark!" Tony jerks the phone away from his ear. "Kid?" How had Peter gotten Spencer's phone? "Mr. Stark! Spencer! She was taken!"

Tony jumps to his feet. "What do you mean she was taken?" Tony grabs his other phone and dials Natasha. "We were at the school and these guys in a van came out of nowhere!" Tony starts to panic. "Kid where are you?" Peter quickly tells Tony and tells him he'll be right there. He then starts rushing to his suit. "Tasha, Spencer's been taken. Tell everyone to get ready, I'm heading there now."

Tony spots Peter who was now in his suit. He lands and jumps out of his suit. "What happened kid?" Peter hands Mr. Stark Spencer's phone. "We were talking- Well texting and some guy tased me. They took her." Tony nods and commands FRIDAY to scan the alley way for any clues. "Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" Peter bites his lip and thinks back to the attack. "A logo, or a badge. It was red and it had a skull. Tentacles too." Tony swears. "HYDRA. FRIDAY, tell the others."

Tony rushes into his suit, but Peter stops him. "Mr. Stark! I want to help too. Spencer was my friend." Tony doesn't bother telling him no. Spencer had a special place in all their hearts. "Fine, but you gotta hang on tight."

Spencer groans as she blinks. There was a blinding light in her face and she was strapped down. Her head was pounding. "Ah, and she wakes." A man walks in front of her. She can see his mouth moving, but she can't read his lips. Probably an accent.

The man frowns and repeats what he said, seeing Spencer's confused face. He begins to get frustrated and punches her. "Answer me!!" Spencer's eyes tear up. She spits blood out of her mouth and turns to the man. She mouths 'I'm deaf'. The man raises an eyebrow, then leaves the room.

Spencer lies her head back on the metal table she was strapped too. She pulls at the restraints, but they wouldn't give. She sighs and looks around the room. It was made of concrete. That much she knew. It wasn't very big, and she was the only thing in it.

She knew what was going on. Or at least a vague idea. They wanted her for something. That, or they wanted to tourture her for taking their prized possession from them.


If she survived this, that man better devote his life to her happiness.

Or buy her pizza for the rest of her life.

"Anything?" Natasha asks Tony as the Avengers plus Peter and Pepper, wait for any results on Spencer. "No." Tony grumbles. Peter's head whips up. He was still in his Spiderman suit so as to preserve his identity. "Mr. Stark, what about behind the school? There's a bank." Tony smiles. "Security cameras."

He hacks into the bank's security system and scrolls through the footage until he is at the time Spencer was taken. The van pulls into the alley, then shortly after it pulls out and heads up the street. He backtracks and zooms in on the driver. The dumbass forgot to wear a mask. "Luckily for us, there is still stupidity in the world. FRIDAY, run facial recognition." The AI complies.

Pepper pulls Natasha to the side. "Should we tell him?" Natasha glances at Tony, trying everything he can think of. She's never seen him like this. It was almost like an instinct. "No. Not yet." Pepper bites her lip. "I hate lying to him." Natasha gives Pepper a reassuring nod and walks away.

"Got him. John Krezil," Everyone looks at the screen. It was the man that drove the van. "He was locked up for grand larceny." Tony walks over to his suit. "And his address is on file." Steve grabs his shield, Sam straps on his wingsuit, Natasha readies her Widow Bites, Clint grabs his bow, Bucky grabs a machine gun, Wanda pulls on her red coat, Thor brings Miljnor to his hand, and Vision floats off the ground.

Tony turns in his suit. "Let's get Spencer back."

John hands his money to the dealer and walks away with his new bag of drugs. There is a whirl sound and then a blast lands in front of him. He whips around to see Iron Man aiming his repulsor at him. He gasps and turns to run in the other direction but he is faced with a very angry Captain America. He was surrounded. By the Avengers.

"Where is she?" Tony demands. John shakes his head. "Who are you talking about?" Tony raises an eyebrow and nods at Natasha. The assassin grabs John and flips him to the ground. She presses her arm to his throat and holds down one arm with her foot and she twists the other arm in an odd angle. It cracks a bit and John yells in pain. "Spencer. You assisted in her kidnapping five hours ago. Where did you take her?" Natasha twists his arm harder. "And don't make me ask twice."

The man pants in pain. "Alright! Alright!" Natasha loosens her grip only slightly. "I've got the address on my phone. It's in my left pocket." Steve rushes over and takes the phone out, then hands it to Tony. Natasha doesn't release John. "What did they do with her?"

"I can't say! They'll kill me!" Natasha breaks John's arm. "You shouldn't be too concerned about them right now." He pants and nods his head. "I don't know. I drove them out to the address then they put her in another car and left." Natasha releases him, and they all walk away. "You got the address?" Tony nods. "I'll fly ahead and see if anyone is there." Tony takes off and everyone else loads into the Quinjet.

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