

21 0 3

Ommm is just a quick way to calm down. Everyone gets steamed up sometimes, and when they do people usually tell them to calm down. I know we all think it's really hard, it isn't that difficult when you read this book.…

Reasons why girls rule and boys drool

Reasons why girls rule and boys drool

15 0 2

No offense all boys, but GIRLS RULE AND BOYS DROOL!…

Who's the Bravest?

Who's the Bravest?

4 0 1

I'm literally the bravest person ever. And now you people will find out about all the stupid things I dare to to. And, why I'm mentally unstable. Says a fat person. I ain't fat. I'm talking about my friend.…

I'm NOT Afraid

I'm NOT Afraid

11 0 2

Help me!!!!!!! Giuseppe is going to tell Mason IRIZARRY about how I have a crush on Jaden!!!!!!!!! I'll be humiliated!!!!!!!!! I'll be dead!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT AFRAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOT SCARED!!!!!!! I AM NOT GOING TO LET THIS HAPPEN TO ME!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…



85 3 6

This will be awesome. Period. You people better get this book published for me when it's done.…

Stuff I'm too chicken to say to people

Stuff I'm too chicken to say to people

66 2 6

You know how you want to say something to someone but your too afraid to? Me too so I wrote them down. Somewhere. Specifically here.…



13 0 2

So I have a bunch of secrets I seriously need to tell.And it is here in this book.…

The Perfect Pair Of Hair

The Perfect Pair Of Hair

11 0 3

If any of you have ever read Evil Fairies Love Hair this is a fanfic of it. If you haven't read it before read that before you read this. But if you do know the story, can any of you guess who are my perfect pair?…

The Big Kids

The Big Kids

73 0 6

This is my first Home Alone fan fiction except it's like what they do when their not traveling and leaving Kevin behind. It's a 'Just Chillin' version.…

Yaramaz Queenler

Yaramaz Queenler

11 0 2

Our evil plans. We will make people crazy. Totally insane.…



18 0 3

I have a lot of theories you guys. I am forgetful. These theories are too important to forget. This is their place. This is their place................................…

Doctor Rose

Doctor Rose

5 0 1

Does someone need a free vet? Well of course they do! And here I am! Ready to help animals!…



8 0 1

Wolves. There is so much we know about them and even more things that we don't. And wolves may just be going extinct. We need to help them! We need to know more about them so we can help them! Wolves are too beneficial to the world to become extinct.…

My Art Book

My Art Book

20 0 3

I have beautiful art that will make your jaws drop. I don't want it just laying around at home where nobody but my parents admire it. I want to show it to the world! Each craft has a story behind it.Reader: What is it?You'll have to wait for the story to see.…



25 0 6

BOOM!!!!!! Oh, sorry guys. Kinda got carried away in my experiment. Do you want to help me? I will give you a chocolate chip cookie. You're helping me? Thank you!…

Weird Stuff

Weird Stuff

4 0 1

Some strange things are happening and I wanna tell about it and force others to write here. Plus I need reasons why it's happening. And I need to make you guys freak out.…

My Brother and Me

My Brother and Me

35 1 5

I want to write about our experiences together because there is always something very funny usually going on.…

The Kits

The Kits

22 0 3

Mapleshade needs her kits back so she asks a certain someone to help her. What will the kit's lives be like in the Dark Forest? Will they survive? Who knows?…



20 0 3

RING! Fight! Whoever wins, wins it all, folks! It's a contest and you know what they say about a contest! There be prizes sneaking 'round.…

Ha ha(No seriously, that's the actual title.)

Ha ha(No seriously, that's the actual title.)

24 0 6

You know, someone wanted to make people laugh when their feeling down even in different languages.(I'm learning!) I mean, even the title is funny.…