-Chapter 12-

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Sawatdee-khaa... Today I decide to do an Q&A ..You can ask me anything..And I'll answer it ...😍

*The memory*

°Tae's pov°

I stepped  inside the room and see Tee hiding under the blanket. He must fell really embrassing that I see his 'brother' standing. I sit beside him and trying to pulled the blanket.

"Tee.. heyy..you don't have to feel embarassed. Its normal . Tee look at me naa.." I pulled that blanket again. But this time Tee show his face. But still warpped himself inside the blanket. His face look so red. I placed my palms on his cheeks. Even his cheeks feels hot.

"Tae.. I'm sorry you have to see that thing." He said biting his lower lips. And trust me he look sexy doing that.

"Its okay.. Even, if you want me to help you ..I can do it " I raised my left brow and give him a seductive smile. He hits my shoulder and shake his head.

"No. I already okay..You don't have to." he said while lying down.

I kinna dissapointed but, Its okay Tae. You got a lot of time to get this cute guy. I smiled at him and layed beside him. I pulled him into my arm and kiss his neck. I gladded that he didn't reject me. I can see he already yawning.

"Goodnight Tee".


I give him the toast and the scramble egg that I make earlier when he was taking a bath.

"Tae.. can I ask you something..?" Tee look at me while furrowed his brows.

" What.?"

"I remember something last night. Before you go a few months ago,  you said that I don't remember you.. What do mean by that. ? Do I know you before?" His question make me smiled. I take a seat beside him and hold his left hand.

"You really don't remember me Tee. Even after 5 years I still remember you . I bet I become more handsome that even you can recognise me." He looked curios after I said that. He look like he trying to recall all his memory.

°Tee's pov°

5 years ago?? that means I'm 16? I still in my highschool then? what happen ? I tried hard to remember what happen. I take a look at Tae face carefully. Then suddenly my eyes enlarged as I remember something. Its him..No wayy...

"Remember me now?" He ask me with a smiled still on his lips.

I nodded my head then I chuckled remember what actually happen between us.

He look a little bit different from now.I mean he look super hot now. And cute before this. Thats why I can't remember him.



°5 years ago°

°Tae's pov°

The bell rings woke me up from my sleep. I always sleep in the class. And no one dare to wake me up.

"Alright everyone. Today we have a new friend . Tee please come in."  Everyone eyes in on that boy who stepped in the classroom. His small body..his black hair..His eyes..nose...lips .. I can't believe there a pretty boy like him. I just go back to my sleep .


I woke up again after a half an hour I think. Because someone keep poking my shoulder. I open my eyes and look at the person who poking me nonstop. Its him. That new boy.

"What do you want?" I ask while glaring at him.

"I want to ask you where is library?" His voice cute too.

"Do you really have to wake me up just to ask where is library?" I look at him and smirked. Finally someone dare to wake me up. And he just want to ask where is library.

" Ermm..that because I sit next to you. And No one dare to talk to me because I sit beside you. They said they don't want to get involve with someone who sit beside you. They want to live a long live they said . Thats why I have to ask you personally." He said then pouted.

"Oh yeah right..That because last year I killed someone.So do you still wanna talked to me?" I said .

Actually I'm not killing someone.But that person die because of me. So everybody in this school put all the blames on me. That person die because I reject her. But she is the first person who commit a suicide when I reject her love. She also spread a news that she pregnant my baby before die. Although everything has been clear . But you know people mouth. You just can't stop them .

I can see he look anxious when I said that I killed someone. I laughed at him.

"Don't worry I won't kill a beautiful guy like you." I said .

" Okay then..if you said so. So could you please show me where is library." He blinked his eyes and crossed his arm on his chest.

This guy is different.

Its already been almost 2 months he is here. And I don't know why everytime I see him my heart will beat so fast.

"Tae ..can I ask you something?" I sip my water then look at him.Then nodded my head.

" What do you think about me?" His question make me anxious for a while. I can't let him know that I like him. He gonna think that I'm weird.

"You is a good friend. why?"

"Only a good friend? What is someday I suddenly gone how you gonna feels?" His question and his behavior today is a bit weird .

"Of course I will sad. Cause you are the only friend that I got". I smiled and patted his head. He bowed his head them smiled back to me.

-The next day-

Its already 9 a.m. And Tee still didn't come to school ,where he is.

"Okay class. I have something to tell you. Actually Tee is no longer this school student. He and his family moved away. " Hearing what class teacher say somehow make my heart broke. I guess I just go back to my old routine. Sleeping.

I hope I"ll meet you again Tee...

-End of Flashback-

◆•◆ I love really love Tae. If I don't mistake I know him from a movie name Midnight University. He look cute..


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😊Thank for all the vote and comment also the support..I really appriciated that..

😄Thank you for reading ...

😊I hope u'll like it...Even tho its a bit boring...

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