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So yesterday I came up with idea. Tell me what you guys think.

Name: Blakely Ainsley
Nicknames: Blake
Alias: Venom (With Venom, Obviously)
Age: 38
Face Claim: Lyndsy Fonseca

Investigative Reporter

Charlie Ainsley (Father)
Jessica Ainsley (Mother)
Peter Parker (Son)


Blake is a very determined woman. When she sets her mind to something, almost nothing can stop her, and with Venom at her side, nothing can. She is very kind and shows no judgment to anyone going through life's struggles. She and Venom (Especially Venom) don't see themselves as heroes, but she does like to think she can help people.
Her feelings aren't easily damaged, and she never really shows emotion. She only opens up to people she deems worthy of her trust. Typically, this will cause her to stay away from men, especially because of her past.
If she sees someone being robbed or put down by crime she will become extremely pissed and will intervene.


Blake grew up in a rough neighborhood. There was consent crime and she was victim to several muggings. The authorities never did anything to help and this made Blake not trust them, even to this day.
Her parents never did anything to shield her from the crime so this left Blake with having to walk herself to school, even at the age of 5. She never had a good education and not very many friends.
Once she finally graduated high school, Blake got several part time jobs so she could pay for college. She got her degree in journalism and severed all connections with her old life.
For once, life was good for Blake. She had a solid job, a nice apartment, everything she ever wanted. But, that all changed one night in San Francisco. A group of men cornered her and raped her. Blake spent a week in the hospital recovering and discovered she was pregnant. The thought of aborting the child crossed her mind, but she couldn't kill her child.
Through the nine months of the pregnancy Blake moved away from San Francisco and found herself across the country in New York City. When she had the baby, she gave him up for adoption, deciding she couldn't be a fit mother.
Even after giving up her baby, Blake continued to watch him from afar. He was adopted by a nice couple who were unable to have a child and was named Peter Benjamin Parker. It hurt Blake to be away from him, but she knew it was for the best.
Blake earns a job as a solo Investigative reporter and even travels the country to track strange occurrences. She discovered cover ups by the government (This is actually SHIELD's doing, but she never learned the name) and was even in Miami for the birth of Iron Man.
While in New York, Blake tracks the movements of Daredevil and several other enhanced individuals. This would become what she is known for.

    (The events from 'Venom' ensue, except there is no Anne.)
Venom and Blake work together to uncover stories and even help around the dark side of New York. Venom has a hard time seeing the line between someone good and someone bad, but Blake is able to help him there. She continues to do the job that the cops can't. This gives her a certain respect for Daredevil or others with a secret identity. She pulls back on her investigations, ever so slightly so that she won't find out who they are.
During the battle of New York, several reports of a creature like the hulk, only black, and... ate the aliens. This intrigues Tony Stark, but his investigation leads to nothing.
With the Avengers becoming a thing Blake and Venom decide to be more careful with who they allow to see them, sticking to darker alley's and a more stealth approach. Around this time, Blake discovers SHIELD, but keeps their existence a secret. Nothing good can come from exposing an agency like that.
Blake continues to watch Peter from afar and Venom tries to encourage her to speak to him, but everytime she says no.
When Peter is bitten by the spider, Venom and Blake find out. She starts getting closer to him, even moving into the same apartment building as him. She wants him safe and if that means she and Venom have to step in, then so be it.
When Stark approaches Peter about Germany Blake becomes mad. She didn't want him to put his life at risk.
In Germany, the Avengers all decide (Yes, Team Cap) to sign to accords, but demand they be loosened up. Certain changes made are that if a person is to sign, then their identity would not be released to the public, and the Avengers have a bit more freedom. No tracking devices and if there is a small fight they see themselves helping in, then they can do that.
Venom and Blake, however, know that if they signed that they would most likely be killed or experimented on.

Pairing: Clint Barton

Don't worry, 'The Mute' is going to continue, I just need some time to develop the plot and what is going to happen.

For now, I want to work on something else and this is what I came up with. What do you think?

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