-Chapter 20-

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°Tee's pov°

I rub my eyes a few time before open it. But my heart is in a peace when I see Tae still sleeping beside me. I kissed his cheeks. Then get up from my bed . I stood infront of the mirror lift up my shirt to see my own tummy. Our baby is here. I smiled while rub slowly my stomach.

I take a glance at Tae. I never expect that I'm gonna have a perfect husband like him. And now, I'm pregnant. But I stood infront of the mirror not too long because of my morning sickness. Oh god. I walked to the bathroom and again throw up. Tae wake up due to the noise. He run to me and rub my back slowly.

"Baby..are you okay..?"

"Yeahh..I feel okay right now." I said while holding Tae hand trying to stand. Tae grab my waist and bring me back to the bed. I sleep on his lap. I don't think I can't work if I'm like this. I ask Tae to grab my phone and dial Singto number .He still don't knlw that I'm pregnant.

"Hello..Sing..Where are you?"

"I just landed in thailand .Whats wrong?"

"Can you come here.I need to tell you something. And its important Sing. Bring Krist with you".

"Okay ..cousin."

I hangup the call then put that phone beside me.

"Tae..I want to eat durian ice cream." I ask Tae who seem still sleepy .

"But baby its still early in the morning. Where i'm gonna find it".

"Fine..if you think you can't find it. Then let me go and find it myself."I stood up and grab my jacket and car keys. But I stop my step when Tae grab my wrist. I don't know why. But I just can't control my emotion.

Tae placed both of his hand on my shoulder. I have to tilted my head a bit ti see his face.

"Baby...Lets take a bath first.You still smell like a pizza. After that we go and look for your durian ice cream okay..I promise you." He poke my nose make me shrug my shoulder a bit. Its somehow make me agree to him.

We take a bath together in the tub. Cause Tae don't want me to stand to long. Tae usually hate the bath tub.

But now he look so comfortable helping me brushing my teeth ...and clean my body..


°Tae's pov°

I watch my lovely Tee eating his durian ice cream in the early morning.

"Tee..why you always craving this kind of food. Didn't the doctor said you have to eat a food that will give you a lot of nutrition." I wipe his mouth with a tissue. He look cute right now.

"I will eat the nutrious food. But you know sweetheart..I need to balance it with this kind of food as well. Beside I'm not the one who craving for all of this. Its this small one."  Tee point his finger to his tummy and smile widely to me. He really cute.

"If you already done.Can we go now. Don't forget that you ask Singto to come.And I have to go to your office to settle everything.Cause you cannot work starting today. I'll handle everything. Understand me." I said while ruffled his hair. He used to get mad when I messed with his hair. Nkw he seem yo like it.

When we arrived at home.Singto already arrived . But he already get in since he has the keys. I carried Tee inside the house with piggyback style. Cause Tee said he don't want to walked. He start to ask me doing a weird thing.Like in the car just now. He ask me to sing this baby shark song..how can I know what is baby shark song. He will pouted if I don't do it.

"Yo cousin..What happen to you. Do your legs hurt or something till Tae has to carry you on his back.?" Singto ask Tee when we walked into the house while Singto and Krist is sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Sing..and Krist..I have something to tell you guy.. Sing..Krist..actually I'm pregnant!!.." Singto dropped the apple in his hand hearing what Tee has told.

"You..wowww...Congratulation both of you. I don't trust you when you said gonna try that male-pregnancy. But you did it.. I'm proud of you Tee.." Singto and Krist hug Tee and pinch his cheeks.

I really love seeing Tee smiled. He always looked beautiful .

◆•◆Arghh.. p'Tee..you look so damn cute.... I'm dying..


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😊I hope u'll like it...Even tho its a bit boring...

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