-Chapter 5-

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Hey guyy...how are you today... isn't today weather nice.. lets continue to chapter 5? or shouldn't I? hihi


°Tee's pov°

I lying on my bed after shower. I need to stop thinking about Tae kiss at the party. I tried to closed my eyes . But I don't know why its hard to close it .I grab my phone and call someone.

"Hello, Forth. Wanna go and have fun.?..... Great then I'll be there in 10." I jumped off the bed and trying to sneak out. I walked thru the living room.  And get in my car.

The moment I start the engine someone open the passenger door. Oh shit..damn it ..this guy again. I sighed when I saw Tae is the one who open the door. Why he keep following me. Just go to sleep already.

He comfortably sit on the seat.

"Why are you here? " I look at his face while furrowed my brows. He look freaking handsome tho even with just a plain white shirt. and a ripped jeans and a snapback.

"Tee...do you forget I supposed to followed you everywhere. Like EVERYWHERE and anytime..don't forget that." he raised his left brow and glance at me .

"Auuu...if you really has to followed me around why you don't followed me into the bathroom as well. Such a busybody." I hiss and turn my head .

"Actually if you let me ..I think I will followed you into the bathroom too 'boyfriend'. " I can see his grinned at me. Oh god this guy is really getting my nerves on. The word boyfriend who came from his mouth remind me about the thing he did at the party again.He is such an annnoying person .


°Tae's pov°

Its already 2 a.m when he arrived to meet his friend. I looked at all of his  friend and guess what? all of them is loaded. Their cloth..their drinks..place and car. What a bunch of rich kid we have here.

"Aii Tee.. still bringging a 'babysitter' with you?" one of his friend ask while laughing.

"Oiii Kuhn. Just shut up. Let just drink till our butt fall off. " I looked at him and just sit here doing nothing. I can't drink because Tee need someone to drive a car back home. Plus I don't know how to drink.

I take a look at the watch and its almost 3 a.m. And those rich kid still drinking . Tee is wobble around he can't even stand straight anymore. When I stood up to call Tee suddenly a woman grabbed my arm.

"Hey sexy... where are you going.? Mind if I sit with you?" This woman looked so drunk. Before I can't say anything my arm already been snatch from that woman grab. Its Tee.

"Hey you bit*h ! stay away from my Tae. His mine not yours." What? my Tae. What he said make me smirk a bit. Even I know he won't remember it tomorrow. I placed my arm on his shoulder make that woman open his mouth widely in disbelief.

"Lets go home baby". I said and dragged him with me.

When he get in the car. He just fall asleep until we reach home.

◆•◆ Is Tee really fall for his bodyguard or he just still playing a game?? who knows....


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😊Thank for all the vote and comment also the support..I really appriciated that..

😄Thank you for reading ...

😊I hope u'll like it...Even tho its a bit boring...

😜Please keep read and support if U like the story...


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