The Spirit In The Graveyard

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A/n POV :

"Guys, as tomorrow is a day off why don't we do something fun" Jungwon suggested.

"That'd be great" Jackson replied

"Count me in, well then what should we do?" Taehyung asked.

"Let's go on a road trip to XXX place, it's a very beautiful place to camp" Jimin advised.

"Good idea and it would be adventurous" Jungkook expressed his opinion.

"Yup" everyone agreed.

"So it's settled then, I'll bring the snacks" Taehyung said.

"We'll be going in my car" Jackson started.

"Drinks are my duty" Jimin said with a wink.

"I'll bring the tents" Jungwon said.

"I'll bring the other necessary stuff in case of an emergency" Jungkook said with his bunny smile.

"Anything you'd like me to bring?" Irene questioned.

"You get our music playlist ready, there should be different playlists for different times" Taehyung assigned her.

"I'll not disappoint you" she said with a proud smirk

The Next Day

"So, is everyone ready?" Jackson asked excitedly.

"Yes" everyone said energetically.

"Make sure you didn't leave anything" Jackson warned.

They all checked and luckily nothing was left. "Let's go then" Jackson said and started the car while Taehyung played the music.

After Some Time

"Kiss me once and kiss me twice and kiss me once again it's been a long long time" Taehyung sang and everyone clapped at his wonderful performance except Jackson

"You should totally become a K-Pop idol" Jungkook said teasingly.

"Of course of course" he replied sarcastically and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Alright, I'mma change the song" Jimin said and changed the song and everyone's favourite song 'Blood Sweats and Tears' started playing.

"Nae pi ttam nunmul
Nae majimak chumeul" Jimin and Jungkook sang.

"Da gajyeoga ga" Taehyung and Jungwon continued.

WANHE MANHI MANHI" they all sang their lungs out.

After An Hour

They reached their destination and Taehyung glanced and Jungkook who was sound asleep. "We're here guys" Jackson alerted and stretched his arms.

Taehyung patted Jungkook's back to wake him up. "Are we there?" he said in a sleepy tone and Taehyung laughed at it.

"Yes you pabo, now come on out" Taehyung said and they got out of the car and took all their stuff from the car.

"Jimin and Jungkook help me set up the tents and Jackson & Jungwon set up the bonfire and you Irene set up the speakers"
Taehyung gave order to everyone, he always has been good at leading. All the arrangements had been done and it had turned night. Everyone sat near the bonfire after they were done with their assigned tasks.

"Let's play truth or dare" Jungkook suggested.

"Yes let's play it" all of them said all at once.

Jungkook brought an empty bottle from his bag and pinned it. It landed on Jimin.

"Jimin truth or dare?" Jungkook asked.

"Dare" Jimin replied confidently.

"Make Irene blush" Taehyung whispered in Jimin's ear and he smirked.

"Consider it done" Jimin said and started closing the distance between his and Irene's face but he stopped right before their lips touched.

"W-What are you doing?" Irene said with a light hint of pink shade visible on her cheeks.

"Hahaha, dare complete" Jimin said and laughed.


"Aww you look so cute when you get angry" Taehyung teased making everyone laughed while Irene glared at Jimin.

"Ok I'll spin now" Jimin said and spinned the bottle and this time it landed on Taehyung.

"Taehyung truth or dare?" Jimin questioned.

"Dare" he replied.

"There is a cemetery nearby, go inside it all alone and stay for minimum 15 minutes" Jungwon dared.

"Okay, I'll admit I'm scared but I know I can do it" Taehyung said and chuckled. They all went infront of the front gate of the spooky graveyard.

"Go inside Tae Tae" Jimin said jokingly. They all stood there while Taehyung went inside.

"I am literally doing what a character does in horror movies, all that's left is for me to find an evil spirit" Taehyung muttered to himself. Soon he saw a girl sitting near a grave so he went near her.

"What's your name? Why are you here?" Taehyung asked the girl.

"I'm Y/n and same question goes for you, why you here all alone?" she replied.

"Ignore that, I'm Taehyung, whose grave is it ? Someone important?" he further inquired.

"My father and mother's grave"
she pointed at the two graves and a tear fled from her eye.

"I'm sorry for your loss" he bent down on her level and wiped off the tear.

"I don't know why I told an absolute stranger about my personal issue" she uttered.

"Well, Idk either, anyways where do you live?" he questioned.

"I live here" she responded.

He thought how is she joking after suffering from something this terrible but he shrugged it off and went out of the graveyard.

Y/n POV :

Who is this man, how can he even see me? I am a fucking spirit. Well I don't have anything to do here so why don't I follow him. Luckily he's a dumbass who hasn't figured out what I am, like you can't find a person sitting at such a place this late.
I saw him talking to his friends and then they all went inside their tent and slept.

The Next Morning

I saw their stuff packed and they were ready to leave, I followed them and after some time I reached Taehyung's house.

"Bye guys, see you at college" Taehyung bid his goodbye.

"Bye" everyone replied.

Taehyung went inside his house and locked the door while I walked through the closed door, he can't expect for me to knock.

I explored his house without him noticing but the things here felt familiar but I ignored that.

The Next Day

Taehyung got ready and left for college. His college was at walking distance I guess.

At The College

"How are you Mr Piggy?" Kai asked mockingly.

"D-Don't call me that Kai" Taehyung stuttered.

"So you'll talk back now?" Kai said bitterly and kicked Taehyung's stomach which infuriated me. I couldn't control myself so I came in front of Tae and punched Kai hard. Everyone got scared except Taehyung and ran away.

"You alright?" I asked softly.

"Why did they all run away?" he questioned dumbfoundedly.

"You don't realise?" I said.

"I don't realise what?" he asked.

"I am a spirit, except you noone can see me" I enlightened.

"W-W-What?" he stammered.

"I need answers, let's go to your house for now please" I said.

"Okay" he replied. He was still a little shocked and I guess a little scared too. We went Taehyung's house.

"Y/n, how did you die?" he asked somewhat sympathetically.

"I'll tell you that but first tell me that why did you not reply back then? And don't your friends know about this" I asked.

"They don't, I don't wanna let them know that I am a coward who can't even talk back" he replied.

"Tae, you're not a coward, you're just too sweet to speak back, I know I just met you yesterday but trust me I can read a person's personality" I consoled him

"Really?" he questioned.

"Yes and you wanna know my backstory right?" I asked and he nodded in response.


I used to be a college student in the same college as you and my parents were billionaires, they remained busy but still managed to give me some of their time.

Everything was going normal and fine until that one day.

I came back from college and saw Hyunjin my psycho ex standing in front of my parents smirking, so I hid to eavesdrop.

"We'll not give you our precious Y/n" my dad said firmly.

"Give me Y/n politely or else" he threatened and he had his gun pointed at them. I was trembling in fear not knowing what I should do.

'No, we'll even sacrifice our life if it's for our daughter" my mother said crying.

"Oh so that's what you want" he shot my parents with a psychotic smirk on his face and seeing it I lost my sanity at that moment. I ran towards him and punched him hard.


"Oh my dear Y/n, they were coming in between us so I killed them" he said and blinked his eyes several times.

All I could think of was how I could kill Hyunjin. "Give me that gun for a minute pls" I used a flirty tone to manipulate him.

"Here you go babygirl" he gave me the gun and I shot him as soon as I held the gun in my hand.

"You killed my parents infront of me you crazy psychopath" I said as tears dropped from my eyes.

I couldn't bear the pain of loosing my parents so I shot myself with that damn psychopath's gun.

~Flashback Ends~

"That's my story" I said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you went through such a thing" he kept his hand on my shoulder sympathetically.

"Wow, looks like you can even touch me" I was surprised.

"I guess so" he shrugged.

"How long has it been since you died?" he asked.

"I died 4 months ago" I replied.

"I have his urge of telling you something of my past" he said.

"Sure go ahead, I'm all ears" I responded.

"I had a friend in my childhood, we were neighbours and besties, we used to play together all the time, we stayed together all the time but then we shifted from there and I had said my goodbye to her hoping I would see her again, I loved her, but till now I haven't found her, where did you used to live?" he told sadly.

"I lived in Busan but I shifted here with my parents 1 Year Ago, I was a freshie in college"

"I am also a freshie and we also used to live In Busan before shifting"

"Oh I see"

"We're friends from now on, it doesn't matter if you're a spirit" he gave a boxy smile which was familiar.

"You know you remind me of something, something very important" I admitted.

"Honestly you do too" he responded.

"Let's sleep, I'm drowzy" I said yawning.

"Oh so even spirits feel sleepy"
he said making me chuckle.

We soon laid on the bed and drifted into dreamland.

After 6 Months

Days passed by as Y/n and Tae had come really close, Y/n would always save Taehyung so now no one bullied him and he never let Y/n feel lonely or sad. They were in love with each other despite the fact that Y/n was a spirit

One Day

A/n POV :

Y/n was roaming around the house as she was bored but she stopped as something attracted her, it was a bracelet.

The Bracelet

She stared at it for a while and she realised something, she started waiting for Taehyung to return.

When Tae returned home, Y/n ran to him and hugged him, he smiled and after a while she let go.

"I wanna know more about this childhood friend of yours" Y/n asked curiously.

"Sure, I used to call her "Berry", and she always called me" he said.

"Winter Bear" she cut him off and he stared at her with shock.

"How do you know?" he asked.

"Because I am your berry" she revealed.

A tear rolled down her eye and Taehyung's eyes filled with both sadness and happiness, she then showed him a ring.

These rings were the symbol of their friendship, a souvenir, Taehyung was wearing the other half of the ring.

"Not only this but this bracelet, it was something I gave you when you were going"

"Y-Y-Yes" he stuttered and began sobbing. His sobs turned into tears and he kept on crying while Y/n tried to comfort him.

"I could have saved you but I didn't" his cries had gotten harder while Y/n went silent.

"What do I do Winter Bear? I love you but I am a spirit"

"I love you too berry, it doesn't matter if you're a spirit, there has to be some way" hearing this finally Y/n burst out crying.

"I want to be with you Y/n, I'd do anything" his voice clearly stated how afraid he was of losing his precious Y/n again.

"You have to forget me Tae, I've stayed here for too long, this is not where I belong, It's my mistake that I followed you here" with that she disappeared making Taehyung a crying mess.

"Y/NNNNNNN" he screamed his lungs out.

After 3 Months

Since that day Taehyung has been searching for Y/n madly but he couldn't find her anywhere, he was depressed, he even started starving himself, he'd always look at the ring and cry.

Today he was again trying to find Y/n, he was driving when he saw a familiar figure and he stopped his car then got out.

"Excuse me" Taehyung said.

"Yes?" the gorgeous familiar figure replied.

"Y-Y/n?" he stammered.

"Do I know you Mr?"

"I'm sorry, I mistook you as my girlfriend" he apologised.

"No need to apologise but do you need any help finding her?"

"No, thanks for asking"

He again sat in his car with disappointment, he drove to Y/n's favourite place where they'd always hang out, suddenly while driving he felt a presence, he looked that way and was shocked to see Y/n.


"Winter Bear, do you really want me that badly?"

"Y-Yes, I want you even if I have to lose my everything, after all love means sacrifice"

"Tae I am asking this for the last time are you really sure you wanna give up your life to be with me?"

"I've made my decision Y/n"

"Then let's go my love" she dragged Taehyung's soul from his body, as his soul was out of his body and he saw his body lying in the seat lifelessly but tears could be seen in his body's eyes.

"I hope we both reincarnate and live happily together"

"I hope so too"

Taehyung held Y/n's hand and they both faded away together.

Sometimes Love Stories Remain Unfinished No Matter How True Your Love Is , It's The Harsh Reality Of This Unfair World.

What A Cruel World It Is.

~The End~

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