VII. they were family.

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Chapter Seven 

 they were family.

3rd person pov 

there was something about the air after what happened to Jonathan, no one knew what to say or do. it was like someone had set off a bomb and the air was thicker then you could imagine. veah kept looking at the others just trying to figure out how they were going to get through this and no one knew how. 

It was clear that the killer had no motivation, they were doing this for the simple fact that they wanted to kill someone and they knew the people. It's only safe to say that when they came up with the plan, they didn't know who was going to be there or maybe they did. It was also safe to say that there was very clearly more than one person, the group had seen at least three clown masks, since the whole thing has started. And this somehow meant that there was three killers.

Did they know who it was? No, not at all. They had no idea and how would they? They hadn't gotten close enough to ripping off the mask or hurting one of them. They were the ones being hurt. The killers had killed at least two of them now, Ronan and Jonathan. Which somehow made them believe that they were going after the guys of the group 1st, and then the girls.

So veah felt the need to protect Caden and Alex. She wanted to protect all of them, she never wanted this to happen in the first place,  she never wanted anyone to die. If she could protect all of them and sacrifice herself, she would do that because that's who veah was.

She knew how much Alex meant to Dora, and she couldn't let something happen to him. but she also couldn't let something happen to everyone else, so what was she supposed to do? She wasn't gonna stand around and act like it wasn't happening because it was. The loom of death had separated them, but somehow also brought them together, and that made it feel like they were family.

And staring at a dead body right now that they knew, and worked with made them feel horrible. it felt like they lost someone that had meant more than work to them and they had. It was always clear to everyone that Alex and Jonathan had had a thing so when they saw Jonathan died, their first thought was to look at Alex and figure out how he was feeling but he, as everyone else was now devoid of emotion and seemed careless. 

And they didn't blame him. Death was the thing that happened every day to everyone. For some reason it was just happening to them more now. Caden held kaylins hand and veah saw it but she didn't say anything as she herself held dora and she saw juna holding katyas too. alex was standing on his own and they felt horrible about it 

"So  what do we do now?" juna finally spoke up after length of silence.

"we keep running, I mean, that's all we really can do isn't it? I think if we stop running we die. We can't call the police they disconnected that phone and our phones are dead arent they?" katya stated 

"why can't we just leave? that's an option too right?" dora exclaimed 

"doras right, Jonathan got in why can't we get out?" caden said softly and veah sighed 

"it won't work like that, clearly they set this up so we can let people in but we can't get out. They unlocked it for a certain amount of time so we could be able to let him in but if we try to get out they lock it again. Someone is controlling the gates." veah explained 

"so why don't we go up to the control room and kill them?" juna said 

"that's a stupid fucking idea" alex said and they all turned to him 

"what? why?" his sister asked and he turned to her almost with a guilty look on his face and they could all see it 

"are you serious? We don't know how many killers there are there could be multiple. They could all be waiting in that room for us right now so when we go up there, they could kill us all. Ambushing them is going to get us killed. we keep running and we killed them off one by one. Sure some of us are going to die in the process but they're gonna die too." he explained and even though it seemed like a good idea, veah was now suspicious of him. 

"there has to be three killers I mean think about it. We've seen three masks tonight. Two people have already gotten killed, but they were by two different people clearly. They're obviously Has to be more than one person. And if there's more than one there's more than two, so it's either three or four and usually there's four killers if there's four killers, then we're fucked. So I'm guessing three" veah said 

"so its like a threesome?" caden said and veah sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and nodded. 

"sure yeah a threesome" she exclaimed and he laughed. she wished she could be like him, oblivious and acting like this wasn't happening. she wished that she could hide in his body and never change. if she could she would but she couldn't. it was only a fact that you can't change your body when you're alive. you can only do that after death. 

"so whats the plan?" katya finally spoke up after not saying anything for a while and listening to the group. 

"we kill those motherfuckers" 


decided that today is one of my spam update days for my fics so be prepared 

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