

32 1 5

Their parents gave them up for adoption when they were fairly young. Due the fact that they thought they had mental illnesses and decided they didn't want children with something mentally wrong with them. Scoiaty looked down upon and shunned those born with mental illnesses. Treating them as though they are animals. All throughout their child hood they were moved from foster home to Foster home. They were even a few occasions due to the fact of their differences. But they held together helping each other cope and survive in their harsh cruel world. The eldest was fifteen her name was Gaia. The middle sister was Willow who was fourteen and the baby sister was Autumn. Their names all had the same meaning. The mystical goddess of Earth. But each sister had their own unique personalities that's set them apart from the other.…

Her Protecter His Treasure

Her Protecter His Treasure

24 0 4

Heather has always had it rough her abusive manipulative fiance's always cheating on her. But what happens when she finally leaves him. After catching him with her non identical twin sister. The unthinkable happens will she find her happy ever after find out.…

Star Crossed Lovers

Star Crossed Lovers

6 0 7

I might look like a adverage high schooler but I'm actually far from it. I'm actually from a far away panet. My species was much stronger, intelligent, and far more advanced then humans. We were immune to all deseases making us Superior to any mortal and most alien species through out the solar systems. We were so advanced my species knew no war and our planet was healthy no pollution, no poverty, no starvation, and everyone was in perfect harmony and happy. Something the other speicies envied. So we reached out to them offered our help. When they started threatening our queen. My whole planet was ruled and mothered by one female our queen. None of the females of our species can reproduce. She is the only one who is granted power beyond your immagnation like control everything around her including time and space. The queen is the only female born with huge angel like wings and markings carved into her skin. Since my species are humaniod our bodies are formed like humans but we're much taller, thin perfect physiques, beautiful, pointed ears, and our bodies were impenetrable. We had supper human abilities like smell, sight, hearing, and strength. The Queen's body illuminated light off her body making the rest of us illuminate if it is white it means we're happy and create life and peace. But if it turns dark like soot. Which leads to nothing but complete destruction. Her emotions effect the rest of the colony. Which is how my planet came to ruin. One of the other speicies attached us so my mother gave birth to me the last of my species and the last queen. A queen only dies after she passes her power and queen gene onto the next generation.…

Lightning and Thonder

Lightning and Thonder

18 0 5

I thought I had it all nice family, excellent boyfriend, popularity, and just about anything a young woman could want. Till I realized everything was a fucking lie. My whole life was a huge lie. I came from a rich family. My boyfriend was the main player of the school team who spoiled me unconditionally. He was practically family since we had been together for six years. He was never pushy since I wanted to wait till my eightteeth birthday. My dad was the govner so I was used to having everything handed to me. Little did I know it was all going to change. It was like every other day not a cloud in the sky. I had breakfast with my opinionated mother. She always had to have everything her way.…

This Is My Story

This Is My Story

13 0 16

I'm one of the coldest creatures you could ever meet. With a heart of ice. But I wasn't always like that. I was happy and chipper. I was content. Life was good. Like a red rose in full blossom. But like all flowers they eventually wither and die for the winter months. But mine never dethawed again. I was seventeen in love deeply in love. Or so I thought. When I started getting sick. I didn't know why till my friend Madlin decided to make me take a test. It came out possative…

Thank You

Thank You

30 0 9

I want to know you're thoughts on my stories so I can improve and get better ideas. I've made this in case if you have trouble finding any story I've published or am working on. Hopefully this helps because it took forever. And I have no patience. So this is a huge step for me and why I'm taking so long to finish. Which I apologise and appreciate your support.…

Day Dreamer

Day Dreamer

35 3 3

I don't know if my soul will ever find peace if this life time. Every day just drifts on endlessly neverchanging. My life seemed unfulfilled. I yeared for more but knew it could never happen life it's always seemed to be nothing like we want it to its just one big old day dream. The only thing that seemed to bring me any joy was my dreams of how my life would be if I could do all the things normal people take for granted that I never could. I was born with a gentic desease parlised me before I could even walk. It wasn't as bad when my parents were alive they spoiled me and made my life a fairy tale filling my life with joy. They used to take me everywhere. When I was six they past away unspectedly in a car accident and I fell into a deep depression when my relatives put me in a facility so I be taking care of I quiet speaking and ended up slipping into a comma. I have didn't know how much time. I was aware of my surroundings even though I couldn't move no one ever visited or came into my room execpt nurses. No one even talked to me. Unexpectedly one day so of my relatives walked in.…



1 3 1

This is one of my…



1 0 3

I was an orphan with no name. I was treated terribly they beat and made me work nonstop. But today was a special day it was finally my eighteenth birthday. When a beast hits adulhood their true power awakens. I've always hid my beast side from my parents and friends. I was finally able to move in to a dorm for my school so I don't have to live at home. I jumped up when I heard my sister's alarm go off I turned it off and she kicked me as I layed out her clothes. Then I made breakfast, washed dishes, and drove her to school. All I did was follow her around do her homework and clean up after her. Till James her best friends boyfriend that I always liked walked over.…

Omega-The Alpha

Omega-The Alpha

98 5 5

I was born an omega but I born a pure bred werewolf. So everyone thinks I can't shift. I'm the last purebred werewolf I live in a pack of lycans. Which are basically shapeshifter. So they just look like regular wolves. Werewolves on the other hand are much bigger, powerful and can stand on two legs so we have more of a human form. But still retained the face, tail, and fur of a wolf. My mate turned out to be my alpha but after seducing me throughly he rejected me. After I found out I was pregnant with his son I left the safety of the pack. Which was a very risky move since I'm at my most vonreable and will need the emotional confort support of a pack. Since I'm an inexperienced mother to be I'd need an older females guidance to help me through my first pregnancy. Even though I looked more human. Werewolves especially purebreds actually were more like normal wolves. We give each other emotional confort and support like real wolf packs do. While lycans are actually more like humans. I wondered around the woods endlessly. Then I was resting in what I thought was an abandoned cave. I was awoken by Clyde a large powerful alpha touching my stomach.…



6 2 5

My mother was a shapeshifter lioness. My dad was a werewolf. Even they were low in status their they managed to have me i was the highest status of being a witch. I had powers they could only dream of. My mother was uptight and strict. My father was an amazing teacher and trainer. They were also overly protective. I couldn't go anywhere alone. They raised me in the mountains where no one would find me. So I'd be safe. In my home land depending on the magic you can use decided​ your status. Witches and warlocks are considered royalty. Since their the only creature that can use literally any and every type of magic. Their only born once every thousand years. But I was way early a resent witch was born not to long before I was born.…

The Last Fairy (Fixing And Editing)

The Last Fairy (Fixing And Editing)

7 0 3

My parents named me Irridessa because I was a miracle baby in their. They were very young when they met. It was love at first sight. They married soon after graduating high school and soon after serval failed attempts to have a child they finally had me. I was their little miracle baby. But I was born different so the doctor was concerned for my well being. I was born with wings like a fairy. They had a unique butterfly design that lit up every color of the rainbow. My eyes and hair were a deep shade of purple. If anyone looks directly into my eyes they turn it a beautiful rainbow of colors and see my true identity. I had several powers not to mention I'm strong and smart. My parents taught me how to hide my identity and control my powers. My true self comes out when I feel intense emotion. So parents kept me out of school till they were sure I could handle it. I was so excited. But my parents lecured me everyday about not letting any get to close to me or see my as I am. I unstand their reason for worry. But they kept me caged up and isolated my hole life.…

Dragons Heart

Dragons Heart

35 2 5

I was born from the love a dragon and a mortal woman. My parents loved eachother but he was a king so he couldn't be with her because he was promised to another. The dragon king is the most powerful being that ever lived. After he left my mother found out she was pregnant with me. She hid this from him a hid herself away. She couldn't bring herself to tell him especially when she found out he got married. She locked me away for my own protection. I had the same markings as a dragon king all over my body ecept my face. I couldn't control my ability to shift into a red dragon. But she spent most of her free time with me when she wasn't working. But lately she has been seeing a man so I don't see her that much.…

Blazing Fire

Blazing Fire

9 0 1

Since the day I was born I've had a way with the beasts. My parents always worked at animal reserves. I always seemed to fit in more with animals then people. People always thought I was a freak. They even treated me like I was a wild animal. I didn't like being touched especially by men. When I was younger I was attacked by a cougar. It pinned me to the ground biting my throat luckily the alpha of a wolf pack the one I called Malika was nearby and heard me scream. He got the cougar off of me and chased it off saving my life. I owe him everything. I was heart broken when I had to leave. I stopped speaking completely. I was never really close with my parents. So when I moved out it was no big deal. I worked with their old college's on the reservations so I tended to move around a lot. Most of the time I work with big apex predators. I've even worked with lions, tigers, and bears. But its been a while since I've been with wolves. I was so excited. It was in the old town I lived in when I was attacked. But I was nervous to run into my ex faince. He was my high school sweet heart and the father of my son. He's three this year and he's my heart. Right after we broke off the wedding I found out I was pregnant. My son had the same condition I did so I never told his father or my parents about him. So when I came home I didn't tell anyone. I've been even more distant with people since the birth of my son. I snuck into my uncles shack to surprise him. He had it built like a small retreat. I brought Fang my wolf dog I adopted right after my son was born his fur was black as night and his eyes were blue like mine. My hair was really long wild and sexy. My eyes were as blue as the sky. My son looked more like me then his father. Fang started growling when I seen my ex's best friend walked out with my uncle. He ran out making me put Bain my son down and jump on him. I pinned him with one arm.…

Time Clock

Time Clock

3 1 3

I was laying in my hospital bed surrounded by my family. As my life flashed before my eyes. I was born as an unwanted child. I grew up in orphanage. I was a quiet shy girl. My first friend turned out to be my soulmate. He was a vampire so time stood still for him. We met after he save my life when I was attacked by another vampire. My life was dall and bland. He was the only thing that gave my life meaning. He wanted to marry me but couldn't. It would only put me in danger. But I loved him so much that didn't stop us from having children which were born damphirs. We had several children. He was an amazing father. But as I grew older I fell into a deep depression he left me and even ended up marrying. I was so depressed I couldn't do anything. He said he left because he loved me and0 couldn't stand to see me like that. A couple of years later I found out I had cancer. Which is why I'm laying in this hospital bed dieing. My oldest child Madlion was holding my hand as I laid there I squeezed her hand.…



11 0 2

Mutants started showing up after the war the radiation actually caused an disease in humans that cause some to mutate. They looked like creatures out of a book. They were stronger, smarter, and faster then a human. Most of them feed on blood. I was a kitsune. There were hardly any living creatures. Most were cyborgs, generically engineered clones, or article life. Hardly any females still exist. So the males normally fight over them. Most offspring is artificially made with cyborgs. Cyborgs prime function is successful reproduction. Since we're so powerful humans often try to catch us. The game is not to get caught. When you've lived as long I have whether it be life or death everything turns into a game. I get board so I like getting really creative. So I took the from of a woman's deceased child and took his place. She was a sweet woman and his father was very kind. I got really close to the prince as we grew up together. I was his best friend that is till he became a man. He called me to the springs. I walked in catching he foundling a clone. I quickly turned away. Its not like I haven't seen a man naked before. But over the years I came to like him. I've never been attracted to anyone before.…

Unicorn-The Secret of Kirin

Unicorn-The Secret of Kirin

0 0 2

When I was a child humans waged war on beasts driving them into hiding. I had no choice but to hide amongst the very creatures that slaughtered my kin. It was extremely hard to hide my true nature. But I managed I grew up in poverty. The only one who took me in was an old woman. Our village was small and poor. The war left it in ruins. Starvation was a constant companion. Soldiers constantly raided the village taking everything. During the last raid the old woman who took me in was killed.…

Mechanical Angel

Mechanical Angel

11 0 7

Once long ago in a small little village deep in the mountains cut off from everything else there was a famous doll maker and his wife. All his dolls were handcraft from the finest materials. They were perfect or at least that's what everyone said. He had been experimenting for years trying to make the perfect doll he wanted to make it out of the strongest materials. So that it would never break. He wanted to make it indestructible. He wanted to make the perfect child for his wife since they couldn't have children. She wanted children more then anything. He loved his wife unconditionally. But when they found out she couldn't have children they were so struck by grief it drove him mad. To the point to where he spent all the time on making her, the perfect doll. He made made her around 16 years old. He gave her the memories and intelligence of a human. He even gave her a artificial heart so they could love her unconditionally. So that she would have emotions just like a human. He made her perfect and the most beautiful girl ever seen.…

Golden Pheonix

Golden Pheonix

9 0 7

In a world much different then yours where dragons roam the sky, giants walked the land, and monsters from fairytails lived along side humans. This is the world that I was born in. I am a very rare and excotic beast. I am a Pheonix. But unlike other Pheonixs I am a golden Pheonix. A type of Pheonix thats only born every one thousand years. The golden Pheonix is much more powerful and stronger than any other Pheonix. Even royals aren't as strong as them. Royals are born with different colored flames than all other Pheonixs.…



3 0 2

My mother died after giving birth to me. Father always treated me like a queen and told me how much everyone back home used to love her. He told me about how she even attracted the kings attention but refused his proposal. She was kind gentle an elegant woman indeed. So my father trained me well. Unlike my mother I was a fighter and my really long hair was a rare bright fiery red. My mother's was short and brown. I loved it. My father always tried to make me cover it. He moved me back home he made the old house into a flower herbs and clothing shop for me to run and made the back a blacksmith for him. But I knew how to run it if he's out.…