392 3 4

Envy is the most, sadistic, psychopath of all,Which in his vocabulary,is mean Pure evil,he was born in a way,that make his creation, Abaddone him and leave him be with his "mother"whose just using him,for her own goal,he work with her to achieve his revenge on his father,and he almost,have revenge on his hand,but...it is true he is a pure evil,is it true he is a monster,what people said,it is true he like working with "mother"to achieve his revenge,or is he simple is jealous everything,Jealous of his father with prefect life,Jealous his half-brother.Is it true of who is he,A evil or a broken…

villain/anti-hero/anti-villain maximum prison

villain/anti-hero/anti-villain maximum prison

1,489 11 27

welcome to a prison,that is locking a lot of dangerous criminal, monster,Hunan,devil and lot more,Join me into the insane mind of them,they crime and they goal.…

ideas of crossover

ideas of crossover

2,386 19 22

the tittle said all…



67 1 1

multiverse is the most complex thing even the scientists doesn't know how the explain of it, Multiverse is time and space,yet it is the unpredictable thing to find it, Knowledge of it was confused and mess up,it was normal untill something very very wrong happen a Invidiual have be split out the own timeline,Breaking all the time that are supposed to be move like a gear,This Invidiual was Envy,yep not hear wrong the envy that haven't be humiliated or suicide himself,He split out his own universe into a different world,when he into It,he suddenly be brought in the trail,But begin to slowly work with them,Then decide to run away into different world now he be hunted by the time and space police to make sure everything was set in balance even his own...self hunted him will envy fullfil his purpose and free tickets out the wrath of his own and the police, everything will Be so happend in his.GLORIOUS PURPOSE OF HIM…



407 5 11

welcome to the death battle where all characters tokusatsu,cartoon,horror and anime in one the fight and decided who is the best and who is will die in these fight…

kamen rider outsider x Sentai Daishikkaku (The Good,bad and Grey One)

kamen rider outsider x Sentai Daishikkaku (The Good,bad and Grey One)

658 6 5

In a world where There is new team call dragon keeper,A justice hero protect human and Defeated the force of evil, However it was all the lied,the facade the hide the true face of them,In truth these Dragon keeper aren't super Sentai or relative,They are just dress up like them but stain the color of it,They have lied to people on the world, People believe they're hero of justice but they aren't,They use so call force of evil as the entertainment for them to become Frame and to be loved by doing such a thing like that, Everyone was blind it by they Facade they have put on but... now There is something new have arise, Something good and bad emerge in this world, sometimes that is OUTSIDER.…

kamen rider blade X bleach(Battle Of Soul And Undead)

kamen rider blade X bleach(Battle Of Soul And Undead)

270 2 2

What is fate?what is it that people always talk,even make people worship it,and accept,what is it,Fate is the event or some occasions that happened in the life,fate connect to the life,It will decide what will our life will be,Fate is sometimes lucky and bad luck,In life,We can't predict when will it came and when will go away,fate make us see it will be turn,How it will change,Even let that fate of the person die,Fate decided human whether death or alive... However what if someone changing the fate,what if we overcome the outcome fate,If so what will fate have that plan,what is the consequences of fate give,if we changing it,will there be another event that more terrible then last one,or more people died,or more life have to Scarifies gone,Even spirit do they accept the fate give it to them,all will tell in this Story,story of the five ace warrior in a world of spirit and how they going change the fate of the living and death THE TRUMP CARD OF FATE WILL BE DECIDED…

kamen rider Kabuto X high school dxd(The man who walk both path)

kamen rider Kabuto X high school dxd(The man who walk both path)

598 9 3

heaven is place for all people that did good deed,they have a happy life,seeing they ancestors and they family,or they can be reincarnation in a good life,While hell is Opposite than heaven,it is place where brimstone,Fire, Punishing the Sinner for the crime they did,The sin they make in the life,Karma they have in they life that hurt people...But sometimes there is some people that is in they own view of the life,The grey side,they see no good is truly good and no one bad truly bad,Some are be push by the life they life in have no choice but to do the wrong they make even way to these people heaven or hell is doesn't matter,As long as they complete whatever they goal is either it is bad or good, However in this world Heaven and hell was very different and what more human don't die,they still life,even if they die,Angel or devil came to them make become one of them,But even in that world there is something that isn't in angel nor devil,This thing take form of the victim it take,Hide in the shadow and might be among the people even themstill there is some slightly chance,But the question what kind chance it is...or more change who will change this world bring back the balance of it.Only the one WALKING IN THE PATH OF HEAVEN WILL RULE ALL…



208 4 5

when the world,in a terrible state,a state that no one can't Handel,even the great and legend hero can't Handel Enough, Terrible here isn't a killing...thought killing was the part it, Terrible here is rape, government abuse, corrupted rapist,those corrupted already take overl do whatever they want on human world,as well as those have corrupted hurting lot of people and rule with they dirty hand,Even hero can't Handel them,But seem like hero isn't only one Handel,those can Handel them was The enimes of them,with lot of crime of them,what if they enemies can done something,what if they will fight like those they most hated,will they do this kinda mission,after all this suicide of them.THEY ARE DYING TO SAVE THE WORLD…

kamen rider saber x code Geass(Story of the knight in world of War)

kamen rider saber x code Geass(Story of the knight in world of War)

386 2 3

story is one of best thing in the world,or might be in universe,it contain, knowledge,power and happiness for people,but not all story have a happy ending,There is a story that were tragic,Suffer and pain,And war is one of it,War bring nothing than pain,suffer and lost of everything,no one will win in the war,cause there is nothing to win when everything gone,the scarifies of people some are pointless,some aren't,the war wrap upon the world,by the system,The discrimination of other,And the conflict,When will the pain of the story end?!,When the knight from other world,stop it and decide to protect this world,from war, discrimination and must more, However the knight wasn't only one in the war story,Their long enemy have a plan,So which one decided the story end,It will happy or endless suffer.THE END OF STORY WHO WILL DECIDE?…

kamen rider zi-o X evangelion (king of time in world of apocalypse)

kamen rider zi-o X evangelion (king of time in world of apocalypse)

124 1 1

Time and space,What do this have a common,The common they have was they are the important of the world, Maintain the balance not just world but whole universe, Especially time,Time can be your friend,Your enemies,Time can give you enough time of it own to enjoy your life,Time is most important cause we don't know what Time we going to do,how much time we can life in this world of us,Space other hand is different,Of course it and time have common,but not always common with each other,Time hold the day of humanity,While space Well it Is different cause space is unpredictable we don't know what deepest place space hold,What kind visitor it brought,Space was mystery unlike time,Time isn't mystery but a normal thing happened in universe and human,space other hand doesn't have the normal,it unnormal, Especially when it bring a Somekind alien to human world,Causing lot of death and suffer,Make time of people dead go faster,Even humanity have the Mecha it only get worst of time humanity end... however there is someone,a warrior whose hold both time and space,power beyond imagination,But this Warrior is a king,What kind king this Warrior are a Overlord king,Whose tyran and Ruthless merciless,Of course that just half of him,While other half of him was Different oppestie to the overlord ruthless king,He is the second overlord of kindness,whose have a big ambition be a king,what do this two warrior have and why they want be a king is because they are same the past and the future,Will his past Save the balance of time and space,or the time and space will be His rules in iron Fist IWEA…

kamen rider faiz X akame ga kill(Faiz ga kill)

kamen rider faiz X akame ga kill(Faiz ga kill)

313 9 2

death Is the primal fear of human,Death can come in any shape one that person know his day is over,Death is inevitable,there is no way to stop it or End it,Death will always came one more to Take the person life,death Is for all the good,the bad is doesn't matter what that person did to deserve to be die even a innocent one,no one is life forever they came and go just like a wind...however what if there is other way to suprass the death but it Requires a Something, humanity will you Willing let your humanity drop down, Become the thing you hate most, Become a monster enjoy killing many people,But there is a rare case that Even you suprass the death you can life with your newfound life but there is a cause,those that doesn't kill will Be kill,If you have a slightly humanity decided to kill because you don't have a choice,but to do it some are addictive to kill,Make them Want more,and enjoy the power they have this Is what story about,Death, corruption and power how far you going to be a killer for survival and for pleasureOPEN YOUR EYES…

kamen rider build experiment:second chance(build x freezing)

kamen rider build experiment:second chance(build x freezing)

151 1 2

do you believe in the second chance,when you done something you regret it,and wish to go back time to change the thing you have done,will you take your second chance to have a better life you want it,Well to him it isn't ,as Frist he have second chance but don't have a better life,he is now life with the girl and her brother,try everything she and him could to make a good life and cure the disease of her brother,not a prefect but it is the good life he can take, However his good life have be take away by the society and he have two choice,try hard to have better life for him and the siblings or Go back to the past he don't want it,What will the choices,he going to Choose.FUNKY MATCH…

kamen rider revice X Jujustu Kaisen X DAL (Love is a curse)

kamen rider revice X Jujustu Kaisen X DAL (Love is a curse)

260 2 4

the world are now back to normal,after the three event happens to the family that seem to be... normal but actually isn't It have a lot of thing crazy around them,Now everything have be back, Back to they usual normal life,do the job earn money and most of all bring happiness to people.however the normal won't last longer, Someone have use a machine transported the siblings of the family to somewhere else,a world what it seem to be normal yet hidding A mysterious of it an exorite organizations into the city, investigation the So call spacequake happene latelythe siblings and them are caught up in the mess of the Call spirit, Question is how will this group out of this Mess,what will they do to again it,And not just that stop whatever the plan of they enimes are making,All shall be Reveal in this story DEALING WITH DEVIL…

villain pub(tokusastsu Vers)

villain pub(tokusastsu Vers)

160 0 3

welcome to the villain pub where all the villain that have been defeated or be kill are gather in this pub the drink to Complain,Make fun with each other to Laughrules of course they are,only one rules is ONLY FOR THE BEST VILLAIN NOT BLAME VILLAIN.…

Kamen rider geats x demon slayer(DGP Slayer game)

Kamen rider geats x demon slayer(DGP Slayer game)

2,262 23 5

desire is what people have it, whether good,broken or pure evil,Every and each of them,have a desire of them,But questions is how they fullfill they desire,and how will they use they desire,If that desire wasn't fullfill or fullfill,What will that desire of them give them,it is good ideas to just forcus to that desire,forget what around them,We never know,cause each of the desired was different,but will they willing to do anything to fullfill they desire,Even a those that have been die in long time ago,they reborn in different world,some have they desire,some are forget or simply forget they desire,It doesn't matter what is they desire as long as they have it they desire,they willing to do anything,work together,betray as long as it fullfill they desire,let find out in these story of the game,fate and moreREADY-FIGHT…

hero/anti-hero:Light of the world

hero/anti-hero:Light of the world

306 5 4

as long there is darkness there will be a light to shine and again the in right of the world,Saving innocent people and the soul of people,End the corrupted,Fight for what is right,Some of they methods was righteous,some are extreme but if that make them feel right,that is right thing to do,Join Me enter the righteous of light and use darkness to again darkness…

Ask or dare: Michinaga/buffa and kanae koucho

Ask or dare: Michinaga/buffa and kanae koucho

1,131 12 12

ask everything you want for these two characters…