-Chapter 23-

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Heyy everyone.. All of you must be shocked right with Tee dad suddenly come back. But don't worry..like I always said..I love happy ending...😊😊

*A New Home*

°Tee's pov°

"I want both of you to leave this house right now! Pack all your thing . I don't want to see your face anymore." My tears burst from my eyes. The thing that I scare the most is happening. Why my own family can't understand me.

I can't say anything right now.My mouth feel like its has been glue. My family has already hate me. I only have Tee and our baby. I placed my hand on my tummy. Tae pulled me following him and pack our thing.

"I'm sorry baby. " Tae touch my face slowly. He wipe my tears . But useless cause my tears doesn't seem to stop. After pack all thing. Tee and I leave the house. Its hurt me alot. But I know one day they gonna accept me back. Even if their don't I still has Tae and my baby.

Tae is bringging me to his old apartment that he actually didn't sell it.Yups he lie to me just to sleep at my house.

"Its a bit messy here baby. But don't worry. I'll clean everything tomorrow okay. Now you need to sleep. You look tired." Tae right. I really need a sleep.


I woke up due to the noise . What is Tae doing? I get up from bed and walked out. Everything is clean and neat. Tae clean all this by him self. I walked slowly to the mirror door that sperated the balcony with the living room.

I look outside and release a deep breath. I smiled when suddenly Tae muscular arm wrap around my chest. He rub slowly my tummy and kiss my neck.

"Don't worry baby. Everything gonna be fine." I hold Tae hand and just look outside.We stayed like that for a few minute.

I still can clearly see my dad face. Why he can't accept us. Am I that embarassing to them. Is it bad to love a man. And get pregnant. But I guess I just have to move on. I still have my loving husband and my cousin.

"Baby..Singto is coming here." well speak of that devil.


"Its okay cousin. Trust me uncle gonna accept both of you one day. "

"I know Sing. But its hurt a bit. My parent is not like yours. And its make me sad". Singto stayed with me all day.And he let Tae to work at his company.

°Tae's pov°

Tee always dreaming about his parents everynight. Its hurt to see him like that. Even tho he always say that he okay. But I know he not. He just don't want me to get worried.

2 months later•

Today I'll confront Tee parents. Tee almost at his due date. And he hope they will be there. when he give birth. I ask Krist to stay with Tee. While me and Singto go to meet Tee parents. And Tee don't know about this.

In approximately 20 minute we finally arrived at that house. I take a deep breath and knock the door.

Tee dad open the door and try to closed it back when he see my face. But I block the door make my hand bleed a bit.
He look kinna shock with my action.

"What do you want?"

" Please just listen to what I'm gonna say. You don't have to say anything. Look sir. Tee really miss both of you. I understand if you still mad. But please at least see Tee. He really want to meet you. He always dream about you.Almost everynight. I know you hurt when knowing what happen. But Tee also hurt. Only both of you that he have. But when something like this happen . He will feel alone. He is your only son. Iunderstand if you hate or mad at me. But please don't hate Tee." Tee dad didn't say anything he just stood there.

"Uncle..I know its hard for you to accept this. But being like this is also make its more hard. I can't stand to see Tee cry everyday." Singto add.

"I hope yo...." My speak has been cut cause Singto phone suddenly ringing.

"Hello Krist. What happen?"

"Me and Tee is on the way to the hospital. He ..he is almost giving birth right now. he is in the pain. Please hurry up Sing".

"What??..Okay ..okay.." After hangup the phone Singto touch my shoulder.

"Tae ..we need to go.. Tee and Krist in on the way to hospital. Tee is in pain..He almost giving birth right now."Hearing what Singto said make me stood right away.Before I go I turn to Tee dad.

"If you still think Tee is your son..And still love him. Come and visit. I'm surr Tee will be happy." I said then jumped in my car.

I rush to the hospital with Singto.

◆•◆Our baby Tee is soo cute..And our p Tae is so cool..


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😊Thank for all the vote and comment also the support..I really appriciated that..

😄Thank you for reading ...

😊I hope u'll like it...Even tho its a bit boring...

😜Please keep read and support if U like the story...


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