-Chapter 9-

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Hey guyss... howss you doing today...??  wanna continued to chapter  9?..

*Eww ...Taee*

°Tee's pov°

I only watch Tae arranging all the stuff in the fridge and cabinet while eating a snack. I can only see his back. Plus he is not wearing a shirt. Yes he half naked. I don't know why ,but my heart beat so fast seeing him like that .And I almost forget my mission to make him fall in love with me.

He turn his body and faced me. I can see a sweat on his forehead down to his sideburn. And without realize I grabbed a tissue and wipe his sweat. I start to realize when he give me a really seductive smile. I stop wipe his sweat. And walked to the living room.

Why you do that Tee. Oh my god. Its so embarassing. I turn on the tv. And sit on the couch.

But my eyes start to feel heavy. And without I realize. I fall asleep on the couch.


°Tae's pov°

I go to the living room after done arrange all the stuff . I can see that Tee is not watching the tv. He fall asleep. I walked close to him. Leaned my body and examning his face. He look cute as always. But he don't remember me.

I slightly touch his face with my finger. His eyes..his nose..and his lips. Somehow in my heart I hope he is mine. But I know its imposibble.

"Tee..I hope you will remember me.. And I hope you know I love you." I said without even realized it. I kissed on sleeping Tee forehead then walked to my room . I need to refresh myself.

°Tee's pov°

"Tee..I hope you will remember me.. And I hope you know I love you."

What the..? Am I dreaming or something. No I'm not .. I woke up when he touch my face. But what with that I love u stuff. ?? remembering and stuff?? Do I know him?? Do he know me before.? Who are you Tae?. I hear he stepped back and I stood up. Looking at his back vanished from my sight. This guy really make me confused.


I take out my phone from my pocket and call someone.

"Hello Sing. Where are you right now? I heard that you already comeback to thailand. Why you don't come and visit me here. I want you to do something." I smirked as I hang up the phone call.

Singto is actually my cousin. But his family moved to America 6 years ago.He is like a brother to me. I never hide anything from him. But now I really need him to get Tae and make him leave me. Even I know he love me ..But I don't love him... right?

"Tae..! I'm going out for awhile. I need to pick someone.!" I grab the car key and just go out without waiting for him. I need to ask Singto to help me.

I smiled when I see Singto walked toward me. "Sing!" I run toward him and just hug him." I miss you big brother" I said then look at him.

" Ya..ya.. I miss you too..So why you want me to do this time baby bro.? You make a problem again. Tee..Tee..I wonder Why uncle still don't kick you out". He laughed at me when he said that. Ergghh..He become a jerk in just a few year.I rolled my eyes before speak to him.

" Actually Sing.My dad get me a new bodyguard. But I kinna hate him. I don't know why. I want him to leave me. But I know he hiding something. Also I don't know what. But I do know he love me. Shock right but thats the truth. So I really need your help. Pretends to be my ex-boyfriend. And make him leave." I smiled as I said that. But I can see he furrowed his eyebrows and has this 'unbelieveable' look on his face.

"Are you crazy Tee. You can't just played with other people feelings like that. Its will hurt him ..and maybe will hurt you in the end. Even if you don't like him. You don't have to do it like this. Theres a lot of other way. Not by hurting his feeling like this. " What Singto say make me flinched a bit. But I still wanna go on with this planed and see what will happen. And I promise Singto that I will take all the responsible by myself.

I bring Singto to my house. I need to do this. Or he won't leave. I can see Tae worry face when I open the door. But his face change when he saw I walked in with Singto.

"Oh..hi Tae. This is my ex-boyfriend Sing. And Sing this is Tae..My bodyguard." Tae look shocked hear the word ex-boyfriend. "Come in Sing . My mom and dad will not be home in this 2 months." I hooked my arm at Singto arm . And leave Tae standing infront of the door.

◆•◆Can Tee figure out who is Tae?? and can he success hurting Tae heart?

      🎀Oh yeahh..and This is Singto🎀


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😊Thank for all the vote and comment also the support..I really appriciated that..

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😊I hope u'll like it...Even tho its a bit boring...

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