To Those Who Make My Life Better

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I don't really need to tell what this is about, because we all know. But before that, let me just say that I am so very grateful that you all exist and make my life better in so many ways that I cannot just express by words.

You, Ika, are, for real, one of the few people for whom I'd sacrifice anything and everything and never regret it for a second. I met you a lot later than many of the people in here, but for sure, I am closer to you than anyone else. No one can ever take your place. You are such an awesome being that it hurts not being able to meet you and give you a tight hug. What hurts more is that I was in the same radius of barely a kilometer and still couldn't meet you. And that meeting in CP and missing it? Yeah, that all sucks big time.
Fr, I still think that we are kumbh mele mein bichhdi behene. Or that our parents are secretly billionaires. I mean that way we could just meet everyday, right? Or we could just buy big bungalows next to each other (or better, live in the same one).
I love our 1 AM and 1 PM conversations. I love that you are always at my side, no matter what the odds are. I love that you make me feel better about myself and are there when I want to rant about anything. I love that you know all my secrets. I love that you team up with either Oja or Ana or Bhaiya and annoy the fuck outta me. I love that you know so much about the people you love. I love that we can talk for hours on a video call without speaking even a word. I love that you randomly open my accounts and mess up everything. I love that I am the poop to your butt. But most of all, I love that you love me and care for me like no one else. You don't know how glad I am that you exist. It is like I do not even consider you my online friend anymore because you are basically family. 
One thing that I would like to say to you is that don't ever belittle yourself or think that you are not worth something, because, love, you are worth every damn thing in this universe.

143 *tongue and earth* (because you know you are my world)


My Queen Bitch. You are one of the first people I met here and stayed. You don't know how much I look up to you. Yeah, I may be your elder sister but you know better, always. You are such a wonderful person and I can't describe how much I adore you. Your poems and your writings always win my heart (complete your book soon because I wanna read it so bad). You take so many efforts for the people around you that it makes my heart melt. Lucky are the people who are your friends and who get to meet you everyday.  You are like a sun, someone who is a source of  sunrise, but someone who'd burn anything and everything for the people she loves.
You are the first online friend I talked to on call. And you won't believe but I was so nervous and so excited that I was literally watching my face multiple times to see if I look okay or not before giving myself a mental smack that it is an audio call and not a video call. I drank a lot of water, though. LMAO.
You are a beautiful being, inside out. I have never seen someone as stubborn as you, but inside all that is a soft teddy bear who is really sensitive to a lot of things. You are damn loyal, be it to your people or to BTS or to anything and I really like that fact about you a lot. Don't ever change for anything in the world. 

I Purple You! <3

Gina Bina, I don't think I have ever met a person who is as wise, awesome, beautiful and humorous as you are. It's like you are a complete package. You are so young (or maybe a 30-year old pedo that Ika says you are), yet you are so mature. I really love that you have that quality of making anyone feel better about themselves. You give me so much courage and happiness by just being on the other side of the world that it hurts that you are continents apart. You have such a beautiful voice (which is as sweet as you are) that I legit scrolled all the way up to listen to them again. I feel that you have that confidence that oozes out of you and it is infectious. Your smile is infectious. Damn, everything about you is infectious. 
I am so glad that I met you on that chain because I don't know how I was laughing before I met you. I apologise that I don't talk to you much in DMs (I will, now), but know that you are so damn supportive and so damn lovely. 
I really love all the new words that you invent and all the puns that you make. Your jokes crack me up like nothing else. I like how one second you say bitch to one of us, and then say sorry the next second.
You make this world a better place to live in and I swear this is just me being modest. 


You make me feel lovely and it's so lovely to be lovely to the one I love. Literally. 
You, honey, are beautiful. Like wow wala beautiful. When we meet for the first time and you see me watching you creepily, just know that it will be me adoring you and appreciating you in my head. Bhai, your eyes are so lovely, like wow. I don't even know how to appreciate them in words (is the deal about you giving one of your eyes to me and the other to Ika still on?) 
You are such a damn good person and I can't believe that you gave me the opportunity of being your friend. I mean I am so very glad. Ngl, I was afraid of you at first. Like I thought that if I say something to you or annoy you even a bit, you will go off on me, LMAO. But then when I came to know the real you, I could not help but think how wrong I was about you. You have this whirlpool of emotions going on within you and I love that. I appreciate you for the confidence you have in you for yourself and for those you love that I would really want to learn to have that. 
And OMG, I absolutely love your writings. They are so heart-felt and so emotional that they make me want to cry like a baby. Also, the way you fangirl about your favourite books is so so so awesome. Thank you for introducting me to ATBP because that book is absolute love.
I'm so glad that you exist. Just stay the same always. 


Aish, you are so lovely. You are young and yet, you are mature. Your innocence is so cute that it makes me want to hug you and protect you from all the evils in the world. 
Don't ever let people walk over you because they are going to take advantage of a sweetheart like you and hurt you in the process. You are so damn forgiving and innocent that I don't understand how you found a weirdo like me, LMAO. You legit know all the people on wattpad and I don't think I can thank you enough for introducing me to some very awesome people in here.
We have weird conversations where we are just sending emojis or fullstops back and forth and I swear I enjoy it so much because others would totally judge me for doing that, LMAO. You are the light in the darkness and way too damn adorable to be real. 
You are my pH 7 and I love you so much! <3

WIFEEEEEE!!!!!! You beautiful (bootiful), hot and sexy bitch, where have you been all these days? We have been talking so less these days and I wanna change that (T_T) because I absolutely love talking to you.
We may not know THAT much about each other to write each other's biographies, but I just know that you are a lovely and adorable human being and I am so proud of the person that you are. Whenever I see you on my feed, I wanna go to that comment and shout out, "THAT'S MY WIFE YOU ALL." That is how much I am obsessed with you. I really love how you stand up for your people and go off on anyone who speaks against them. Your insults are so creative, LMAO. I stan you so so so much. 
I am hella proud that despite of whatever troubles you have faced, you have become this strong and elegant person people would want to look up to. I don't think that I will want anything about you to change because you are so damn awesome as you are. 
I love you, Jowe! Get married to me soon, LMAO.

Suha, you are the youngest one here, right? But bro, you are way more humorous than I will ever be. You're funny and witty and I love your comments and responses on books. Thank you for recommending me some really good stories in here. Also, just improve your biological clock. Like wtf? No matter at what time I open wattpad, you are there commenting or voting on some book, LMAO.
You are one I would want to protect with all of me because you are innocent and cute af. And bro, your snaps? They are to die for, LMAO. Gosh, I wanna meet you in person and I am going to, one day. 

I Love You, bitch! Stay the same always.

Iza, why do I not have a name for you that I can piss on? How about Naiz? Is that okay? You like it? Anyway, you are so cute, omg. Like do you all young ones in muffam take some potion or something to be THIS cute. You make me go all protective and act like a mother, LMAO.
You are beautiful, honey. And you are worth everything in this world. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. I didn't really talk to you in the beginning because we were not close, but then idk what happened and now you are one of the people I adore so much. You are so sweet that it makes me want to cry, but then be glad that I have had this chance to know you. You are so precious, omg.

Thank you for existing. I Love You!

Tara. First of all, you are so beautiful. Like if you have a skin care routine or something, please fucking share with me, okay? Bruh, that glow, it is to die for.
You are one of those few people that I liked the very first moment I met them. I mean you are so pure and so innocent, yet you go so protective over the whole muffam. You are the newest member in here, but you are equally as adorable and lovely to me as the others. You have that positive vibe radiating from you that makes me want to keep talking to you (and keep sending you voice messages and receiving them from you in return). I loved that you learnt hindi from me, especially the abuses, LMAO. I am waiting for the time when you would send me a note all in hindi. Also, teach me your language too na. 
I named you Tara and that means star. I think I have named you aptly. You are no less than a star. Never forget that.

I Love You!!

Ivie, I know we don't really talk much (idk why), but from all that we have,I know one thing for sure that you are amazing. You are this mature and creative kiddo that I would really want to know everything about. I love your bonding with Gina and Ana and all those you love. You sure make Muffam better by just existing. Thank you for bring YOU.


Grav, I have not really had a conversation with you either, but I do know that you are damn entertaining. I am so sorry for not having a proper conversation with you, which I will make sure that I do, because I too want to know the amazing person everyone talks about everyday. Thank you for being here. Stay the same.

I heart you!!

Crystal, honey, you are so so so lovely and adorable and cute and beautiful and awesome and every good adjective in the world. I really love that despite being stuck in some situation of your own, you never fail to make people better by just your words. I am amazed by the love you have for Ed Sheeran and I really stan that loyalty. Those stickers we keep sending each other back and forth are just so damn amazing. Ughhh I cannot wait to meet you someday. 
Keep visiting wattpad often. Muffam needs its author, LMAO.


zoyaak888 Slipperypickless
Zoya and Fiza, I need you guys here to write about you or I am delivering your messages on instagram. But what I wanna confess here is that I love you both so much. I never knew that I deserved as beautiful people as you both. Stay lovely!

AAYE BITCH, MY WIFE! You are almost never here on wattpad, but this is the platform where I came to know you and I don't think that I can be more grateful. You are this really amazing person that I have the pleasure of being a friend and wife to and I am really glad that I know you. I love how great a reader you are. You are obsessed with books, LMAO. But for real, you have an awesome taste in books. 
You make me a better person. I do not think that I deserve you, but now that I do have you, I am never ever letting you go.   


CUTIEEEEEEE. Yeah, I am definitely calling you that from now on because you are just that, cutie. We started off by me annoying you and I am glad that I did. I can never be grateful enough to Ika for introducing me to you because you are one of the best people I have in here. You are the brother I never had and damn, aren't you awesome? Yeah, yeah, now don't feed your ego too much. It has already surpassed the height of the Himalayas.
You, along with Lachuu and your twin, make the best and cutest trio and I am so much filled with adoration (and laughter) when I see you three talking or annoying each other. You guys are too special that way.
You are an amazing brother to me and I don't think that I ever would want to lose you. Just meet me soon, okay?

I Love Ya, Cutie!! <3

Babyyyyyy, you're so cute and courageous and lovely and such a wow person that it makes me glad to have known you. We've met just a few days ago and we don't know much about each other, yet, but I have realised that you're that small sister who I would look after despite anything and everything. You are so precious, omg. I liked you the first time I talked to you and that's saying something because I'm too damn wary of people here. I wanna meet you someday, omg.
I won't say thank you because that is against our rules, but I am glad that you made me feel good about myself. It really helped.
I'm glad that you exist!

I love you!!!

Okay, I don't have a name for you. I need to think of one, or should I keep one like I kept of your twin, LMAO? Something related to cute? It's funny how you both are repulsed by the idea of being called cute. GuYs ArE nOt cUtE. News flash honey, guys can be cuter than girls and you both are living proofs.
You're this really amazing person I had the chance of meeting through your twin, and you're really adorable. I love how we clicked instantly and you made me your sister (kyunki tum dono ko sister-zone karne ke alawa literally kuch nahi aata, lol). You're as good as a person can be and I wouldn't want you any other way.
I'm really glad that you exist. Wish we could meet someday.

Love ya!! <3

big19boss iram_95
I don't really think that I need to mention how much I love you guys and how much I am glad that I have the both of you to go to whenever I feel low or anything. Thank you for being there for me every damn time. It's probably with you both that I had some of the best moments in school. Our inside jokes, Jungu ka cliffhanger, Chuchi ke saath ke discussions, everything. I am not going to write long paras because that'd be too less. I also didn't give you both separate paragraphs because that'd be segregating the love I have for the both of you.
You guys make every damn moment I spend with you worthy. I miss our everyday hugs, omg. I miss you both so much. Meet me soon wtf.
No, I ain't starting appreciating you. Bahut jyada lamba khich jayega wo. I'll make sure to show that to you through my actions.

I love you guys so much! Be the same and keep troubling me because that's what you do best, lmao. <3

Okay, so that's it. I am really sorry if I forgot anyone. You all mean so much to me and I thank my stars or destiny or God or whatever that made me meet you all. You guys are so precious that I would never want to lose you for anything in the world.


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