Dreamscape {Hobbit Fanfic}

Dreamscape {Hobbit Fanfic}

186 4 5

It has been said time and time again that if you dream of someone, they are dreaming about you. - And vice versa. What if that wasn't entirely untrue? Meet Elena, a woman who accidentally discovers the wonders of Middle Earth and its occupants.Is she just a random woman? Or is there more to her then meets the eye?DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything related to The Hobbit, any songs, quotes, poems, gifs, or pictures. They all belong to their rightful owners! I Only own the plot twists & my OC(s)IMPORTANT INFO: I have a serious case of Epilepsy, It's highly rare called "uncontrolled and drug resistant." In the very near future I am heading for brain surgery. I have them every day. In total, I have 5 different types of seizures. 14 meds a day. When I have 1 seizure, it takes up to 3hrs to regain my energy. (I once had 50 seizures in the hospital.) Often times I have accidents from them. I hope you can understand why I Can't update regularly such as "every other Thursday." Etc.I'd like to thank those who will read this story! ♥️ - Saturday, October 23rd, 2022…

Destiny Has Spoken {Hobbit Fanfic}

Destiny Has Spoken {Hobbit Fanfic}

61 6 3

"Normal." Does that term even exist? If so, what exactly is it? For I would very much like to know. I have never really fit in anywhere. Always standing out. No matter how hard I try to stick to the shadows, to blend in. And perhaps I stood out for a reason. My "story" started at a very young age. Around the age of seven if I remember correctly. I started having visions, memories, of another life. My young self wasn't sure what they were until I grew older. Then I realized... They weren't just dreams. Dreams didn't make one feel pain when they awoke. Dreams didn't feel as if one could reach out and touch the people. They were so realistic it was unbelievable. Several questions remained throughout several years, - 'Who were they?' - 'What does "Kurdu." Mean?' - 'Why are they calling me Laela? (Lay-la) and Traveller?'- 'Why do I look different?'- 'Who is the strange man with a blue hat and yellow shoes?'- 'And what about the River Woman's Daughter?'Eventually, little did I know... I would find out.DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own anything related to The Hobbit. All rights goto J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson.I also do NOT own any pictures, songs, quotes, poems that you may see and/or hear. Those also belong to their rightful owners.IMPORTANT INFO: I have a severe health issue named Epilepsy (seizures) it is drug resistant and uncontrolled. Meaning, I have them every day and often end up in the ER. Each seizure has me recovering for 1-3 hours. I hope you can understand. This health issue alone will leave me unable to update for days, weeks, sometimes months. I apologize in advance.…

Dealing With Darkness {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC

Dealing With Darkness {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC

5,952 176 28

"I know what I bring to the table...So trust me when I say I'm not afraid to eat alone." Rhiannon spoke, staring coldly into their eyes.~*~*~*~*~The Kingdom of Loviel - home of Rhiannon Myra Luxford. Eldest sister of four siblings, her parents - the King and Queen, many staff, servants, and peasants. Most being the race of men and dwarves some elves, and occasionally a Wizard or Witch.However, The Royals are Special, not quite 100% human, nor any other race well-known in Middle Earth. This goes back to the very first Luxford. Each one getting stronger. They're well known for their abilities. People often seek their council, even elves, wizards and witches.Tragedy hits, but what can possibly make Rhiannon so against the world? So cold and angry? Will it effect her gifts?Can the darkness be lifted from her soul? - Can she be saved from herself?~*~*~*~"What would you do to save the one you cared for?" He asked."Anything." Was the reply."Good, laddie." He patted him on the shoulder. "We'll save the lass, no matter the cost.""Thank you, friend."~*~*~*~*~IMPORTANT NOTE: This Hobbit FanFiction is a "rollercoaster" there will be many emotions, possibly mention of self harm (possibly, Probably Not - but maybe.) This story isn't for those who don't like stories with tragedies. This will have...plenty. But a good ending. The beginning has to start out iffy, to get better, right? Life has to well... Change her.At first you may think there's too many "tears, crying"..etc. keep in mind she's lost what she loves most.DISCLAIMER: I DON'T own anything related to the Hobbit which belongs to J.R.R Tolkien, and Peter Jackson, nor HBO's Reign, or BBC'S Merlin they all belong to their rightful owners. I'm borrowing their characters. If you see/hear any songs, quotes, pictures, gifs those as well belong to their rightful owners.I own the plot twists, OC(s) and certain life events that have actually happened to me in this story.…

Oh Snap Important Announcements!

Oh Snap Important Announcements!

15 3 3

This one, is to keep my Readers and Followers "up to date." On Very important things, so when something happens I don't need to post it in every story I have. ... If that makes sense?I hope you'll add this to you're library to stay up to update! Drastic changes have happened and I'll keep you posted.I own any and every art work you may see. It IS made by me, with a copyright © seal.Thank you for reading this 💜…

Reborn {Hobbit Fanfic}

Reborn {Hobbit Fanfic}

179 8 2

She was homesick for someone she had not yet met.Beatrice, a complete mystery. No other way to describe her. Born not on Middle Earth, but Has knowledge of it's beings. Not from books, nor movies. But Visions. - Which she calls "odd Dreams." Not knowing that they're Visions. Her mother, Amelia has told her stories of mythical beings, fairy tales all her life. Along with children's books.Her favorite - Harry Potter, and the bird faux. - What happens when Beatrice discovers that she's not exactly...normal?- How will Beatrice meet the odd bunch known as Thorin Oakenshield's Company?- Will she have a purpose - one to help them along the journey, or will she have to find another way to help?- What do her visions tell her?- How will the people of Middle Earth react?~*~*~*~*~"Do you know what the greatest gift anyone can receive in their lifetime?The greatest gift we can receive is to have the chance, just once in our lives, To make a difference." -Stephen Strange~*~*~*~I DO NOT own anything related to The Hobbit which belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and Peter Jackson. I also do NOT own any pictures, songs, quotes, poems, fairy tales, or lullaby's and anything else you may recognize. My main (grown) OC is Tathariel on Pinterest who does cosplay. I only own my OC's and Plot Twists.…

Hidden Destiny {Hobbit Fanfic}

Hidden Destiny {Hobbit Fanfic}

52 2 1

An outcast, unknown to her holds a great destiny. Others around her can see that she's special, but she wants nothing to do with what she beholds. It will only bring trouble. Can she trust those around her?Why is she being hunted? - Is there more then one reason?Will she follow the advice of two wise beings?How will her past shape her?In the end, will she betray or save them?DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien and the wonderful movies by Peter Jackson. I also Do NOT own any songs, pictures, quotes, poems, nor do I own any hidden references from movies/books/shows. They all belong to their rightful owners!I Only own my OC's and plot twists!Feel free to leave comments, reactions, and/or likesIMPORTANT INFO: I have a severe case of epilepsy, which requires brain surgery. I have them daily, which makes me extremely tired. And causes migraines along with other side-effects.…

The Valar's Chosen {Hobbit Fanfic}

The Valar's Chosen {Hobbit Fanfic}

407 20 2

What happens when The Valar see what's to come in Middle Earth to their creations? The horrors and deaths that will happen? This time, they won't let their creations suffer, at least not without some help. They create a being. Half elven-half shape-shifter. - Who will she meet?- Where will life take her?- Will they know it's her?- Who will she help along the way?- Where will this half-breed stay?- Will she find a place to call home?- Did the Valar match her soul with another's?- When in history will this take place?- How will they meet? - Most importantly, Who will she meet?DISCLAIMER: I DON'T own anything related to The Hobbit. The wonderful works of J.R.R Tolkien, Peter Jackson who put faces to the names of Tolkien's characters that we all love and cherish. Nor do I own Marita Tathariel from Pinterest. She will be my OC. And pictures, songs, quotes, poems, riddles...etc belong to their rightful owners! I only own the Name of my OC(s) and Plot Twists.IMPORTANT INFO: I have a serious health condition named Epilepsy (seizures) I have them Daily, especially with Covid-19 going on, now. Stress is a trigger. It will keep me from updating a basic schedule. Every time I have a seizure, I have to sleep for a few hours to regain my energy. I hope you can understand 💜…

Gotta Have Faith {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/Oc

Gotta Have Faith {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/Oc

224 14 3

A woman with persistent, vivid dreams. Dwarves who take her in, befriend her, make her family.Problem? Each time she wakes up - the woman forgets them. Like the dreams never happened.Just how complicated do things get?Will she eventually end up in Middle Earth, the land she loves? ~*~*~*~"Your destiny lies in Middle Earth."~*~*~*~"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."~*~*~*~DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except my OC(s) and plot twists. Everything else belongs to J.R.R Tolkien, Peter Jackson, the songs to their rightful owners, as well as the pictures those belong to the rightful artists! I also don't own any poems nor quotes you may see.IMPORTANT INFO: I have a serious health issue named Epilepsy (Seizures) which will cause me to be offline many days, and also cause me to not update quite a few days/weeks in a row. Why? I'm often at my doctors (sometimes in the hospital for testing for weeks), and a seizure can quite literally "knock me down" and keep me out for a day to a week or two, depending on how severe it is, if I got injured it could be a year. It's complicated... If you have questions, feel free to ask! 💜…

The Dragon Rider of Zoria {Hobbit Fanfic}

The Dragon Rider of Zoria {Hobbit Fanfic}

913 16 3

Zoria. Was not all that it seemed. It's a land of Dragons. The only city in Middle Earth known to have tame Dragons, and Dragon Riders. A treaty between the Dwarves of Erebor and Zoria was struck. But once Thror heard wind of Smaug, a Fire Drake from the North - he thought Zoria came to attack them. To break their treaty. Thror soon called War upon Zoria, and it did not end well..."And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became Legend. Legend became Myth..."Who will join Thorin's Quest?What will happen during the War?When will she show herself to the world?Where is Zoria? Why make an alliance?How do the dragons of Zoria act? Are they like the Fire Drakes of the North? Do they Covet Gold?"I seek revenge for wounds they have inflicted." She spat....."Sometimes you've got to do what you think is right and damn the consequences!" ~*~*~*~*~*~DISCLAIMER: I DON'T own anything! It all belongs to J.R.R Tolkien & Peter Jackson. Any pictures, songs, quotes you may see belong to their rightful owners. As do J.R.R Tolkien's languages. The character you will see, is Katie McGrath from BBC's Merlin. (Morgana) I ONLY own my OC(s), plot twists, city name, and story title.IMPORTANT INFO: I have a serious health issue named Epilepsy (seizures) and it will keep me from updating from time to time. Any A/N's will have emoji's such as 🏥 .…

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost {Hobbit Fanfic}

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost {Hobbit Fanfic}

255 9 2

She knew not how powerful the magic was inside her. Left alone, abandoned by her family as a baby. They cast her out and left her to die. Or so she thought. What was she? The girl, now woman had no idea of her heritage. Little did they know that not only would her powers would save many, they may just save Middle Earth.Kili/OCDISCLAIMER: I own nothing related to The Hobbit - the rights belong to J.R.R Tolkien & Peter Jackson. I also don't own anything related to Frozen 2 (which inspired this story - go see it people!) Sansa Stark, of course belongs to Game of Thrones. All songs, poems, etc belong to their rightful owners. I only own my OC(s)(Sophie Turner/Sansa Stark as my main character)IMPORTANT INFORMATION: I have a severe health issue named Epilepsy (seizures) which will require me to recover A Lot. I have them Daily. So, I unfortunately can't update on a weekly schedule.ALSO: I'm training a Seizure Alert and Assistance Dog to detect my seizures. It's quite the challenge and takes up most of my time. I hope you can understand 💜 (wear purple for Epilepsy!)…

Flaming Desire {Hobbit Fanfic}

Flaming Desire {Hobbit Fanfic}

268 11 3

A woman, related to a well-known being. A half-breed, of two races. Hunted down for centuries. What will become of her? Where will she end up? - Certainly not where she expected!The Lady of Light saw in the future a great destiny, but also great loss shall the woman chose the wrong path. There were in fact many paths. Each contained something that would change Middle Earth. Whether it be Love, Loss, or War. Her name? Serafina (Sara-feen-ah)However, this was not your average everyday woman. She was something much more special. - For what race were their ancestors? What was she?DISCLAIMER: I do NOT in any way own The Hobbit which belongs to J.R.R Tolkien and the movies that belong to Peter Jackson. I also Don't own any songs, poems, quotes, or pictures! They all belong to their rightful owner(s).The person portraying my main OC is named: Marita Tathariel, and you'll find her on Pinterest.All pictures of her, belong to that artist/actress/model!I only own the plot twists and my OC(s) names.IMPORTANT INFO: I have a disability named Epilepsy (seizures) which takes up far too much of my time. Mine is uncontrolled. Meaning the meds I'm on don't work. Basically: I'll update when my body lets me.…

Kenna {Hobbit Fanfic}

Kenna {Hobbit Fanfic}

889 30 6

Thorin, Fili and Kili. Their deaths were a grave mistake - Dáin was never meant to rule Erebor. The Valar chose the Durin's that we're hunted by Azog and Bolg to rule. They had great futures ahead of them! Yet... They died. So how will history right itself? Who will help them on the Quest to Erebor?What will they think?Will Everyone meet - again?Where exactly Is Bilbo?Why do the Valar allow time to be messed with in this case?How will things change?Possible romance? 🤔 If So, Who with? Fíli/OC, Kíli/OC, or Thorin/OC? Maybe there's multiple love interests! 😉 None at all? We'll see!What other things are there to be expected?…

Helplessly Hoping {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC

Helplessly Hoping {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC

696 16 3

Thorin Oakenshield, the leader of a band of Dwarves soon to set out on a journey to reclaim their home from a Dragon, which seems like a doomed quest if one thinks about it. Before - and during the quest Thorin has troubling dreams. Dreams about this dark haired girl in another land. And Gandalf notices Thorin's troubled face, for He has seen that look before.- Will they meet in person?- How does Gandalf know?- Will the others find out?- What mystery lies ahead that may change the quest?…

The Life Of An Epileptic (A True Story)

The Life Of An Epileptic (A True Story)

144 5 2

If you read this, you will indeed be reading my history of having Epilepsy. Also known as Seizures. And how they started. Be warned, there Will be dark parts nothing to make it 'mature'. However, if you've ever known anyone with a disability then you might know that it isn't easy to live with at times. In this, you'll learn what I've had to go through, what you can learn to help a person if you come across them having a seizure and much more. The picture, is me many years ago around the time they started. - I was highly bored and thought 'hey, why not try taking pictures of my shadow!' 🤔I hope you enjoy, and possibly learn a bit! Feel free to comment, or ask any questions!…

Natura The Wandering Nevin {Hobbit Fanfic}

Natura The Wandering Nevin {Hobbit Fanfic}

445 18 5

"As soon as the dead one rises, the lost one shall bring forth the doom of a kingdom. A needed meeting shall cause chaos, and the return of an enemy."Natura, not quite Elf, Dwarf, Man, Orc, Witch, nor Wizard. What it She? Found by A Witch, and the two Blue Wizards, Pallando and Alatar at a young age, they teach her all she needs to know, while she gets strange, unnatural powers. From where? That's unknown to many. But yet at the same time, very much needed! Why is she called a "Nevin"? (Nev-in) it's simple, she's a mix between two or more races. What are her powers?Will she embark on the Quest to reclaim Erebor?What are the two, or more races that make up Natura?How old will she live to be?Who, if she has a One, will it be?When was she found by Alatar and Pallando?Where will this roller coaster lead this odd redhead?Why, of all people was it the Blue Wizards who found her? - And what powers do They hold?Does Gandalf know their names this time? 🤔Thanks once again to SmilingActress101 for the Amazing Cover! You Never seem to amaze me with your skills!! 💓 Note: if your having trouble with a cover, try SmilingActress101 Hope you enjoy this story! My husband gave me this idea. And after using Google, asking for more ideas from my mom, and my husband I finally have a mild plot running through my head 😉-Lithôniel (Ashley), Element-Of-Dreams#4 in "treebeard", September 3rd, 2019…

What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Extended Edition Book 1

What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Extended Edition Book 1

57 5 3

(Title Doesn't relate to the Arkenstone!)This story will have the Extended Scenes in it, with small changes otherwise it's the same story as the other version! Of What Once Was Lost {Hobbit Fanfic} Book 1 A young girl, whose race is barely known to Middle Earth is put in danger when she, her mother, and many others have to flee their town by order of The Royal Family. Not long into the journey a tragedy occurs, leaving her alone and confused. Questions and problems appear throughout her life, such as - Where is the Key? She's already an outcast amongst those she lives with. What will happen when they have to trust an Outlaw of all people? Will they believe her, or push the girl away? Will her visions help, or be a menace? Would the Dwarves take the help of an Enemy to save their King? And, would she dare to betray them in the end? Last but not least...Is it too late? "What would you do for Thorin? To save his sanity?" I asked them.(2 Quests, not 1.)It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit. -J.R.R Tolkien. I think, all bookworms - especially those Fanfic lovers will agree to this -Someone else always has to carry on the story. -J.R.R Tolkien! Still 'round the corner, there may wait... A new road or a secret gate.-J.R.R Tolkien…

I'll Stand By You (Being combined with another story ❤️)
Staying Alive {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC

Staying Alive {Hobbit Fanfic} Thorin/OC

5,634 97 8

A young dwarven child is found one cold night on the outskirts of the Blue Mountains by a guard. Questions and problems slowly rise. For instance, Who left her their to die? Will they come back for her? What will The Royals decide to do with her? One thing is certain: Her fate is tied with a dark haired Dwarf. Where will this female Dwarf (Dwarrowdam) end up?Will someone take her in?If she's able to stay, will she eventually leave?What will be her reason for either staying, or going?Who's fate is tied to hers?And lastly, will she find the people who dropped her off at the Blue Mountains? - Does she even want to?…

In Another Lifetime {After Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/Tauriel Book 2

In Another Lifetime {After Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/Tauriel Book 2

463 10 3

SEQUEL to Amrâlimê (My Love) {Hobbit Fanfic} Book 1...In the first story:The Battle of the Five Armies, it re-united two races that were against each other to fight common foes. Orcs and other foul creatures.Atop Ravenhill, Thorin Oakenshield took his best warriors. Tauriel sacrificed herself for her One. How can there be a sequel when someone is dead?Will they see each other again?What magic does she Now behold?If they meet, will she remember him?And lastly, can they ever return?…

Hopeless Wanderer {Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/OC

Hopeless Wanderer {Hobbit Fanfic} Kili/OC

243 6 5

Before Celeborn there was Ólorin. The Lady Galadriel and Ólorin had been together for years. Their relationship hadn't led up to marriage yet, but they had a child. Her name? Nestoria. She was Half Elven, Half Istari. Making her quite unique. The family was complete, and stayed that way until Nestoria was of Elven age. Which was at 100 years. Then things started to go downhill. Her family fell apart. Galadriel and Ólorin now called Gandalf the Grey started to realize that their feelings weren't completely true for one another. So, He left to wander the Wilds and help those in need. Whilst Galadriel stayed in Lothlórien with their daughter, Nestoria. Who grew up to be a wise and powerful half-breed. Two thousand years later, Nestoria started her own journey and traveled Middle Earth. Along the way she met a Dwarf from Erebor who turned out to be her One. They had children, their first and eldest, Maethien (Maetha-ien) who had her grandmother's beauty and her mothers brain. The youngest was named Elwin (El-win) she looked more like her father, and acted like him too. One thing they both shared? Their grandparents powers. The siblings were a mix of Elf, Istar, and Dwarf. However, the siblings their mom and the father were unfortunately at Erebor when Smaug arrived. Who will be Maethien's One? What is she hiding?When will she find her Adad? *Father*Where will she come into the story?Why does she wander the Wilds?Who will live, and who will die?…