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các câu giao tiếp thường gặp trong các kì thi Tôt nghiệp THPT và ĐH - CĐ   Choose the best answer:

1.Peter: “How do you do?” – Mary: “___________”

A.Yeah,OK B. Not too bad. C. How do you do? D. I’m well.Thank you

2.Lam: “Bye!”- Lan “_________.”

A.See you lately B. See you later C.Thank you D. Meet you again

3.John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “____________”

A.Good lock. B. It’s nice of you to say so. 

C.That’s a good idea. D.Congratulation!

4.Hung: “Would you like to have dinner with me?”- Lam: “__________.”

A.Yes, I’d love to B. I’m very happy C.Yes,it is D.Yes,so do I

5.Peter: “I enjoy listening to pop music.”- Maria: “_________.”

A. I’m, too B. I don’t C. Neither do I D. So am I

6.Ann: “Are you going to visit Britain next month?” – Kim: “Yes,_______.”

A. I am B. I do C. I like D. I going

7.Bod: “James is a very brave(dũng cảm ) man.”- David: “Yes,I wish I _________ his courage.( sự dũng cảm)”

A. Had B. will have C. have had D. have

8.David: “You’ve got a beautiful dress!” – Helen: “________.”

A. I do B. Thanks for your compliment(‘kompim3nt) lời khen ngợi C.You, too D. Okay

9.Sue: “I love pop music.” – Alice: “____________.”

A. I do, too B.No, I won’t C.Yes, I like it D. Neither do I

10.Ann: “What do you usually do on Sundays?” – Mary: “__________.”

A. I used to drive to work B. I’d be sleeping all day 

C. I’m not doing anything D. I usually sleep until noon

11.Jack: “I’ve got to go, Sarah. So long.” – Sarah: “So long, Jack. And_____.”

A.be careful B.don’t hurry C. take care D.don’t take it seriously

12.Mary: “That’s a very nice skirt you’re wearing.”- Julia: “_________.”

A.That’s nice B. I like it C. That’s all right D. I’m glad you like it

13.David: “Happy Christmas!”- Jason: “____________”

A.You are the same! B. Same for you! C. The same to you! D. Happy Christmas with you!

14.A: “________?”- B: “Once a week.”

A. How often do you go shopping B. How much do you want

C. Are you sure D. When will you get there

15. A: “Sorry I’m late.” – B: “____________.”

A. OK B. Don’t worry C. Hold the line, please D. Go ahead

16. A: “Good morning. My name is Turner. I have a reservation.” – B: “____________.”

A. What do you want? B. Yes, a single room for two nights.

C. I haven’t decided yet. What about you? D. What do you like?

17. Mary: “I’ve got an interview for a job tomorrow.” – Peter: “____________.”

A. Thank you B. Same to me C. Good luck D. See you

18. A: “Thank you for the lovely present.” – B: “____________.”

A. Go ahead B. Not at all C. Come on D. I’m pleased you like it.

19. A: “Are you coming on Saturday?” – B: “____________.”

A. I’m afraid not B. I’m afraid not to C. I’m afraid to D. I’m afraid I don’t

20. A: “____________ do they travel abroad?” – B: “Once a year.”

A. When B. How C. What time D. How often

21. Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “____________.”

A. I know so B. Well, I hope so C. I think not D. Yes, that’s right

22. Trung: “I’m getting married next week.” – Nguyen: “____________.”

A. Thanks, the same to you B. Congratulations! C. Well done! D. Sorry to hear that

23. A: “How’s life?” – B: “____________.”

A. Sure B. Not too bad, but very busy 

C. Very well, thank you D. Pleased to meet you

24. A: “Excuse me, what’s the time?” – B: “Sorry. I ____________.”

A. don’t see B. do not have a watch C. won’t know D. know

25. A: “Are you free this coming Sunday?” – B: “____________”

A. Yes, I will B. No, thank you C. Yes, I can D. I think so. Why?

26. A: “____________” – B: “Certainly”

A. Welcome back! B. What are you doing there? 

C. I’m sorry I am late D. May I borrow a pencil , please?

27. A: “Are you hungry?” – B: “____________”

A. Yes, I do B. Soon C. Right now D. Yes, a little

28. A: “Would you like some more tea?” – B: “____________”

A. Yes, please B. Here you are C. It doesn’t matter D. I’m OK

29. Hello, my name’s John. ____________ to meet you

A. Please B. I am very well C. Pleased D. Thank you

30. ____________? He’s OK now.

A. What is he B. How is he C. How tall is he D. What’s he like

31. Peter: “Thanks a lot for your wonderful gift.” – Mary: “____________”

A. You are welcome (k dám , k có gì cần cảm ơn tôi đâu) B. Thank you C. Cheers D. Have a good day

32. Dona: “ What’s your name?” – Helen: “____________”

A. Really? B. Pardon? C. OK D. Forgive me

33. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “____________”

A. Don’t mention it B. I’m glad you enjoy it C. Yes, I’d like that D. Yes, that would be very nice

34. A: “I hope to see you again.” – B: “____________”

A. I hope so, too B. Good enough 

C. Thank you D. I realy enjoy meeting you, too.

35. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” – “____________”

A. Yes, thanks a lot B. No, thanks you C. Yes, please D. No, you are welcome

36. Charles: “ Excuse me ….Mr. Ward?” – Mr. Ward: “____________?”

A. Eh! What co dấu ? mà B. Yes C. No D. Thank you

37. A: “Let’s meet for a coffee tonight.” – B: “____________”

A. I hope not B. I’m afraid I can C. Yes, let’s D. Yes, thank you

38. A: “____________?” – B: “Yes. I want to send some flowers to my wife in Italy”

A. Do you like flowers B. What do you like C. Can you help me D. Can I help you.

39. A: “What’s ____________ , Peter?” You don’t look very happy.

A. matter B. problem C. the matter D. that

40. A: “Jenny, I passed my exam.” – Jenny: “____________”

A. Oh! B. Oh! Good luck C. Congratulations! D. Ouch!

41. “ Is she coming to the party tonight ?” – “___________ ” . I ca’t stand seeing her behaviour.”

A. I don’t think so B. I hope so C. I don’t hope so D. I hope not 

42. “ Are you going to be in town next Saturday?” – “ ___________ . I am in the countryside visiting my grandparents.”

A. No B.Yes C.Surely D. Certainly

43. “ Where are you from ?” – “…………………………………”

A. Vietnamese thuộc về VN, ng' Việt) B. American C. Chinese D. California

44. “…………………” was he driving when the accident happened?” – “ About 60 kilometres an hour.”

A. How far B. How quick C. How fast D. How long

45. “ I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!” – “……………………………”

A. What a shame ! B. What a pity ! C. Me too. D. What’s happened?

46. Alice: “ What shall we do this evening?” – Carol: “ ……………………………”

A. Let’s go out for dinner. B. Oh, that’s good! 

C. No problem D. I went out for dinner

47. Maria: “ I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.” – Sarah: “ ………………!”

A. Good chance B. Good time C.Good day D. Good luck

48. Helen: “ Where do you come from? “- Ann: “ ………………………”

A. In London B. Yes, I have just come here 

C. I’m living in London D. I come from London

49. Maria: “ I’m taking my end-of-term examination tomoorrow.” – Ann: “ ………………………”

A. Good luck B. Good day C. Good time D. Good chance

50. “ How do you do?” – “…………………………”

A. How do you do? B. Good morning C. Very well, thanks. D. I’m fine, thanks.

51. “………………………… do you go to the dentist’s?” - “ Twice a year.”

A. When B.Why C.How D. How often

52. A:………………………………………- B: By bus.

A.What do you go to school? B. Do you go to school by bus ? 

C. Who are you taken to school by ? D. How do you come to school?

53. I’m Charles, from Continental Computers. How do you do?- …………………………………………�� �?

A. How are you ? B. How do you do ? C. Pleased to meet you D. B and C are correct

54. “ Thank you for coming to meet us” – “ ………………………”

A. You are welcomed B. Same to you C. Thank you too D. Not at all 

55. Shop assistant: “ ……………” – Customer: “ I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my girl friend.”

A. What do you want? B. Pleased to meet you. 

C. How are you? D. Good morning, can I help you ?

56. A: “ ……………………?” B: “ Yes, I’d like some information about trains, please.”

A: Can I help you? B. May I help you ? C. What can I do for you? D. All are correct

57. “ Thanks for your help.” – “……………………………”

A. You are welcomed B. That’s all right C. Thank you, too D. The same to you

58. A: Does Maria speak English well? – B: ………………………… . 

A. Yes. I do B. I think not C. I don’t think so D. She thinks so

59. Helen: “ May I introduce you to Mary, Peter ?” – Peter: “ …………………………………?”

A. How are you, Mary? B. How do you do, Mary? 

C. Pleased to meet you, Mary D. B and C are correct

60. A: “ How about a biscuit?” – B: ………………………… . I’m on a diet.

A. Yes, please B. Yes, thank you C. No, thanks D. It’s OK

61. A: When do you want them? – B: ……………………………

A. Last week B. Yes, of course C. Good afternoon D. As soon as possible

62. “ I need some ice. Can you get some from the fridge for me?” – “ …………………………………”

A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Certainly D. Yes, thank you

63. “ Thank you very much for the wonderful gift.” – “ …………………………”

A. Good luck B. Don’t mention it C. Congratulations D. You are welcome

64. “ Let’s eat out tonight!” – “………………………”

A. Ok. Why not? B. Congratulations C. Good luck ! D. Yes, I will

65. “ Congratulation on your success!” – “ ……………………………”

A. Not at all B. Thank you C. All right D. The same to you

66. “……………………………is Mr.Brown going to retire?”

– “ Soon, I think. He has been working for this company for nearly 30 years.”

A. When B. How long C. Why D. Who is she

67. “ Have you ever met the girl over there?” – “ No. ……………………?”

A. I don’t B. I have C Why not D. Who is she

68. “ The room is too hot. ………………if I turn the fan on?” – “ No”

A. Do you mind B. Would you like C. Do you like D. Could you please

69. How………………was your holiday? – One week.

A. long B. big C. soon D. well

70. A: Is Monday possible for you? – B: ………………………… .

A. I hope so,too B. Yes, that’s fine 

C. Thank you D. I really enjoy meeting you

71. A: “ ……………………………” - B: “ I’ve got no idea.”

A. It’s your turn B. Are you tired? C. Let’s go D. What about you ?

72. Brenda: “ Do you think it will rain?” – Carol: “ Oh! ……………………………”

A. I don’t hope B. I hope not C. I don’t hope so D. It’s hopeless

73. A: May I borrow your pen for a minute, please? – B:…………………………… .

A. Yes, certainly B. Yes, thank you C. No, thanks D. No, of course

74. A: How old are you, Mr.Bull? – B: ……………………………

A. I’m fine, thanks B. I’m OK 

C. Very well thanks and you? D. What! I don’t like personal questions!

75. “ Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.” – “ Goodbye. ……………………… .”

A. Me too B. You’re welcome C. Not at all D. The same to you

76. “ Sorry, I’m late.” - “ …………………………… . We haven’t started yet.”

A. Don’t worry B. Thank you C. You are welcome D. Why 

77. Customer: “ Waiter! I’d like the menu, please.” – “……………………………”

A. But I don’t like B. Here are you,sir C. Here you are sir D. Yes, thank you

78. “ I am having an examination tomorrow.” – “…………………………………”

A. Congratulations! B. Goodluck! C. Be careful D. Why?

79. “ What are you doing, Hung?” – “……………………………… .Why?”

A. No B. Not C. None D. Nothing

80. “ Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” – “ Yes. …………… . Where can we meet?”

A. I would B. I will C. I’d love to D. I like

81. A: Have a cigarette. – B: ______________ . I am trying to stop.

A. No, thanks B. Thank you C. Not at all D. Come on 

82. A: _______________ ? - 25 

A. How long does it take to get there B. How old are you

C. How much is that D. How are you 

83. “ Can I carry the bag for you? It seems very heavy. ” – “ ____________ . I can manage.”

A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. Sorry D. You are welcome

84. “ Have a good holiday, Petter!” - “ ___________ , Mary.”

A. You too B. You will C. You do D. You have 

85. “ Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready.” – “ __________ .”

A. Yes, please B. I hope so C. I hope not D. That is a good idea 

86. “ ____________ ?” – “ I am very well thanks.”

A. How do you do B. How are you C. Are you well D. What are you like 

87. “ How do you do?” – “ ________________”

A. I’m fine, thanks B. I’m very well C. Please to meet you D. How do you do 

88. “How about having a drive to the countryside this weekend?” – “ ______________ ”

A. Not at all B. You are welcome C. No, thanks D. That’s a good idea

89. Anne: “Make yourself at home.” _ John: “___________”

A. Yes, Can I help you? B. Not at all. Don’t mention it 

C. Thanks! Same to you D. That’s very kind. Thank you

90. Trung: “Why do you think most people learn English?” – Phong: “_____________ .”

A. All of them are B. I heard it was very good 

C. Very often it’s to get a better job D. Because I like it 

91. John: “What kind of job would you like?” – Mike: “ __________________ ”

A. Is there a good chance of promotion? B. I’m good at computing 

C. Anytime after next week D. Anything to do with computers

92. “Oh, no, I’m late for my appointment. ___________. ”

A. Catch you now B. Catch you later C. Nice to see you again D. Pleased to meet you 

93. Linda: “ Excuse me! Where’s the nearest police station?” – Maria: “ ____________ .”

A. It’s over there B. I’m afraid not C. Don’t worry D. Yes, I think so 

94. Tom: “ How did you go to this city?” – John: “ _______________ .”

A. I came here by the coach B. I came here by train 

C. I came here last night D. I came here by foot 

95. Hung: “ Thank you very much for a lovely party.” – Hoa: “ _____________ .”

A. Thanks B. Have a good day C. You are welcome D. Cheers 

96. Brenda: “ Do you think it will rain?” – Carol: “ Oh, _________________ .”

A. I don’t hope B. I hope not C. I don’t hope so D. It’s hopeless 

97. Tom: “ Congratulations!” – John: “ ______________ .”

A. What a pity! B. Thank you C. I’m sorry D. You are welcome 

98. Dora: “What’s your name?” – Helen: “ _______________ .”

A. Really? B. Pardon? C. OK. D. Forgive me 

99. Janet: “ Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” – Susan: “ _____________ .”

A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid B. You are welcome 

C. That would be great D. I feel very boring 

100. Laura: “ What a lovely house you have!” – Maria: “ ______________ .”

A. Of course not, it’s not costly B. Thank you. Hope you will drop in 

C. I think so D. No problem 

101. “ _________ detective stories?” – “ In my opinion, they are very good for teenagers.”

A. How about B. What do you think about 

C. Are you fond of D. What do people feel about 

102. A: “Would you mind lending me your bike?” – B: “ ____________ .”

A. Yes, let’s B. Yes. Here it is C. Great D. Not at all

103. John: “Has an announcement been made about the eight o’clock flight to Paris? ” 

– Mary: “ ____________ .”

A. Sorry, I don’t B. Yes, it was C. I don’t think that D. Not yet 

104. Anne: “Thanks for a nice gift!” – John: “ _______________ ”

A. In fact, I myself don’t like it. B. You are welcomed.

C. I’m glad you like it. D. But you know how much it costs? 

105. Peter: “Thanks for coming. What a nice gift you’ve brought us!” – Mary: “ _______________ ”

A. I’m glad you like it B. You are welcome C. The same to you D. Not at all

106. Hung: “You have a good voice. You sang so beautifully!” – Lan: “____________ .”

A. The same to you B. You, too 

C. Thanks for your compliment D. Thank a lot 

107. Trung: “ You’re certainly a smart student.” – Phong: “ ______________ .”

A. Congratulations B. I don’t think so C. I don’t hope so D. Good luck 

108. A: When do children in Vietnam go to primary school?; - B: “ ________________ .”

A. At 6 years B. At the age of six years old 

C. When they are 6 D. When they are 6 old years

109. Pete: “Hi, Michael. What’s going on?” – Michael: “ Nothing special, Pete. ________ with you?”

A. What’s up B. Have you got C. Nothing new D. Not much 

110. A: __________ do you like reading? - B: Well, I like reading all sorts of books.

A. How B. Why C. What kind of books D. When 

111. What do you think of these stories? - ______________ .

A. They are OK B. Yes I do C. I don’t think D. I think of them 

112. “ ___________ ” ? _ “ He is OK now.”

A. What is he B. How is he C. How tall is he D. What’s he like 

113. A: “Excuse me. It’s a bit stuffy in here. __________ ?” 

B: “ No, I don’t mind at all. I feel like some fresh air, too.”

A. Do you mind if I open the window B. Do you mind opening the window 

C. Can you open the window for me D. Could you open the window 

114. A: Is it going to rain tonight? – B: _____________ .

A. I don’t hope so B. I hope not C. I think not D. Yes, I am 

115. “ _________ eating out tonight? ” _ “ That’s a good idea.”

A. Would you B. How about C. How are you D. Are they 

116. “Would you like a cup of coffee? ” – “ ____________ .”

A. Yes, I do B. Yes, I like C. Yes, I would D. Yes, please 

117. “ __________ ?” _ “ I have got a terrible headache.”

A. What’s the matter with you B. What’s the wrong with you 

C. What’s happened with you D. What’s problem with you 

118. “ Have a nice weekend!” – “ Thank you. ___________ ”

A. Me too B. Same to you C. The same to you D. The same with you 

119. Bob: “ James is a very brave man.” _ David: “ Yes. I wish I __________ his courage.”

A. had B. will have C. have had D. have 

120. David: “ You’ve got a beautiful dress!” – Helen: “ ___________ . ”

A. I do B. Thank you C. You, too D. Okay

121. “What is your hobby, Lan?”


A. Well, I like shopping B.Well, I want sugar C.Oh, with you D.Oh, I live here

122. …………….is that over there, Lan?

A. Who B. How C. What D. Where

123. What’s……………..new house like? It’s very nice. He loves it.

A. hers B. his C. her D. him

124.A: “What a beautiful dress. I like it” – B:“……………………………..”

A. Don’t mention it B. Your welcome

C.It’s nice of you to say so D.I feel happy to hear that

125. How are you, today? – “………………………”

A.I’m 18 years old B. It’s very nice C.It’s kind of you to help me D. Very well,thanks

126. I got mark 4 for my English test.

A. How interesting B. Poor you. C. Thanks a lot D. It’s a good new

127 “…………………………” - “ Oh, That sounds interesting”

A.How are the cakes? B. What cakes do you like? 

C. What do you think about the cakes? D. Would you like some cakes?

128. Customer: Excuse me? Shopkeeper : Yes, …………………………….?

A. Can you help me B. How can I help you C. what happens D. help me

129. “I have some lucky money for you.Happy new year” “………………………”

A. Great.Thanks B. Have a nice day C. Good luck D. What a pity!

130. How often do you go swimming, Linda? - ………………………………

A. I guess I’m OK B. once a week C.about one hour D. last night

131. How much time do you spend reading books? ………………………………….

A. Twice a week B. It’s 2 o’clock C. Two hours a day D. Once upon a time 

132. “ Thank you for helping me!” “……………….”

A. Thanks B. Goodbye C. You’re welcome D. It’s nice to meet you

133. A: “ ……………………?” B: “ Yes, I’d like some information about trains, please.”

A: Can I help you?

B. May I help you ? 

C. What can I do for you?

D. All are correct

134. “ I’m afraid I can’t come to your birthday party this weekend!” – “……………………………”

A. What a shame ! (thật đáng hổ thẹn)

B. What a pity ! (thật đáng tiếc)

C. Me too. 

D. What’s happened? 

135. Alice: “ What shall we do this evening?” – Carol: “ ……………………………”

A. Let’s go out for dinner. 

B. Oh, that’s good! 

C. No problem 

D. I went out for dinner

136. Maria: “ I’m taking my driving test tomorrow.” – Sarah: “ ………………!”

A. Good chance 

B. Good time 

C.Good day 

D. Good luck

137. Helen: “ Where do you come from? “- Ann: “ ………………………”

A. In London 

B. Yes, I have just come here 

C. I’m living in London 

D. I come from London

138. “ Thanks for your help.” – “……………………………”

A. You are welcomed (thừa chữ''d''=> loại)

B. That’s all right( dùng đáp lại lời cảm ơn)

C. Thank you, too

D. The same to you

Hoặc có thể trả lời You are welcome

139. A: Does Maria speak English well? – B: ………………………… . 

A. Yes. I do 

B. I think not 

C. I don’t think so 

D. She thinks so

140. I’m Charles, from Continental Computers. How do you do?- …………………………………………�� �?

A. How are you ?

B. How do you do ? 

C. Pleased to meet you 

D. B and C are correct

141. “ Thank you for coming to meet us” – “ ………………………”

A. You are welcomed 

B. Same to you 

C. Thank you too 

D. Not at all 

142. Shop assistant: “ ……………” – Customer: “ I’m trying to find a Christmas present for my girl friend.”

A. What do you want? 

B. Pleased to meet you. 

C. How are you? 

D. Good morning, can I help you ?

143. Linda: “Excuse me! Where’s the post office?” - Maria:”…………………………………�� �….”

A. It’s over there 

B. Don’t worry 

C. I’m afraid of 

D. Yes. I think so 

144. John:” I got mark 4 for my English test.” - Ann:”………………………..”

A. How interesting 

B. Poor you.

C. Thanks a lot 

D. It’s a good new

145. A: “Good bye. Have a nice weekend” – B: “……………….!”

A. Excuse me 

B. Nice to meet you

C. I’m sorry

D. The same to you

146. A: “Thank you for helping me!” - B. “………………..” 

A. Thanks 

B. Goodbye 

C. You’re welcome 

D. It’s nice to meet you

147. A: “Hello. My name is Thu .Nice to meet you.”

B: “Hello. ………………… . Pleased to meet you.”

A. That’s fine. 

B. Really? 

C. Good 

D. I’m Susan .

148 . A:”Let’s meet for a coffee tonight .” – B:”………………….”

A. I hope not

B. I’m afraid I can 

C. Yes ,let’s 

D. Yes , thank you

149 Hung: “Thank you very much for a lovely party.” 

- Hoa: ” ……………………… “ 

A. Thanks 

B. Have a good day

C. You are welcome

D. Cheers

150. A: ”Thank you for coming to meet us”

B: “…………………..”

A. You are welcomed 

B. Same to you 

C. Thank you too 

D. Not at all

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