-Chapter 15-

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Heyy guyss... I try my best to update.😭

So please enjoy ..😊

*My Heart*


°Tee's pov°

After Singto party end I and Tae coming back home. And Tae look tired. I look at the clock its already 12.30 p.m . I take off my suits and stepped into the bathroom. While Tae is resting his legs on the pillow. He already changed to his pajama.

In approximately 15 minutes I walked out and see Tae is smiling while typing something on his phone. He keep smiling and texting and don't realize that I watching him from infront of the bathroom.

"Tae...Tae!." I shout calling his name to make him notice me. He turn off his phone and looked  at me. He put his phone under his pillow.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"Who are you texting?" I ask while furrowed my brows.

"Nobody.Come lets sleep". He patted the pillow next to him.And without saying anything I just go to sleep beside him.He pulled me closer to him.I snuggle to his chest and fall asleep.


I woke up due to Tae phone. A lot of text message coming . I can see Tae is still  sleeping. I slowly put my hand under his pillow and grab his phone. Actually I'm dying to know who is he texting.

I walked into the bathroom and put the phone into a silent mood. I turn it on and unlock it. I see theres a few text message
and a few missed call. I push the contact button to see who is calling.

Lily - 6 missed call

Who is Lily??? I open the text message. I know its already been delete before.

Lily - u know I love you right?

Lily - I'm sure he will understand it

Lily - Tae ? do you talk to him yet.

Lily - Sweety..?

Lily - Let me meet him if he don't agree with it.

Lily - Im waiting for you okay.

Lily - Just bring me a good news okay.

I turn off his phone. And without I realize it my tears start to fall down to my cheeks. Is he cheating on me? Why he did that? Is it because what I did before. He can't forgive me? Or he already has someone while trying to forget me ?

Is that person is better than me? A stupid Tee!! I scream in my heart. I walked out from the bathroom and placed Tae phone to it place and walked to the kitchen.

I grab a knife in the kitchen drawer and sit leaning at the sink.My tears can't stop anymore. Is Tae planning to leave me? Is he don't love me anymore? Theres a lot of question running on my head right now.

I put the knife on my wrist.I don't dare to do it actually but..I want all my pain to gone. I want to stop thinking. I want my tears to stop.

I drag the knife slicing my wrist. Its feel sting but not hurt. Maybe because my heart hurt more. I keep slice my wrist a few more time. Till all the blood that come out hard to stop. Creating a small puddle.

I start to feel hard to breath now. The knife that I hold drop to the floor. My sigh start to blur. Then I fall onto my own blood.

I'm so stupid....

◆•◆ What will happen to Tee??


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😊Thank for all the vote and comment also the support..I really appriciated that..

😄Thank you for reading ...

😊I hope u'll like it...Even tho its a bit boring...

😜Please keep read and support if U like the story...


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