100 Questions

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I have got twice tagged by ElyDeborah and addhukathiravan so yeah...

1. Age?

2. Eye colour?
Hazel, I guess.

3. Hair colour?

4. Languages I know?
Like 6 languages.

5. Fav colours?
Black & blue.

6. Fav num?

7. Gender?
-=- I revived my robotic self

8. Sexuality?
Booksexual? Nah, heterosexual.

9.Do you have a crush?
Never had one, honestly.

10. What do you do in your spare time?
Read, draw, solve mathematical problems, risk... Etc but literally, recently, I don't have any... I'm busy always.

11. Religion?
Does it matter?

12. Have you ever broke something?
I fix '' things'' usually but I think, I broke hearts.

13. Phobias?
Only two...?

14. Fav genre?
Si-fi, mystery, the.... X...., adventure, thrill... Etc

15. Friends names?
Not sure, I barely remember mine. ;~;

16. Battery?

17. Dream bf/gf?
Well, idk my future plans requires to be literally 100% alone. I don't think I thought about it before but umm I think being their trueselves is enough, loyalty? Creativity? Idk I'm flexible to deal with anyone or that what I believe? Prove me wrong.

18. Fam?
I have a great cool wonderful big bro and lovely sis.

19. Girly or tomboy?
Robotically normal.

20. Cats or dogs?

21. Dreams you never wanted to end?
Lemme remember
-That one when I fixed the world and made it perfectly perfect.
-That one when I meet that great person.
-That one when I were living in a dark place where no other individuals could come close to.
-That one when I managed to save those ppl who died in front of me.
-That one when someone noticed my intelligence and encouraged me to level it up, not just laugh at me like they usually do nvm.
-That one when I took everyone's pain and made them happy.
-That one when no one told me how much of sociopath I am (I'm not tho, or kinda?), how much cold I am, how much boring I'm.... Etc.
-That one when I was never born.
-That one when.. I think that's enough I typed a lot.

22. Dream job?

23. Dream date?

24. Candy or chips?

25. Bored yet?
I'm never bored.
Honestly I got 15 times (or less I'm certain) bored in my entire life.

26. Nick names?
Ye a lot.

27. Do you believe in God?

28. 5 most common ppl describe you as?
Ppl you can all drop answers I would be thankful.

Cold, mofo, mysterious, cute, genius or smart I get both of them a lot.

Some said the next Einstein, boring, overcaring, loyal, restricted to rules, arrogant (I don't believe so), dead, judgmental, amazing, this *points at me*, emotionless, annoying, irritating, lone, bad, careless, stone, robotic, dark but funny, friendly,
Blah blah.

29. Fav youtuber?

30. Fav songs?
Mmm a lot....
Masayume chasing
Zara larrsson ~don't worry 'bout me
Lost within~ Neffex (this is me)
Struggle naruto amv
Broken dreams - Neffex
Too sad to die
No name (me also)
Legends never die
Nf-Wait (this is me too)
Evanescence albums

31. Scared of death?

32. Scared of dark?

33. Scared of spiders?

34. Scared of thunder?
No, well I somehow think I'm linked to that element... Okay that's stupid.

35. Scared of dying alone?
XD I'll die alone one day.

Rationally everyone dies alone -=- no one will share your last breaths, no one will share with you your life time story. No one will, we were born alone in this world we just convince ourselves that we are not alone by surrounding ourselves with other ppl which is literally not true. You walk alone, you live alone. And that is life.

36. Scared of clone?

37. Ever been bullied?

38. Done alcohol?

39. Done drugs?
Not sure.

40. Had sex?

41. Ever stayed home alone?
Ye alot , I'm totally 80% of the time alone. It doesn't matter.

42. Ever kissed someone?

43. Ever been jealous?
Ye, in my entire life I got jealous 9 times. Yep I counted them.

44. Ever sworn?

45. Ever cried?
All humans cry -{-

46. Describe your crush?
I said I don't have one.

47. First letter of your crush

48. Sick of these questions?
Look at 25.

49. Fav movie?

50. Do an emoji
Seriously? '^'

51. Ever lied?
6 times, 2 of them to ran away from problems, 3 of them to fix fights between 2 ppl and 1 of them to myself. I'm honestly honest person. I speak truth even if it hurts.

52. Biggest fear?

53. Fav tv show when you were a kid?
Non. I didn't used to watch TV I used to read books & play.

54. Say elephant shoe to someone?
That's stupid, fine.

55. Are you really sure you did num54?
Yep I said it to my room.(my room is someone to me)

56. Ever hit someone?
No. I don't lay my hands on anyone. Well um probably I did hit somebody or somebodies cuz I was defending myself (just some fights with some bad boys duhh).
Some peeps hit me sometimes, I don't complain about it, cuz it's okay. I don't feel anything.

57. R u sure u r not lying in num 42.
I told you I don't lie, I speak truth even if it hurts.

58. Ever stolen someone's gf/bf?
Why would I? I don't care.

59. Brightness or darkness?

60.more scared of snakes or spiders?

61. Are you tired?
I don't get tired easily.

62. Best holiday?
Reading a book far from all ppl with a cup of tea and without disturbing for one hole day.

63. Who do you trust most?
My big wonderful bro
I trust him blindly

64. answer the next 3 questions in another language.

65. Fav subjects?
物理 (butsuri)
数学 (sugaku)

66. Do you have middle name?

67. Say bad word in your chosen language?
Fick dish.
Vete a la mierda (I use this a lot irl at least no one understand it)

68. What did you dress like last Halloween?
-=- I stayed in my room...

69. Pink or blue?

70. Done prank call?
I hate phone calls but once (I was 9) I called my sis from a strange number and told her I died. That moment she fainted.

71. Are you scary?
Ppl say I am.
I bet my dead glare and my seriousness are the reason.

72. Do your friends like you?
Most of them don't, they said it loudly to me. But at least I know 3 of them do and that fucking means a lot. Eehhemm.

73. Least fav song?

74. Indoors or outdoor?
My room ;~;

75. Are you gay?
Some shipped me with others I don't care cuz it's not true.

76. Math or English?
Math but I can go with both tho.

77. Ever cheated on your gf/bf?
If I will have one in future, I wouldn't do it, on my dead body!
I don't break trust. I risk my life instead of breaking trust.

78. Bet you wish this person who send this?

79. Last thing you watch on YouTube?
I don't remember.

80. Ever been to hospital?

81. Current battery now?

82. Did you copy paste or rewrite it?

83. Biggest regret?
That I don't follow this rule : the only thing we are allowed to do is to believe we won't regret the choices we made.

84. Ever cheated in school test?

85. Highest grades in school?

86. Lowest grades in school?

87.ever went in pyjamas to school?

88.Have you ever broke school dress code?

89. Ever faked being sick to go off school?
Nah. I do not like faking or fakers.

90. What book are you currently reading?
I've mentioned it before.

91. Fav book?
I have alot of books that I like.

92. What ticks you off?
Stuff, a lot of them.

93. Self harm?
Mind abuse.

94. Have pets?
Want to but can't.

95. Glad these are going to get over?
It doesn't matter.

96. Fav question?
Where I typed a lot, I guess.

97. Least fav questions?
The dumbest ones.

98. Change all the questions to capital letters?
Dude I'm supposed to answer not do ¬_¬

99. Tag 5



CielXFanTomhive MUHAHAHA I TAGGED YOU, BEAT ME!!!!!! xD jk jk



















<'< I apologise for tagging random ppl

100. Tag 20
I tagged enough

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