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Ohh, okay....

"Hey readers, I am going to intoduce myself...

My name is Kim Taehyung. I am a twenty two year old, sorryyy. Twenty two year young boy who lives in Seoul, South Korea. I have finished my college this year and I live alone in my flat. I have some good friends and my parents are no more."

Well, I wish my self introduction is normal like this but guess what...

Fuck it...

"Myself Kim Taehyung as far as I know. I am a twenty two year young handsome ghost. I live everywhere I want to but right now, I am stuck here. Guess, this is my flat as no one claimed it as theirs till now. I had some good friends who now cries for me every day and night. Duh! As if I am going to be alive again. Well, thats all about me."

"I am going to live a lonely life for the rest of the years. Duh! I am already dead but my soul is still refusing to go to heaven." I plopped on the couch hard causing me to jump as a reflex which resulted in making me fall hard on the stupid floor.

"My soft squeeshy ass." I rubbed my ass and crawled back to the couch.

I am bored here 24×7 as no one visits this flat. My friends think, they will be hurt more if they visit this place as they feel my presence here. I wish I could tell those dorks that I am actually here but fate, except for Jungkookie all are scardey cats.

"It doesnt mean that I didnt try. I tried twice and want to know what happened?"

Two weeks back...

I was peacefully resting my lazy ass when I heard some foot steps. I dragged myself to the living room... okay fine... I floated to the living room.
I can walk on my own but its tiring so I just float.

So back to the story...

I saw six similar faces in the living room which made me smile. My best friends...

"Tae, we all miss you. Its been a month already but we hope you come back to us." Hobi hyung shouted.

"Tae, I learned to make pineapple pizza for you." Jin hyung sighed out.

"I will play more games with you. I promise to not sleep during playing." Yoongi hyung shouted.

"I will let you do the rap in my next song." Namjoon hyung said.

"There you go, everyone knows to do all this when I am dead. I have literally got beaten for waking yoongi hyung for playing games and Jin hyung told me eating pizza makes me look like a pig. Namjoon hyung literally threw me out of the studio because I just edited his rap with mine." I stomped my feet hard.

"Tae, I miss you. Why did you leave me?" My eyes softened when I saw Jimin kneeling down with my photo frame.

"Well, that looks like a genuine remark. I miss you i miss you two.. three..four..five..six.. to infinity Park Jimin." He is my soulmate after all.

"Hyung, I got A in all my subjects." I saw Jungkook holding out a paper.

I floated next to him and peeked into his paper which was actually his report card. He immediately tugged it in his pocket making me frown.

"I didnt even see it properly, stupid bunny." I said floating back to my room.

I decided to let them know that I am still here for them. I dont know how long I will stay here but till that time, I definitely dont want to be lonely. I am a social butterfly. Yeahh, coz I can literally fly now.

I walked to the living once again and thought what to do to make them realise my presence. I started calling out their names but that didnt work. I started shouting in their ears but guess that was a failure too. I sang Cypher pt 1, 2 and 3 into Namjoon hyung's ears but he didnt even flinch which means talking is a dead end. If he had heard me rap, I would have been a dead meat once again.

I took a pen and threw it to Jimin. He thought it was someone else who threw it and ignored the pen. My poor pen was now at the corner of the room in the freezing cold hard floor.

"Okkay, now I have one last idea." I took a bottle of water from the freezer and splashed it on Jin hyung and Hobi hyung.

"Yeahhh punk. What is wrong with you?" Jin hyung screwed Jungkook's ears and the poor boy stood clueless.

"What? Why are you wet?" Jungkook asked confused.

"Really? You splashed water at me and acting innocent? Banana milk cancelled."

"Banana milk? Noo hyung, I didnt splash water." Jungkook whined.

"Yes, no banana milk for a week."

"But I need banana milk for health."

"Enough of it. You are causing trouble with your health."

"Banana milk makes my skin glow."

"Your skin dont have to glow for a week."

They continued arguing over banana milk and forgot about the water splash..

"Yeaaahhhh stupids.... its about who splashed water and not about some banana milk." I shouted for nothing as they cant hear me.

They left the flat still shouting and fighting over banana milk while I floated clueless.

"They are all dumbfucks." I said floating back to my room.

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