🎶Un Deux Trois

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"Alright men, fix your posture! You there, keep your head high when you look at your opponent! Your sword is drooping, lift it up!"

"Yes Princess!"

The sound of clashing blades and the accord response from the soldiers reverberate through the training field.

I observe them as i stroll through their line ups with content smile.

They're doing better than yesterday, I'm glad...

Pulling my pocket watch i lift my face. "Alright men, five minutes till your next lecture. Prepare yourself and depart in order."

"Yes princess!" They respond in sync as they sheath their swords and left.

I sigh as i stretch my hands and back. Never knew training and observing will be this draining.

"Good work today Melody."

I turn around and caught the all too familiar light brown. "What are you doing here Edgar?"

"Either eating candy or walking by, pick either two as your favorite excuse princess." He said as he raise two fingers in front of me. "Just don't tell Jonah about this."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, but i don't trust your presence is just for that."

"I don't understand what you meant Melody." Edgar said with his usual smile. "But i do got an order from King Lancelot for you to submit yourself to his office."

"I knew it-"

I swear under my breath as i quickly dash to the base's entrance. Wondering what's going to happen this time.


I knock on the door of Lancelot's office, an usual "name and appointment" being heard from the other side.

"Melody, you request my presence." I kept my voice firm.


"Excuse me..." I entered the room with a click and stood backing the door.

Lancelot sat on his desk with Jonah standing beside him with papers on his hands.

Jonah gave me brief smile and i naturally return it. I feel the weight on my shoulder lighten. Never knew such simple gesture would be so impactful.

"Melody, feel free to be seated any where you want."

I nodded and swipe my gaze on the room. On the sofa, Kyle and Zero sitting there with them motioning me to be as well. I walk up and do so myself.

It's unusual for them to be summoned here, i guess this is an important matter...

"Hey Zero, do you know why we're here?"

He shook his head, "I just received an order that we're told to gather at the King's office by Edgar and only that."

"And how about you Kyle?"

"Same, i just want to this to end quick so i could go back to the infirmary." He answered with all the consciousness he had left.

Is it okay to grab a pot and flush his face with water in the King's chambers? I ask myself as i held the urge to do so.

Just then door opened to reveal Edgar as he care freely stepped inside and sat beside me. As he entered, Lancelot stood up from his desk, his cape fluttered as he did.

"Everyone is here, now sit based on your ranks so we can begin."

Jonah walks up to the sofa and sat himself beside me in an elegant manner. I swear to God, how can this man be so perfect?

As much as I want to hug my husband, this is still a formal occasion, i had to be still. I focused my gaze on Lancelot and wait for him to speak.

"I gather you all here so talk about an event that is about to be held at the Red Base soon."

I sigh in relief, i'm glad it's not war declaration or anything alike.

"And it mainly involves you Melody." His gaze focused on me.

I raised my eyebrow, "Me?"

I heard Jonah sigh from beside me and look at me with eyes of disbelieve, "Melody, do you even remember what date is today?"

"I think it's 18...? Why?" I asked while the others look at me at shock. Okay what's going on here?

"Melody." I heard Zero call out and let out a breath, "You do realize that your birthday is coming up real soon, right?"



"You even forget your own birthday?" Jonah suspire. "I always wonder how oblivious you may be but you always exceed my expectations even to this day."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?"

"Yes." Edgar butt in and received a hit on the back by Zero. I take a mental note to thank him later.

"Anyway, now that you know why it's held, we'll just fill in the details." Lancelot pull out a paper out of his breast pocket. "As you all know, a ball is a tradition for celebrating the Red Leader's birthdays and had been done for centuries. Even though the title Princess of Heart is recently officialized, it still bound with past formalities."

"So in short, i can't disagree with this?"

"Yes." They all exclaim in unison.

I slump my body to the chair, this is one big culture shock. I wasn't expecting this like... At all.

"Jonah, since you are the 'closest' with Melody, i entrust you with the arrangements for the occasion." Lancelot said, pushing the word 'closest'. Now i feel a bit embarrassed.

"I won't let you down My King." He exclaim and soon look my way. "Now Melody, we're going to search for the dress and shoes for you to wear for the ball."

"Wait? We're leaving now?!"

"Of course. Now come, we need to be quick before all the stores close."

I forced a smile, this'll be a long day.


Three days after those facade. The day had come at last.

I nervously fidgeting my fingers while pacing around my room.

I stop to see my reflection on the mirror. Not to boast but i must agree to myself, i look absolutely beautiful.

A peony coloured knee high dress adorns my body with matching low heeled pumps don my feet perfectly.

My hair has done in a messy chinese style bun with hazel as the hair stick and tiny buds of similar colored peony blooms added between it.

I took time to realize if this is really me or not but as soon as i want to proceed my thoughts, knocking was heard on the door.

"Melody, It's Jonah. We must go to the ballroom now."

"Coming." I pat my cheeks and walk over to the door, twisting the knob.

Jonah wore a white and salmon pink suit embellished with exquisitely adorned gold details. A light pink cravat like tie with a ruby on it middle and a corresponding coloured long cape giving him a more regal look.

I ask myself, God can this man get any gorgeous. And he can, this doubles his usual appearance, maybe triple, maybe beyond that. I gave up, i can't put them in words.

"Melody, are you going to keep staring or what?" I snap my gaze and only to see him do the similar thing.

"You're one to talk."

We both look away bashfully, this is getting pretty awkward.

"So, shall we get going?" Jonah offers his arm with his gaze still away from mine.

I happily took it, "Yeah, we should."

We walk in a comfortable silence to the ballroom. I glance at the windows, the sun nearly reach dusk. I wonder why the ball start at this hour rather than night, but i let that slip by.

"You look beautiful."

I ripped my gaze from the sky and swift to Jonah.


"Don't make me repeat myself." He looked away, though the shade of auburn is eminent on both his cheeks and ears.

Cute, I thought.

It's funny how we had wed yet we're still stuck to the phase alike when we were still in first name basis. Still bash, nervous, and sometimes brash. But i careless, as long as we're together there's nothing to change.

As we reach the main door, the guards open it for us.

The sweet and rosy scent of peony quickly filled my senses as we step in, it is no question why since the decor is based on that of a bloom.

The room is decorated in luxurious yet natural accent, simple yet elegant. Tables covered in white silk with glasses of white wine neatly stacked and patisseries beside it.

I look up to see the ceiling is a glass dome shape, clearly giving a full view of the dusk sky that nearly reach night to take it's zenith with stars trickle on the occident. The freesia colour from the horizon rain down and lit the crystal chandelier as it shimmer in brilliant gold.

I gaped, this is all too perfect. As to expect from Jonah.

I look around and see the guests in there sophisticated wears as if it were an ocean of colorful frills and polyester.

As soon we entered, the black army leaders seemed to notice me and walk to my way. I can't help but to smile.

"Hey Sister in Law, Happy Birthday." Luka was the first to speak but as soon as he had his gaze on Jonah, he immediately backed off. Of course he would.

"Luka, why do you keep pushing me away?" Jonah sulk.

"My objective is not to see you, but my sister in law. So back off stupid brother."

"Luka... At least be nice to him for once." I sweat dropped as Luka continue to look away from Jonah.

"Melody~~~" Seth said in a sing song voice. "Happy Birthday darling, you look absolutely beautiful today."

"Thanks Seth, you look fine yourself." I complimented as i let out a small giggle.

"I see you got yourself a beautiful flower Cling of Heart, better shower her with love of she'll wither for other men." Sirius gave a playful smirk which no question would piss Jonah off.

"Please remember that this blossom is my wife, so you farmer boy might have to think twice about the love contents i gave to her."

Okay, now i'm embarrassed. He really forgets his tsundere demeanor when someone tick him off, especially Sirius.

"Happy birthday Melody, hope ya got a blessed year."

I look to my side and see the two buddies coming to my way with a congratulation grin in their face.

"Thanks guys." I gave them both high fives and fist bumps.

Then i realized, "Ray, now that the whole Black Army Leaders are here, where's my sister?"

"Ah, you mean Grace?" Seth suddenly popped out. "You'll see soon, and i have to say i'm proud how she turned out."

"What do you mean...?"

As soon as i said that the lights began to dim. Then a spotlight shone to the stage on the back of the room.

I focused my gaze and see Grace wearing a royal blue gown standing on the stage holding a magic crystal mic on her hands. She nervously look around the room with her face as pale as sheet.

As soon as they see her on the stage, the guest whisper to one another. Their locutions are far from fine.

"The Princess of Spades?"

"Why is she on stage?"

"I heard that there's a twist where the Black Army officers are allowed to attend the ball."

"How disrespectful, this stains the pristine tradition passed down through generations."

"I agree, how digracious. Her form is even far from pristine, she's a mess."

I heard the snickers from the guests and clench my fist. I look at Grace, a her face shadowed. How dare they sullied her. Bitting my lip, i held my voice from rising.


A firm voice echoed through the room as the snickers died down in an instant. Their focus swift to Lancelot as he stood up from his throne, looking annoyed.

"As stated from the procedure of the ball that had been passed down, it is clearly stated that the closest family of the leaders has the right for the first words." Lancelot utter with his royal posh tone. "For she is the sister of the Princess, regardless her side, she's rightful. I requested her attendance directly for this matter. For that told, who ever disagree will accused to violate both heritage and king authority. I believe i don't have to explain the results that were to be face."

Hearing Lancelot's ice bold voice, whole guest died down.

Lancelot turn his gaze to the stage. "Take it away Grace."

Hearing that Grace gave him a nod, either "yes" or "thank you". Turning to the guest, she cleared her throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen from both sides or neutral, on this remarkable day, we celebrate the day of birth of a comrade, leader, friend, wife, and sister." Her gaze fell on me. "May God bless her life with happiness and courage to live her life the fullest. Cheers for the Princess of Hearts, Melody!"

"Cheers!" The guests roars as they raise their glasses to the air.

"And now... It's time to begin the annual First Dance. The Princess of Hearts shall dance with her escort."

As soon as she said that, another light shone to both me and Jonah.

I felt anxiety rise in the pit of my stomach with my palms produce moist more than usual. I felt like fainting but at the same time wide awake to feel it.

"Come Melody, there's nothing to fear."

I look to Jonah as he offers his arm towards me, i gratefully take it and began walking to the center of the room.

"I can't do this Jonah, i'm not ready to dance in front of these people. They're all nobles and you know how prick both their eyes and tongue can be." I muttered as my steps felt rock heavy as we strode pass the guests.

"Didn't i say not to worry?" Jonah said as he grip my hand reassuringly. "I'll lead, i'll never let you fall."

I'm about to answer but soon enough we reach the center. He place his right hand on my back, sending a slight shock from the touch.

"Put your left hand on my shoulder." Jonah, can you actually feel the highly strung feeling that i perceive right now?

I let out a breath and timidly place my left on his shoulder blade. As soon i did so, a symphony of piano and violin intro resonate trough the room.

I glance towards the stage and saw Grace inhales a long breath to regain color to her skin.

Don't tell me she's going to-

Not a shadow in this little town
Lingering footsteps don't echo around
In a moment, striking now, the clock will sound
It awakens us both for the night to come

I felt my body pulled to a sway. I turn my gaze to Jonah and he let out a sigh. "You're not suppose to be blank headed on a dance."

"Sorry, i didn't know that she would sing."

"Surprised? I heard that she had practiced relentlessly."

A soft laugh escape my lips. "You made it sound like an army training."

"What if it is?"

Spilled across the twilight sky
Dyed in the color of honey and wine
An open view, invites us two
Seen on the stage: only You and I

Hearing the second part of the song made me realize why the party start at sunset.

I look up to the sky that's now tinge in a darker shade of twilight. The once freesia colour atmosphere turn to a shade of mauve with stars decorating the layer as it scintillate softly.

Though the sun had doze, the sky still looks devine.

As my gaze fell, my vision caught the stares of the guests looking at me sharply, it gave pins and needles on my back. I hung my head low to avoid them, all seem hard to bear.

"Look at me."

Chasse 'n' whisk 'n' natural turn
Lean in close i'll cast a spell over you
Throw away and over sway
What's in name? This is honey mead
Honeymoon now un deux trois
Slowly we entwine our fingers while dancing along
Singing swinging sweetest song
Humming to the tune of our dreams till the break of dawn

I lift my face to see his face filled with concern and worry. He tighten the grip on my hand, my heart skipped. "Don't worry about them. Just look at me and everything will be fine."

His words felt like mantra and I'm easily caught. I fix my eyes on his as i let him lead me on the steps.

"One two three, un deux trois..." count the pace of our feet as i hum to the song.

Chasse 'n' whisk 'n' natural turn
Lean in close i'll cast a spell over you
Throw away and over sway
Sweet fascination in honey mead
Honeymoon now un deux trois
So i place my lips on yours while dancing along
Singing swinging sweetest song
Between the two of us, dance the tune of love

My hums stop dead on tracks. The lyrics echoes on my head as i felt my cheeks grew warm.

Between my trance, my black hues caught Jonah's amber ones. After all these time we spent together, i still fall prey for his encapturing gaze.

In his eyes i can still see the sun set color once more, but i agree to myself that i prefer to stare at him than the nature phenomenon anytime.

I tried to lean in to at least give him a peck on his cheeks, but it's deemed useless due to my composure. And Jonah noticed that, almost startling him.

"What were you doing?"

In Illuminated moonlight glow
Bathing this alley in liquid gold
Just the two of us alone;
Dancing and stumbling and laughing along

"I'm trying to give you a kiss but i'm too short." Oh God, if my face could be in a deeper shade of red, it may be is now.

His eyes widen in shock and his cheeks tint in deep scarlet. "Why are you being so straight forward all of a sudden?"

"There's no point of lying to you, might as well consider this as my birthday present." I exclaim boldly, a surge of courage course through me.

He let out a breath. "You're so childish."

As i about to answer him, my voice caught in my throat as he stopped his steps and bend for a dip. Instead of our face being apart, i felt his soft lips lock with mine.

My eyes wide as saucers with his strong hands cradle my head to deepen the kiss.

I could hear the guests gasp but it all became vivid compare to the erratic beating of my heart.

I felt myself melting on his touch and my limbs became frail. It felt like time had stopped at that very moment.

But it didn't unfortunately, he lift me back up but instead the previous hand held mode, his hand pressed me to his body. I don't know if i can take any more of this.

I nuzzled my head on his figure, trying to calm the ragging breath coming from my lips.

Honeymoon now un deux trois
Slowly we entwine our fingers while dancing along
Singing swinging sweetest song
Humming to the tune of our dreams till the break of dawn
Shava, diva
Honeymoon now un deux trois
So i place my lips in yours while dancing along
Singing swinging sweetest song
Between the two us, dance the tune of love

With the last refrain sang, that's the end of the waltz.

I stiffly let go of his arm and bow to him as whistles and applauses rage on through out the room.

Taking my hand, we both walk away from the center. I look away from him abashed, but i knew he is too judging from the trembling on his hand.

Reaching the edge of the ballroom, i exhale, "What was that for? You know that the others are watching, right?" I half screech, my voice fuming out of embarrassment.

"I'm just doing what you wanted." He answer back, his blush had reach to his ears also.

"I was just kidding-"

"Whether you're kidding or not, you know that i would give it either way, right?"

I look back at him and see his blush had dissipated. His embarrassed face now turn to an enticing one.

He stepped closer to me. "You liked it don't you?"

Once again my voice is stuck on my throat. I gasp as he felt his hand tuck out Hazel from my hair, making it fall freely on my shoulder.

Taking few strands of my hair on his fingers, he press his lips on it, almost nipping it.

"You know Melody..." His voice suddenly change to a deeper tone, sending chills down my spine. "I would give you more than a just a kiss."

Words won't come out from my mouth, as if all the language i've ever learnt disappear in an instant. I stood here frozen, my heart won't make any compromise with me to calm down.

But soon after, Jonah let my locks slip down from his fingers as he backs off from my face. "But that can wait, the party is still at its perks, i'm sure Grace and the others are waiting for you."

"Now, shall we?" Jonah held out his hand for the several time today, a smile etched on his face.

"Yes, we shall." I take my hands happily as we walk back to the crowd.

"Oh, I almost forgot something." Jonah suddenly blurt out of the blue.

I raise my eyebrow, "What is it?"

He motion me to move closer to him, which i did no question ask.

As soon as i did, he capture my lips yet to another kiss. The kiss what firm and quick and he let go with a smile on his face.

"Happy Birthday Melody."



*Tired whale noises*

Here's the list of my struggles
1. Google is my hoe when making this
2. I can't describe kiss scenes that well so bear with me ಥ⌣ಥ
3. Wattpad got into an error for more than five times when i made this
4. If i continue the 'spicy' stuff it could lead to something more savory (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
5. I don't know what i'm doing ƪ(‾.‾")┐

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