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After my friends embarassed me, they went out with Eunji for some purpose. I have no idea what it is because they were literally talking in code language. I wonder why they did that because no one is actually listening to them. I decided to watch something on tv as it is a rare chance. I plopped on the couch and started surfing through channels as fast as possible.

I felt a sudden ache in my heart, I dont know if its supposed to ache because it doesnt beat anymore. I slowly clutched on to my shirt trying to consume the small sting. It didnt last long but it did give me a panic attack. I dont want to feel any pain again atleast physically mainly because I have had enough. I literally spend more than six months in hospital taking in all the radiations and scannings.

Hospitals are the worst place to be in as far as I know. I layed down on the white sheet without any contact to the outside world. I stared into the blank ceiling most of the time not knowing when I will be able to see the sky. I used to peek through the window at times when the doctor let go off the tubes attached to me. The beeping of the machines made me feel dizzy and I was losing my hope. I was the one who supported and lifted up my friends who were crying at my state but slowly things changed upside down.

This small chest pain took me back to those horrible days which I never want to feel again. I lost my intrest in watching tv, so I decided to take a small home tour. I walked slowly to the dining and kitchen but I dont have much to do in there. I wanted to see my old room but I have to give her some privacy. I went into the small office room where I used to record my songs but its almost emptied now because Jimin took my equipments with him. I ran my fingers through my recorded song cds.

I walked back to my room as my heart felt more heavy. I plopped on the bed trying hard to not feel any pain. I tugged on to the blanket and rolled all over the bed. My eyes started getting filled, my human emotions rushed inside me once again. I felt human after a month and it didnt feel bad after all but I definitely dont want to be the human I was during the last six months.


I flickered open my eyes when I heard a loud thud behind me. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and sat up with blanket all over my face.

"W-who are y-you?"

"Duh! Who are you?" I asked back with sleepy eyes.

"Th-this is m-my home. Yo-you are a thief? A killer? A psychopath? A mafia?" I was shot with questions in between my beauty sleep.

"Huh? This is my home." I protested.

"Jiminnnnn...." I heard a loud scream which brought me back to senses.

"What the freaking hell?" I jumped out of the bed but as usual I fell down.


"Aaghhh, my ass." I said standing up rubbing my eyes.

"Taelien? Whats happening?" She asked confused.

"What? You can see me?" I was more than surprised and scared at the same time.

"So you arent dead? Where did you go all these days? Why did your friends tell me that you died? How did you get the house key?" She didnt stop throwing questions at me.

"Wait wait wait. You can actually see me?" I asked walking to her.

"Ofcourse I can. You are literally six feet tall. Why cant I see you?"

"You have no idea, do you?" I asked rubbing my head to see if I am dreaming.

"What do you mean?"

"Touch my hand. Let me know if I am dreaming." I said showing her my hand. I know that I was being so stupid but who cares.

She touched me quickly and surprisingly her hands didnt pass through me. I felt a touch after more than a month. I dont know what kind of emotions I felt but it was extremely nice to be touched again. She looked at me doumbfounded but I started celebrating myself by running around the room.

"Taehyung? What are you doing?" She asked holding my shoulders tight making me stand still.

"Who are you?"

"Eunji, the new owner. Jimin sold this flat to me." She said looking at my eyes.

"No, not that. How can you see me?" I asked again.

"Huh? You are crazy exactly like Jimin told me." She shrugged.

"Wait, noo. I am not what you think I am." I dont know if that was a good idea to tell her the truth.

"What are you? Kim Taehyung? Taelien?" She asked.

"Stop calling me that weird name. Taelien. Ewww." I showed like throwing up.

"Its not that bad." I heard her whine while a pillow landed on my face.

"How dare you throw a pillow at me?" I hissed back but another pillow landed on my face.

"Why are you here now? This is my house and you cant stay here now." She said pushing me out.

"What? This is my home. You cant push me out of my own home." I protested between her push.

"No no. I paid for this place." She continued pushing me.

"Yeaahhh, stop. Let me say it atleast." I moved away and she lost her balance and was about to fall. I tried to grab her hands but this time, my hands passed through her making her fall.

"Ouchh." She said grabbing her elbow which hit the floor.

"I-I am so-sorry." I stood like a statue not knowing what's happening.

"Did your hands just pass me?" She asked surprised.


"Y-you are a gh-ghost?" She asked but her face wasnt showing any scared expression. It was just full of curiousity.

"Umm." I just nodded my head and hummed.

"Wooaahhhh, you are a ghost. Taelien Ghost." She said standing up rubbing her hurt elbow.

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