TEACHER!I LOVE YOU!(Chap 3 part 2)

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~ Chap 3 part 2~

Sat,24th December,2034:

Everybody are preparing for the Christmas party and decorated their house with Christmas trees,fairy lights,tínels and ornaments...Outside,a group of people are singing Christmas carols...What a cozy and romantic spectacle!!
And after all,Randy became Douglas's "boyfriend", now Randy's helping Douglas's family to prepare the party.....
_ Randy,can you help me take this Turkey to the table?? ^^|||
_ Yes!Ma'am! ^u ^
Douglas goes downstairs and he saw everything....

~Douglas's POV~
" Awww,Randy...how cute you are...o u o...he's so hard-working and scrupulous....maybe I chose you to be my lover isn't wrong..o////u////o..."
~ End Douglas's POV~

_ Douggie,we're done!Come here and enjoy this Christmas party with us!! XD
_ Sure,mom...8D- he runs to the table and looks around- uhmmm...that's sooo delicious!! O u o
_ Yes,Randy help us a lot,good job,son...this guy is your best "lover" ever xD-Mr.Davington's teasing at him.
_ O/////-////O..yah,ahahaha...you're worked hard,Randy...Thanks a lot...*kisses Randy's cheek* OKAY...LET'S EAT!!!I CAN'T WAIT!!! 8///D
_ O///w///o-surprised- yahhh....
After the big party of Douglas's family...they start to eat chocolate and drink some tea,they talk each other happily....

~Randy's POV~
" What a cozy and happiness family!They're so lovely If my parents still alive,I can enjoy the Christmas Eve entirety like this...^\\\\^"
~ End Randy's POV~

_ Ohh yah,Randy,why don't you let your parents here?...That will be more fun if they here,too o u o
Randy smiles gently....
_ Thanks you so much,ma'am...but...they're both dead...by my ex-boyfriend 3 years ago..^^
_ OA o|||....Your ex???
_ Yes, U U|||...I brought a murder into my family..that guy..he killed my parents because I broke up with him....*cries a bit*....I'm really regret..Why don't I learn how to protect myself?I thought that my family's bodyguards can protect us and one day...he raped me...Q n Q....
Douglas and his parents really surprised and sad for Randy's terrible past.....

~ Mrs.Davington's POV~
" Even this boy is gay...but...he's kind and adorable...
Maybe I should support for your love..you and my son...that's sound interesting,isn't it? O u O"
~ End Mrs. Davington's POV~

Douglas hugs Randy tightly,he also shocked about Randy's story....Inside Randy's flirty and thirsty appearance is a broken heart filled hatre and damage.
_ No worry,Randy.From now,you have me.My family also your family,everything is mine also your,got it??? <|||u//<
_ Really?? *smirks dangerously*..everything is your also mine???So your muscular body will be mine one more time tonight...<\\\u\\\\<
_ = A =|||...Stop being so thirsty,Randie~
_ You're dumber than I thought,Douggie <\\u\\<- smirks and bites his lip sexily
They had a hilarious conversation while they're hugging each other...
_ OU O|||...What are you talking about?muscular body?will be mine tonight?? O U O|||- Mrs. Davington complete confused.
_ = W =||...Anyway,Randy,you can sleepover here if you want to o u o..sleep with Douglas..How? O u o
_ DDDD////8....DAD!!!SERIOUSLY??
_ < A <...Douggie~~Randy's your lover,why can't he sleep with you?
Randy uses "puppy eyes" with Douglas...
_ O U O
_ Okay,sure...<\\\\\\<||||
But don't "make out" with him even when you feel "uncomfortable" like that "beautiful night" in R&D Bar,got it? < u <
_ <\\\\u\\\<...You can't escape,baby-Randy's looking at Douglas's butt.
O///////////o.....GWAHAAAAAAA!!!! D///X-Douglas runs to his room embarrassingly...
_ Ahahahahaha xD

Randy sits with Douglas's parents to talk with them a little bit,he can feel the love of Douglas's parents for him...They talked happily with each other....This is the warmest and happiest Christmas Eve of Randy Paitora......

~ End chap 3 part 2~

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