My First (and only?) Tag...

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Well, I didn't think this was ever gonna happen, but littlefanficwriter13 tagged me so I guess you get to learn a lil' bit about mwah. Let's get to it, shall we?

1. Do I like someone?

Yeah, there's these two guys... but I really wish I didn't like one of them 'cause he's a jerk and I know literally nothing about the other one so *shrug* my crush life for ya

2. Do they like me?

HA! GOOD ONE! No, I highly, highly doubt it, but I'm never gonna ask them so I guess we'll never know lol

3. Middle name?


4. Single or taken?


5. Last person I texted?

Pssh, I don't know, I'm antisocial as fudge. Most likely my dad to come pick me up from school

6. Last song I listened to?

Uh oh, was it on my phone or Pandora? Um.......... let's check Pandora, I listen to that a lot *checks* Huh, kinda disappointing... oh well, it's still real good. Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy (as I'm writing this) But now it's playing Memories by Panic! At The Disco so would I count that instead? Lol idk next question (But as I'm posting this it was Break by Three Days Grace. I just wanna tell you all the songs ever lel)

7. Battery %?

67% (but who even cares? lol whatever)

8. Girl Bestfriend?

Hannah ;) I would put her Wattpad but she'd literally kill me XD

9. Guy Bestfriend?

Lol I don't talk to guys. I guess there's one guy I sit next to in Spanish that I like talking to, does that count? Well his name is Adam, I'd say him if I had to give an answer.

10. Fav OTP?

Uh, I really don't know, I don't really think about OTPs........ I guess OH NO WHAT DO I CALL HER I CAN'T DO SPOILERS UHHHHHHHH.......... I'll say Amelia and Aiden from She's With Me and Stay With Me by AvaViolet

11. Why I made my account?

Oh wow, I don't think I remember lol. How did I even find Wattpad...? I DON'T REMEMBER UGH MY RUBBISH MEMORY THO! Well I know one of the reasons was to post How Could This Be Real but I was really nervous to 'cause I thought everyone would say it was trash and that I should just stop writing forever XD Thankfully that didn't happen, though. Actually, I think I found Wattpad looking for Squid fanfics... Oh deary me how embarrassing XD Moving on...

12. Current lockscreen?

It rotates so I had to take a couple screenshots AND DON'T JUDGE ME! Well, you can judge if you want, I really don't care.

There are like three other pics that it rotates with too but I figured this was good enough. The wallpaper on my chromebook is pretty noice though if I do say so... should I add that...? Sure, why not? One sec Imma go get it.

TA DA! I just made that one day 'cause I was bored. It's my favorite bands and albums and I just think it looks kinda purty :P

13. Birthday?


ALL DONE! Huh, not as painful as I thought it would be. I guess now I'm supposed to tag other people... But I don't really feel like it... Hmm... Can I break the rules...? Well, according to Hannah I am a rebel so... You know what, I'm just gonna leave it at this. If you wanna do this tag you can say I tagged you lol, I don't care.

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