V. when someone dies.

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Chapter Five 

3rd person pov 

when someone dies in front of you, you don't know what to say or think or do. your heart slows and your mind fastens. you put yourself in that spot and you know you shouldn't but a part of you can't help but imagine if you would die the same way or what would happen if you died instead of them and thats what veah was thinking about. 

staring at ronans dead body was like staring at nothing because he was gone and he wasn't coming back. she knew that she shouldn't think that way but nothing was stopping her. she had spent so much time avoiding him or acting like he didn't exist and now he was dead and she blamed herself. 

"hes gone v, you have to let him go" caden tried, he knew that he had to be serious in this moment, they had lost someone and it just now set in for all of them that someone or some people were trying to murder them, trying to kill them for their own benefit and even believing that hurt her. 

"no no hes not, hes joking, hes not dead, ronan wake up, please, please, please" she sobbed as her head rested on his chest, all of them watched her closely. kaylin and caden held each others hand in sadness as alex shared a look with dora, juna and katya stood next to each other and katya had her head on junas shoulder. 

"stop her" alex told dora who nodded and kneeled down to veahs height, she put her hand on her back and veah lifted her head as she looked her in the eyes, the tears that were drifting down her face didn't make it any easier on her and how she was feeling. dora so badly wanted ronan to wake up and say that it was a joke planned out by him and caden. 

that it wasn't real and it was funny. that his mom would be so proud of him for his acting and that she didn't need to cry because he was right there and believing. that he was okay and she did care about him even though veah hid it. he should be alive and he wasn't and it hurt them all. 

"hes dead nev, i know it hurts and this is hard but you have to let him go" she told her and veah laid her head on her chest as she wrapped her arms around her back and held her as close to her as she could. she was trying to take doras breath for herself, trying to let the air fill her lungs and keep her alive. 

"he didn't even get to tell molly he loved her" veah cried and alex looked at caden as they shared a look, if kaylin noticed the look between them she didn't say anything or maybe she didn't know but that didn't matter because there was a look. 

"guys we have to keep going, they could come back at any moment" juna spoke up and even though they wanted veah to have her moment of mourning and came back to the world. they all knew that juna was right but someone had to pick up the pieces of veah 

"shes right v, come on" dora and caden helped her up from the ground and she wiped her tears off with the sweatshirt that caden had given her. she stared at the ground and the blood on her shirt before she zipped it up and kissed ronan on the forehead and closed his eyes for him. 

"lets go" she said and they all began to walk away together, juna and katya held the others hand as alex and kaylin walked together in silence staring at dora, caden and veah who were resting their heads on each other and holding the other closely. the pain was beginning to flood through them and they all felt sad. 

it was like someone was holding their feelings hostage and even if they wanted to let them go, they couldn't but they didn't want to let them go, they wanted them to suffer , to feel the anger and pain of the death and know that they couldn't protect each for ever. it was inevitable and they knew there was nothing they could do. 

"so what do we do now?" kaylin spoke up and they all looked at each other in sadness, even if they weren't close before, this had brought them closer and this was going to change everything. 

"we keep hiding, we keep running, we find a phone, find some weapons and call someone. this can only end one way" juna exclaimed and they all looked at her 

"they're dying and we're staying alive, this is all we can do" juna said and katya nodded. none of them could die, losing ronan was already too much but losing anyone else was no an option to them in their minds. 

soon enough they heard the alarm of the front gate blaring and they ran to it to see jonathan standing at the other side staring at them. 

"what the fuck happened to you guys?" he asked as he walked in and then they heard the footsteps of someone running to them. dora held veahs hand as they watched and waited 

"watch out!"alex called to jonathan who was sticking his hand through the gate to shut the alarm off and let himself in but he was too late, jonathan arm had gotten sliced open by the blade from the wielder who held it and stared at him. 

"fuck" veah said and she watched dora let her go and run to the person attacking them and they stared in shock. 

"god damn shes hot" caden said and veah snapped her head to him with a shake of her head and a sigh 

"sorry i'm still high" he told her 

"yeah i can tell, let jonathan in" she told him and he nodded as he opened it and let him in. 

at least now they had someone else with them but the question is wether he would be of help or wether he would be of hinder? 


my soul hurts so much to not write about ronan but he will be missed and he was an icon, one more chapter left in act 1... 

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