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      Tony couldn't figure out the serum. He had no idea what it would do to a person. To his daughter. He still couldn't believe Spencer was his kid. It was so surreal. He was so happy, but he couldn't seem to enjoy it. He wanted her to be okay.

      "Tony!" Natasha rushes into the room. Tony looks up from his work. Natasha takes a second to catch her breath. "She's out of surgery."


      Spencer had a breathing tube down her throat and a feeding tube down her nose. She was hooked up to every monitor known to man. Almost every inch of her arms and legs were covered in gauze. Cho had done all that she could to repair the damage, but her wounds had already started healing and there wasn't much she could do to prevent scarring.

      During surgery, Spencer had flatlined three times. Cho hypothesized it was her body fighting against the serum, but she still had no idea how it would affect her. Cho had been shocked several times during operating. Nothing too big, just a little static shock every now and again. The lights flickered every so often but she thought nothing of it.


      Tony spends the next week at Spencer's side. He slept there, ate there, and no matter how much the others tried to convince him to go to bed, he stayed. He went through 17 years not knowing Spencer was his daughter, let alone that she existed and there was no way he was leaving her now.

      His search on the serum kept coming up empty. He needed Spencer to help him understand how she made it, because he wasn't allowed to experiment with it. A little rule Fury set out after the whole deal with Banner.

      They still had no idea how it would affect Spencer and Tony was terrified. He couldn't lose his daught. Not after just getting her.


      Tony feels something under his hand move. His head shoots up and he looks at Spencer. "Spencer?" He grabs her hand and squeezes it. He stares at her face for a moment then Spencer starts to shake. For a second he second guesses what is going on. An earthquake, but no he realizes it's not that. She's seizing. His eyes widen and he turns Spencer on her side. "FRIDAY! Get Cho in here!"

      Tony's eyes fill with worry and fear. Cho bursts into the room and takes over for Tony. "Give her some Carbatrol now!" Tony slowly backs out of the room in horror. "No." He shakes his head and runs out of the medical wing.


      Natasha finds Tony at the bar. He wasn't hard to find. Natasha knew this man like the back of her hand. She slides into the bar stool next to him. "She's okay." Tony gulps down the rest of his whiskey. "Cho stopped the seizure before it became worse." She leans forward to get into Tony's line of vision. "She said it happened because her body is rejecting the serum." Tony nods and reaches over the bar to grab the whole bottle of whiskey. He doesn't even bother to pour a glass.

      Natasha sighs. "You need to sleep Tony ignores her and takes another sip from his whiskey. Natasha sighs and takes the bottle from him. "Fine, if you're going to be an ass, then at least use a glass." As she pours the whiskey into the glass she adds a few drops of something, hidden in her hand. Tony doesn't see this and sips his drink.

      Natasha watches him and Tony makes a face. He looks at his glass, then passes out of the bar. Natasha sighs. Nothing a little benzodiazepine can't fix. "FRIDAY, tell Steve I need him." There's no way she's carrying Tony's drunk ass to bed. "Of course Miss Romanoff."


      Steve arrives a few minutes later and raises an eyebrow at Natasha who shrugs. "He needed to sleep." Steve grabs Tony and starts carrying him to his room. "Did you have to drug him?" Natasha raises an eyebrow. "You really think he'd of done it on his own?" Steve purses his lips and lays Tony onto his bed and closes the door behind him.

      "It's kind of crazy." Natasha raises an eyebrow at Steve asking him to elaborate. He starts walking away from Tony's bed room. "Tony has a kid and she's a world renowned hacker." Natasha smirks. "They have a lot in common."


      Spencer would stay in a coma for another week. Her seizures started to become more and more frequent and Cho had realized her body wasn't rejecting the serum anymore. It was in need of something. She just couldn't figure out what it was.

      That is until she placed her phone next to Spencer while she checked her vitals. She watched as a static shock connected Spencer's finger to the phone and the battery slowly drained. Spencer's color improved and she even showed signs of being responsive. Cho had a hypothesis that she proved by putting her medical tablet next to the sleeping girl. The same thing happened to the tablet.

      Cho wasted no time. She ran to Tony's lab where she knew he kept a car battery. He stands from his spot. "What happened? Is she okay?" Cho smiles and picks up the heavy battery. "Better than okay." She starts walking towards the exit. "Get everyone to come to her room." Tony raises an eyebrow, but calls out for FRIDAY.


      A few minutes later the Avengers are crowded in Spencer's room. "What is this about Cho?" Cho smiles. "Just watch." She carefully places the battery next to Spencer and backs away. Her finger sparks with electricity and it connects to the battery. Everyone watches in shock as the battery is slowly drained. "What in the hell...?" Tony asks in confusion.

      Spencer takes a rugged breath. Cho rushes to her side and starts taking out the breathing tube. Spencer relaxes and starts breathing on her own. Cho smiles and turns toward Tony. "She feeds off electricity." Tony stares at his daughter. "Is that how the serum affected her? She needs electricity to survive?" Cho nods and pulls out her freshly charged medical tablet. She shows Tony the results. There is s dull coloring in the specs. "This is just before I gave her the battery."

      She swipes on the tablet and Tony raises an eyebrow at the bright vibrant colors and how the specs are jumping around. "This is now." Steve puts a supportive hand on Tony's shoulder. "She's going to be okay." Tony laughs a bit, then turns serious. "What else do you know?" Cho looks at Spencer. "I'll have to do more tests, but with a steady source of electricity, she should wake up within a few days."


      Tony left to his lab to create a sort of IV drip for Spencer. It wasn't too hard and within 2 hours Spencer was hooked up to it. Cho had ordered that no one be in her room for at least a day because she didn't know what kind of outward reaction Spencer could possibly have. Tony hated it, but he allowed him to at least sit outside her viewing window.

      Peter kept bugging Happy if he could see Spencer and he finally caved. Imagine the Spider boy's shock when he discovered that his friend was Mr. Stark's daughter. "Hey Mr. Stark." Peter greets as he walks up to his idol. Tony bearley glances at Peter. "Kid." Peter looks at Spencer and puffs his chest when he sees how much better she is looking. He and Tony sit together, just watching Spencer breath. Peter had kept talking to Tony, but he didn't seem to hear him. He was too laser focused on his daughter.


      After about 30 minutes Peter had left to work on a project with Ned. Tony had started to drift off to sleep when someone started screaming. He jumps up and looks at Spencer. She had her hands over her ears and she was screaming in pain. "Cho!" Tony yells. He runs into the room and rushes to Spencer's side. He tries to hold her down and talk to her, but she kept flinching away from him. Cho runs into the room and assesses the situation and creases her eyebrows.

      "I thought you said she was deaf." She closes the door and orders FRIDAY to soundproof the room. Spencer starts to relax, but still flinches at every noise, but Tony thought that couldn't be possible. Unless... "You don't think...?" Spencer flinches and Tony closes his mouth. Cho grabs a syringe and pushes it into Spencer's arm. She lies limp on the bed and Cho sighs. "It's possible." She checks Spencer's ears and takes her vitals.

      Tony stares at Spencer. She can hear and he suspected the serum was at play. He just wants to know how else it will affect her.


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