Average Girl

Average Girl

0 0 2

Ever since I was younger I was born into a powerful ancient witch family. The oldest bloodline of witches we were known a the Black Raven family. We were called that because every member of my family have black wings like a raven. But I lived a normal life. I was raised by my mother's mortal friend who my family took in and raised like her own. My mother gave me to her after she gave birth to me because our family was ding out. I was the youngest member of my family. My father was from a different coven. So he didn't even know about me but I looked like my father and I had his strength. He came from the Blood Demon coven. Each witch family has its own coven. The Blood Demon coven is the coven that took over for my moms coven. But since he was from the Blood Demons I had horns and supper human strength like the members of the Blood Demon coven. Each witch has different traits from their different covens. The only thing I got from mom was my beauty and my wings. I've never met my parents or any other witches. Since I finally turned sixteen years old and my power was finally manifesting itself. She moved me back to my mother's home time. So I could be around others of my kind and learn to control my power. Mortals practically worship witches so I need to be careful.…

Love Pettles

Love Pettles

13 1 4

I was born as a Huldra in the forest. A Huldra is a female seductive forest creature. We have a lot of power on of the is spreading and curing disease. I had long blonde hair and a long cows tail. The only way to tell us apart from normal humans is our back is like the truck of a tree and we have animal like characteristics. Usually a long fox or a long cows. But I had some facial features and ears like a deer. I spent my whole life alone all I wanted was a companion. I was still very young I was only seven. I don't even know if I had parents. I was out getting a drink at a stream when I heard a woman. I peeked out to see a woman with her father feeding some deer. I was fascinated but I knew not to get to close. When I stepped back right on a trap letting out a loud grunting noise that sounded like a deer. I fell back. When it tightened around my ankle digging into my skin.…



3 0 3

I was born in a city surrounded by forest that was separate by a huge walls we travel to other cities through dark underground tunnels. No one's ever seen the out side. The cities are peaceful, beautiful, calm, clean, and perfect a little to perfect. But my father knew nothing was as it seemed. So he made me the perfect weapon. I was a flawless cyborg that shape shift into creature I desired. I was designed to look and act like a average girl. But I had extreme intelligence and special ability I was programmed to be invincible. He made me from his own child who was born me who was born with a fatal disease that would end up killing me. My life expectancy was at the most sixteen. So he made me into a cyborg. But I could still reproduce like a normal human. I was very eager to get out of the lab. But since it was my first time out he asked me to disguise myself as an small child. Not my cup of tea.…



0 0 3

Humans are so easily manipulated. So easily fooled. Immortals have used them for cemeteries. They can change their shape to make hunting easier. But if ever seen ones true from you'd run like hell. We've lived among them for cemeteries ruling over them molding the earth to what ever we desire. Feeding of them for cemeteries. We enjoy watching them struggle we feed off their corruption. Even though I was born as an immortal. I was actually the first hybrid. I always so fascinated by humans they were always so full of life. While my life was always so lifeless. Everyday I was like a mindless puppet I had no free will. I was born from a human woman and a powerful imortal. So I was stronger than a pure bred. A noble took me in so no one was allowed to know I was a female. The only way you could tell I was a famale is if you seen my true form. Females were only used for reproducing purposes and I was the first hybrid. My caregiver didn't want that life for. Immortals are normally raised by a human caregiver that raises them for the parents. But my cargiver was my biological mother but I was the only one that knew. The only time I seen my adoptive father was when he was training. So from the moment I was born she raised me as a man. I was finally hit 15 years old. It was finally time for me to leave the nest. I was so excited but that met I'd have to join the army. I was named The Dragon of the Wind because I was so fast, agile, stealthy, and how easily I can strike without my target even knowing who I was there. I rose throw the ranks quickly gaining the highest rank. The king was quiet pleased with me. He was strict and ruthless. But he assigned me as one of his main nobles. I woke up earlier when I heard someone knocking on my door. I locked my door every night before I fell asleep because my body shifts back to my real from when I'm unconscious. I shifted back to my male form quickly and got up.…



2 1 3

I had an amazing family, friends, and the best boyfriend. I watched as my world crumbled around me. On they day of my sixteenth birthday my whole world crumbled. I was with my beloved, friends, and my family. We were sitting together eating together when I went to go find my beloved and found him with another girl. My new friend Marcy. I was so heart broken I took off into the woods. I ran right into a snow storm.…

Clock Work.
Black Widow

Black Widow

0 0 2

Everyone thinks I'm your average girl. The girl next door. Not to pretty with nothing special about her. But no knows the beautiful yet vicious monster underneath this pretty little face of mine. No one knows my story.…

The blood of the hunter

The blood of the hunter

4 0 1

My name is Leo yes I'm a woman my parents named me Leo because my eyes were gold like a lion. But as time went on I grew more into my name. See my father was a marine and he was one of the best. In fact my whole family was involved in armed forces, hunters, and even a few bounty hunters. But we're actually one of the very few family of hunters. My family was known as the Crosses. The hunters were have said to have resigned during the war. The war happened hundreds of years ago and the vampires took over. See each hunter had their own special weapon for killing vampires makes them supper human making them not so human. Mine was a long sharp red flaming sword and I took on some traits of a loin. But I'm still learning how to control it. I was the only kid. So I grew up training and learning things a soldier would. I was at the top. A complete badass. I was always moving so I didn't like attracting to much attention. So I always tried to blend in. So I always wear baggy clothes and keep my face covered up.…

Last Stand

Last Stand

0 0 2

My home had destroyed by war and radiation. When war broke out there were toons of nuks and bombs dropped over our heads. Transforming the world into a waste land. So man in its last efforts to survive made Silver a perfect creation. Made to withstand in any environment. Her gender was controlled by her environment. So if she since more females she'll change male. She looked perfectly human. By she was built like a queen bee to be able to mother or father several offspring at once. So she could repopulate. She was made using animal DNA. It all started when the doctors broke the the artificial womb pulling out a woman. They named her Silver since she was both male and female. They slipped her into a tube that they filled with liquid. The young general walked in. He walked over putting his hand on the glass as she opened her eyes and put her hand to his. You could call it love at first sight. He was smitten with her rather quickly. He even confessed his love to her. The doctors made one little mistake they told the wrong person. Someone who had been plotting to find the generals Achilles heel. She was just playing cards with a doctor when something wrapped around her throat and body so she couldn't move. She squirmed when she started losing consciousness.…

White Feather

White Feather

9 2 6

I grew up with a nice and love family. But unlike most people my parent was a smoker. Mommy alway said if it grown then it's a erb. So I grew up partying. In school I was a quiet and a good student. No one ever suspected a thing. It all started when I was fourteen when I hit puberty and I found of I was a winged siren. I also drinking and smoking. I spent years trying to please others. I've been through it all. First person/Ken I ever cared about pretty much used me when I was 17 I'm 19 now. Had me to the point i was hurting myself and everything I was a wreck. I hated myself and my body. Now I'm the shit. I'm finally comfortable in my own skin and happy. Never judge the quiet ones they can and up being the craziest. I should know in work I was one of the best worker and never got into trouble. I barely talked to anyone. But outside school I was a full time partier. Going on high rides and drinking bottles to the face. What can I say my life's dope.…

Bloody Love

Bloody Love

1 0 5

She is beloved by everyone. Everyone thinks that she's an innocent girl could do no harm. But the truth is she is far from it. She was actually a powerful witch. This is not my story this is the story of my child and their child the greatest king that ever lived. My names Tessa but every one calls me Tess. Growing up in a world where humans a live stock and vampires rule the world. We've become accustomed to living in fear and being at the vampires mercy. After a war many many years ago way before I was born a war broke out between the two races. The vampires won enslaving the human. But they were kind to us so humans stopped fighting back. My master was the king himself. He was beautiful and kind. I hid my white hair and beautiful from everyone. Witches have been extinct for many years and are very valuable to vampires so I had no choice but to hide it.…

Precious Heart

Precious Heart

55 0 7

Avery is like every young woman with a job, her own house in the suburbs. She does take care of her two sisters. Cristy is 17 and always gives her hell. Loren is 14 and doesn't really care for much. Avery's parents work over seas leaving Avery to take care of them. She was 23 but she has a little secret.…



1 0 2

We were born in a time of war in a world full of monster and human like creatures. Like elf's, wolf men, fairies, and anything else you could imagine. My brother/Blake and I were born as identical twins. But we were complete polar opposites. No one could tell us apart except that I was a woman and he was a man. My parents were the only ones who could tell us apart just by our faces. Dad always said I had a gentle beautiful glowing radiance about me especially when I smiled. My parents and brother were mortal. But I was born with wings like birds which made me very special. My wings were snow white. The legend is when a female creature is born with white wings like a bird a new era of peace shall be born and the earth shall become a new. The priest who delivered us said white represents everything pure and good in the world. He also told them that I must never show our wings and that I am to never be tainted by the outside world. Otherwise my wings would turn black and the world would enter an age of mass chaos and destruction. So my parents gave me to the priest that delivered us to make sure that never happened. He named me Faith. He never let me outside the church walls. He always had me prey and worship after everyday and practice the teachings of the book. He also dressed me as a man and called me Raphael so no one could tell I was a woman. My own brother couldn't even remember I was a woman or my real name. He even got a sorcerer make a necklace so no one would recognize me and so I'd look human. My parents still brought my brother to see me everyday since the church wasn't far from the castle. When my parents died suddenly parents when I was 12 leaving the throne to my brother he quiet visiting. I was forgotten. Then I'm my 18th birthday the war had reached our borders and the church was on the border.…

Precious One- The Beast King (Old VERSION)

Precious One- The Beast King (Old VERSION)

63 1 8

Warning most of this story is a yoai does contain sexual content, you have been warned.…

Warm Hearts

Warm Hearts

12 0 5

Ever since the day I was born I know I was different. I could control anything with just my mind and I had incredible beauty. For this I was unwanted. My parents thought I was a freak and gave me up. My grandmother was the only who take me in. She was a kind, gentle, stern woman. She was the only one who knew what I could really do. She told me never to tell anyone. My parents never gave me a name so she named me Athena. We lived in a small town in a tight knit community. It was very quiet. Till one day a man appeared.…

Second Chance

Second Chance

12 1 3

She was a happy girl she lived a good life. She was 17, had an awesome boyfriend/ Hank who spoiled her and a loving family. She had it all. She thought it would last forever till one day she came home to find him with her best friend who she was roommates with. When she confronted them he told her he could no longer be with her. She was so heart broken she felt like she was dying. She locked herself in her room, not eating, or sleeping, and didn't speak to anyone. She laid there for so long she could no longer move. When the unthinkable happens.…

Peculiar Creature

Peculiar Creature

5 0 8

Snow is an ice Angel. I angel are make the snow fall and turns everything to ice during winter. Snow was born up in the snowy mountains in the old ruins of her people she longed for a companion. She was the last ice angel since her grandmother died her grandmother was the one that raised her. Everything she touches gets cold or freeze cause the thing her grandma never taught her was how to control it. So what happens when she leaves.…



18 0 5

My name is Alice. I am an average 15 year old girl. I'm short, small, have short brown hair, and brown eyes pretty plain huh. I'm very shy and have little friends. I was adopted by a loving family. My best friend is my sister. I love to sing and play piano by myself in my room. Anna my sister is the only one who knew about that. Mom and dad are normally always at work so their almost never home. I like looking in maximizes and wishing I was as beautiful as them. But enough about me let's get on with the story.…

Wolf's Heart

Wolf's Heart

37 2 7

David's grew up in a foster home his biological parents gave him up when he was only a year old. He was always an outsider. Everyone treated him like a freak but the truth was he was the most compassionate and kind. On his 17th birthday the unthinkable happens.…

Faith And The Beast

Faith And The Beast

4 0 2

After Faith's dad dies when she's five years old. Her life changed dramatically. Her mother had to work three jobs just to make it. She had no time for Faith and never paid attention to her. So she slowly cut herself off from everyone. She never played with other students. She ignore everyone. Till when she was seven her mother got deathly sick and was put in hospital. But when Faiths grandparents come to get her she runs away. She ends up getting lost and runs into the woods. Where she meets a big male loin?…