Chapter Twelve: Digging Deeper

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As the days after Tadashi's release from the hospital began to pass by, he was finding his energy levels steadily increasing. What a relief that he was beginning to feel more like himself. Aunt Cass and Hiro were invaluable in keeping him on his medication regimen but at the same time entertained. Being in the inventing and storage space all by himself took a toll on his social nature. Normally Hiro would arrive at the rescue first thing after breakfast with a bowl of cereal, and would stay well into the evening until Tadashi fell asleep. They would talk and Hiro would bring Tadashi up to speed on any kind of monumental news. But there was some monumental news that Hiro would avoid. Namely the fire. Tadashi was really curious about what exactly happened after he ran into the fire.

Hiro was helping Aunt Cass for a bit that morning and Tadashi took that opportunity to do some research on some websites. Even general information would be more than he could get out of anyone. Tadashi craned his neck to look for his new phone, the old one had been incinerated in the intense heat of the accident. Tadashi tried to reach it with his right arm, his replaced arm. He grabbed the little black device and unlocked it. Tadashi went directly to scour the internet for headlines surrounding the accident. He found headlines like these:

Massive Fire Claims Two Lives

Exposition Center Burns With Two Victims Trapped Inside

But one headline in particular caught Tadashi's eye. The clipping came from a few weeks after the fire:

Technology Institute Professor Conducts Major Crime. New Heroes Land Him Behind Bars

Tadashi read the first bit of a paragraph to try and get some context. The first paragraph began:

One of the robotics professors at the Technological Institute of San Fransokyo who was presumed dead after a large fire that had consumed the exposition center, surprised us all by his indeed being alive. Taking control of one of the exposition projects, crafted by young Hiro Hamada, Professor Robert Callaghan managed to save himself inside the fire. The man, now considered a super criminal, attempted to derail a project by Krei Tech. The exact specifics of the project haven't been expounded on yet by Alistair Krei yet, but a set of six heroes stepped in to stop Callaghan.

The article went on in great detail depicting a final battle between the heroes and the professor. Tadashi took a deep breath. All he could say was "Wow." All that happened while he was sleeping. But why was Hiro avoiding this? It's not like he was involved. It's one of the most exciting things to happen since ever. It almost was like the day of the fire and this battle had never happened in Hiro's world. It was getting annoying that as soon as the fire was brought up, Hiro would switch to a completely unrelated topic. Tadashi wanted to know and he'd find a way to tap into Hiro's memories.

Tadashi was glad to see one of his best friends come to his room. Wasabi came down with Hiro into the little garage space. Giving a small wave, Wasabi came to sit next to his friend, "Hey there, Tadashi. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing." Tadashi shrugged and switched off his phone, "Not much I can do while I am stuck here." Wasabi nodded with understanding. He felt for Tadashi. Tadashi had always been energetic and always sprung up at the prospect of doing something fun or to help one of his friends. Wasabi couldn't imagine how hard it must be to have that taken from you so fast. Wasabi wanted to spend time with the two Hamada boys because both equally needed encouragement. Wasabi had come to comfort his friends. "How has the therapy been going?" Wasabi asked further and Tadashi chuckled, "It's been weird. In the past I've never had to do any kind of physical therapy. It's odd to have someone guide you and hope you relearn basic movements."

"When you break a bone they just try and get basic movement back. You're even a step below that. You actually have to teach your entire body." Wasabi shook his head, "Can't be easy at all." Tadashi gave him a look that read 'you have no idea.' The two talked for a while, hanging out and catching up. Wasabi's company did Tadashi a world of good. Then Tadashi decided to see if Wasabi could be even more helpful. "Hey, Wasabi? Could you give me some information?" Tadashi asked slowly, rubbing the edge of his phone's power button. "Sure. Anything." Wasabi leaned back in his chair, signaling that he wasn't in a hurry. Tadashi's thumb pressed the power button and the phone's screen lit up, "I was doing some digging." He held up his phone for Wasabi to see, "How would you explain this?"

Wasabi paused and thought for a long minute before answering, "What do you want to know exactly?" As Tadashi listed the questions he had, Wasabi was thinking about the best way to navigate this situation. Although he had told Tadashi that he'd answer anything, these questions were the ones that Hiro had asked the crew not to answer. Wasabi didn't have to listen to Hiro, but if he didn't follow those instructions then he would corrode the trust that Hiro had instilled in him. Hiro's trust, since the accident, didn't come nearly as easily. Wasabi had two options: lie and say that he didn't know anything or or explain everything and risk Hiro not trusting him anymore. Neither were very enticing. Wasabi could say a small fib and tell Tadashi that any information he already had was all anyone knew. Wasabi still didn't like that idea very much. There weren't any other very promising options. So Wasabi answered, "All you know is what we know."

Tadashi closed his phone again, "Fine. Let me guess, Hiro told you not to tell me anything." Wasabi's silence answered the question. Tadashi's deep sigh prompted Wasabi to say, "I can tell you only a little bit." Wasabi then continued, "Professor Callaghan put on the neurotransmitter that Hiro had invented and used the microbots to protect himself from the flames. The whole fiasco started because he was trying to save his daughter from a risky experiment at Krei Tech. The heroes caught him though and put him in jail."
"I know all of that. It was in this article," Tadashi sighed some, "but is there anything else? Who are these heroes?" Wasabi shrugged, "No one knows who they are, Tadashi. They never revealed themselves." Tadashi leaned back his head, "It's still so fuzzy. I don't know anything and no one is saying a thing!" The tone of his voice was clearly showing his irritation. Wasabi could tell that Tadashi was still very confused and Wasabi would give him a few minutes alone, "I'm going to get a coffee from the café. Want anything?" Wasabi offered and Tadashi shook his head, "Nah, go ahead." Wasabi went upstairs and immediately pulled Hiro aside, "Hiro, are you sure you don't want to tell Tadashi about the hero thing? He's getting pretty upset being kept in the dark."

Hiro shook his head and crossed his arms, "Absolutely not! Don't you think that if he knew everything, it'd hurt him more than if he didn't know anything?" Wasabi sighed quietly, "You need to think about that. At some point you are going to have to come clean. Hiding such an enormous lie will not be a good thing for anyone , and especially not for you." With that advice Wasabi walked off to order his drink, leaving Hiro there to think and ponder over what to do next.

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