Chapter Sixteen: The Almost Bot Fight

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Hiro tramped slowly through the streets of San Fransokyo. Night was falling and like the acclaimed New York City, San Fransokyo never slept. Bars were open from 6pm until 2 in the morning, their neon lights flashing and blinking for attention beside the bright advertising screens on every street. Most of the inner part of the city was light as day but alleys still remained dark. The perfect amount of dark to cloak the floating bot fights. Bot fighting was illegal in the city but that didn't stop Hiro from producing his newest droid to be king of the pit. Robot combat was a lucrative venture and Hiro rarely lost. Tadashi tried to break Hiro away from the bad habit but Hiro remembered running in these streets in an effort to escape a police raid. He looked around him at the buildings touching the sky then at the roads below his feet broken apart by large pot holes. Tadashi had come to Hiro's rescue many times. Hiro usually resisted as much as he could, trying to bring Tadashi over to his side by showing him the big wad of cash he had procured that night. Needless to say, Tadashi never joined the dark side.

There was inevitably a large sermon from both Aunt Cass and Tadashi at the end of the night. One of the reasons Hiro had ever entered the exhibition was because Tadashi tried to channel Hiro's genius to something positive. Hiro winced thinking about that stupid exhibition. He regretted that he ever went. If he hadn't then the whole thing with Callaghan wouldn't have involved him, Tadashi would still be a whole being with both arms, and Hiro would be happy. Maybe. Hiro never seemed to be happy no matter what circumstances his life was in. No matter if it was in shambles or erected into a whole unit he couldn't be happy. Although Hiro's views of the world teetered on being pessimistic, he prided himself on being realistic.

He heard cheers from down one alley. As he neared it he could hear the familiar phrase, "Two bots enter, only one bot remains." Hiro mouthed along and looked around suspiciously. He wanted to check out the pit but if there was anybody that he remotely knew around, he had to behave. Hiro, not seeing anyone in particular, ducked into the alley and made his way into the meeting of robot fighting veterans.

Meanwhile, Tadashi got a text from Wasabi checking in. Tadashi welcomed the friendly text as Carter had just left the house. He texted back, "Hey! What's new in your world?"

"I just discovered a great sushi restaurant on the west side. It has an amazing scallop roll. Would you want to bring you a couple different rolls to try? What's your favorite restaurant? I'll bring you food tomorrow." Tadashi chuckled and agreed to his comrade coming over the next day. Wasabi's next text raised Tadashi's red flags, "Hey man, is Hiro home?"

"No, why?"

"I thought I saw him when I was at the restaurant. It's pretty late to be wandering the city." Tadashi paused, then texted quickly, "How deep in the west side are you? What streets?"

"Osaka and Nishi."

Tadashi took a deep breath, "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. COme bearing or wearing wasabi, whichever fits you." He teased lightly before shutting the phone and tossed it aside. Oshaka and Nishi? That's where Tadashi kept picking Hiro up from his bot fighting games. Had he picked up the bad habit again? Would he even come home? Get arrested again? Hiro was usually a good kid but he was so impulsive. He was willing to get arrested if it meant making a few bucks. However lucrative the bot fights were, it was still illegal. Tadashi was so disappointed in Hiro and just when he was prepared to forgive Hiro too. This was a major setback. Today was too exhausting for Tadashi and it was all Hiro's fault. Tadashi would have to deal with him in the morning.

Bright and early the next morning Tadashi sent Hiro a text, "Come and see me. I have to talk to you." Hiro groaned. What did he do now? After last night's confrontation Hiro wasn't thinking anything good would come out of this "talk". Before he went to help aunt Cass in the café he went down to Tadashi's room. Tadashi looked over and had no expression on his face. It was definitely unsettling. "Hey," was all Tadashi said.


"Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. I was exhausted and in a bad mood, and I overreacted," Tadashi apologized. "My life has changed and I'm still adjusting to my new circumstances. So, I'm sorry." Tadashi rubbed the back of his head and rested against the pillow.

Hiro nodded, "Thanks, bro." The pair sat quietly for a minute before Hiro looked towards the stairs, "Do you need me for anything else? I have to go help Aunt Cass in the café."

"Yes actually, I have one more thing. Where were you last night? You seemed to be out late."

Hiro didn't move from his seat, "Nowhere."

Tadashi sent him a look, "Really? That's not what Wasabi told me." Hiro's jaw set and a deep frown took the place of his bored look, "Wasabi? Why would you trust what he said?"

Tadashi frowned in response, "Because he's my good friend-"

Hiro interrupted, "And I'm your brother!"

Tadashi continued, "And I think you're hiding something. Were you bot fighting last night?"

"No, I wasn't. Don't accuse me of fighting when you know I gave it up." Hiro spat it all out.

"I wasn't accusing you of anything, Hiro," Tadashi tried to keep a calm tone to his voice, "I am simply asking."

Hiro crossed his arms, "Wasabi obviously didn't see me but he mistook me for someone else."

"Not necessarily, Hiro. You said you weren't bot fighting. You haven't said where you were specifically. I think you dodged the question." Tadashi sat up straighter, "Where were you last night?"

"I told you nowhere." Hiro was growing aggravated at Tadashi's pestering questions when none of it was his business. He was the one who caused Hiro to leave in the first place.

"Just tell me. If you weren't doing anything wrong then why hide it from me."

Hiro was cornered and he knew it. So he stood up, sending the office chair spinning backwards, then stomped out of the room, and with a loud BANG he shut the door. Tadashi flinched at the loud sound and he took a tense breath. Why couldn't Hiro just tell him? Hiro was obviously hiding conduct that was objectionable. Hiro couldn't own up to his choices. With a long sigh Tadashi thought about the only nice thing on the schedule, the visit with Wasabi. He'd discuss all this more with Wasabi.

Wasabi walked into the café to say hello to Aunt Cass and Hiro, "Hey there, Hamadas." He smiled cheerily. Aunt Cass smiled back at him, "Hello. My guess is that you are here to see Tadashi right?"

"Yes, ma'am. Thought I'd stop in to say hi to you guys first."

"Of course. It's nice to see you." Aunt Cass smiled and went to wait on a new customer that had just walked in. Wasabi turned to Hiro, "Want to go play some video games downstairs with us? I brought your favorite one, Universe Defender 3." Hiro's face was anything but entertained, "No, thank you." The tone was icy as he turned around to attend to the coffee machines. Wasabi paused, shrugged, and went to see Tadashi. He walked into the room, "Hey there, Tadashi."

"Hey, Wasabi. What's up?" Tadashi smiled.

"Nothing much. I brought your food order." Wasabi grinned and held up a plastic bag that had a few to-go containers inside, "I also brought a video game that Hiro likes that I could show you. Do you know what's up with him?" Wasabi sat beside Tadashi's bed. Tadashi said in a quiet voice, "I told Hiro what you said yesterday." Wasabi nodded, "Oh. Now I know why he blew me off. What exactly did you tell him?" Wasabi took out the first container and handed a pair of chopsticks to Tadashi. Tadashi recounted their conversation earlier that morning, occasionally taking a break to eat some sushi.

Wasabi nodded, "I guess I should have paid more attention to what the person looked like. It may not have been him."

"No, it was him." Tadashi sighed and rubbed his face, "He did go down into that area. It's overrun with illegal bot fighting and that's where I've rescued him from such bad association before. He needs to stop cold turkey and I was worried that he had taken up the bot fighting again." Tadashi revealed the unfavorable truth, "I tried to redirect his attention by having him enter the exhibition but it obviously hasn't stuck."

Wasabi finished chewing before talking, "I think it did. Hiro has done more good than you will ever completely realize. Maybe he wasn't there to fight. Maybe he had another reason." He shrugged, "He's been an amazing student at the university and a great friend. Maybe an apology is in order.
"For what exactly?"

"For assuming the worst."

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