-Chapter 8-

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-True Feeling-


I swear that I'm a bit shock when I open my eyes. Tee lips is on my lips.  I smiled when Tee pulled back . His face look red. His hand that I hold for almost a few hour also has been snatch away.  Tee stood up and run downstair.

I sit on my bed and sighed. I know that I hurt Tee a lot. I'm too stupid to realize that I actually has a feeling for him. I keep remind my mind that he is just a toy for me.

But I'm wrong. He more than that. Its like he is someone that I always miss..I always want him..I always think about him..I hate when other guy or girl trying to get near him.. I'm just too stupid because playing with his heart.

He never do anything to me. He told his dad to help my dad..And I never say thank to that... I 'm such a pathetic.. I'm too stupid to understand his heart... Why Tae..why... Why you have to broke his heart.. And now trying to get it back... Don't you feel guilty at all... What have I done?... Why I can't realize all of this before all thiz happen?... Now its gonna be hard to get his heart back...

You just waste almost a year just for your stupid plan...Thank to your stupid action... he now trying to stay away from you... Serve your right... 

I tried to get up but my head still feel dizzy. I collect all my energy and get up. I leaned to the wall. Wow my body feel so heavy today. I can't clearly see the way to the toilet. I feel like I'm gonna fall. But a sudden arm prevent me from fall. Its Tee.

"Where are you going.? You're still burning!" He look at me.

"Well..I want to go to the toilet." I said showing my teeth to him. He rolled his eyes and bring me to the toilet.

After I done doing my business in there Tee bring me back to my bed. He also bring a bread and ask me to eat a bit. Tee that infront of me now, Is now the usual Tee that I know. And he be like this is all my fault.

I bowed my head and stare at my hand. Then a clear warm liquid drip on my hand. Yes I know I shouldn't cry cause its my fault. But remember what I did to him make my heart hurt. He must be hurt than this. Thinking that make me feel more stupid.

"Tae...are you crying?" He ask me trying to lifted my face making me look at him.
"Why are you crying?" He furrowed his brow.

" I'm sorry Tee. I know what I did is stupid. I know that I hurt you. I know that I'm selfish. I never think about you. I'm sorry for everything Tee. I know that I don't have any right to stop you from going right now. Tee... If you want to go..please go now. Cause if you keep take care about me like this...I won't be able to let you go anymore. " I look right in his eyes. Deep in my heart I  don't want him to go. But I also don't want him to be here just because he only want to take care of me.

Because till the time I'm recover I don't think I will let him go. Tee stood up without saying anything. He look at me and walked to the door. The he turn his head.

"Tae.. Please stop hurting people heart. I hope you will be happy with your life." He really go.

My heart broke into pieces but maybe this is the best for both of us. I pulled my blanket covering all my body and crying my heart out..

While being stupid and hope he will come back....

◆•◆Draw by me... just fulfil one of dear my reader request...😊

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