My first Tag!

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So @Nin_Madi tagged me (shout-out to her, she's a good writer!) and I wanna give my responses cause why not 0w0

1. Do you like someone?

I do, one guy anyways. Or at least I did, before

2. Do they like you back?

I think he does, but idk. Haven't asked yet lol ;)

3. Middle name?

Don't have one actually.

4. Single or taken?


5. Girl best friend?

Quite a few irl, don't wanna list their names for privacy. But if I had to choose for Wattpad specifically, prolly @Nin_Madi cause she's been super cool and was one of my first friends on the app.

6. Guy best friend?

Actually don't have any, don't hang out with a lot of guys. If I had to say, probably my dad.

7. Favourite OTP?

That's a hard question :p
I'm gonna say Garnet even tho that's kinda average, but Ruby and Sapphire are just so cute i-

8. Last person u texted?

More like people: my sh*tpost group chat, they've helped keep me sane along with Wattpad and YouTube

9. Last song you listened to?

Green, Green Grass of Home. Porter Wagner is amazing and it makes me so nostalgic for some reason.

10.  Battery percent?

PC: 42%
Phone: 27%
Together: 69% (nICE-)

11. Lock screen?

It's just default setting, just a blue neon design. Haven't changed it yet :/

12. Reason u made Wattpad?

i DiDnT, tHe WaTtPaD cOmPaNy MaDe iT sIlLly-

But yeah, I made mine cause I really like the community, and I hadn't tried many social sites before. My parents didn't let me have Instagram or Snapchat and FB seemed too boring so I looked for a site that was good for ppl who like reading, and so here I am :)

13. Birth date?


14. 20 tags

Ok wowie that's a lot ummm-





















If u don't want to b tagged, just lemme know, and if u do, lemme know also. Have a lovely day! UwU

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