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I just realized I was tagged to do a tag by siLv3ryG0ld

1. Don't have one
2. Too much too list
3. Nah, never listened it to it before
4. My favorite anime is Hetalia
5. My Chemical Romance
6. Cold stone, because ice cream is awesome
7. Violet
8. September
9. None, I don't like bottled water, it tastes weird
10. What do you mean by that? I don't get it...
11. Cruel bitter endings
12. Yes
13. Ummm....when I was 8 or 10

Now for the unfortunate people that I tag must answer the 13 questions I have made up

1. What is your OTP?
2. Do you like school?
3. If you could go to any country in the world, what country would it be?
4. What was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
5. What scene in any book, anime, game or movie made you cry or almost cry.
6. Does your crush go to your school?
7. Do you like Baymax?
8. Early bird or late owl?
9. What is the most random thing you can think of?
10. Do you like Disney?
11. Have you ever been outside of your country?
12. Life or death?
13. Do you speak any other languages?

I tag these unfortunate souls

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