X. tragic love story

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Chapter Ten 

tragic love story 

3rd person pov 

There was some thing between the group now that made them feel more separated them before, but they couldn't tell why. Veah thought that  maybe it was because someone they loved died and they didn't know how to handle that but that didn't make any sense to her. They were all losing people and that was hard to deal with too. 

she decided to walk to the pool and stare down at the water. the killers were scattered somewhere and sure she was scared, but that didn't mean that she had to run and hide. As Veah said, she had thought about death all the time. This time was no different than all the others and she knew that. 

But as she stared at the water, she saw it bubbling, and she realized that something had had to happen in the system to make it do that. She had seen people drown and die or get sick or fall into the water but she never saw it bubbling before. she had never seen steam coming off of it before. 

"v, whats going over there?" she heard dora call and she turned to the girl, juna and katya had separated from the two girls and they were now talking. veah had a feeling that she knew what it was about. 

"the water is bubbling, it's boiling. It's like someone set a heater in it or something." she told dora and she came over as she kneeled down and looked at the water confused. 

"its never done this before?" she asked 

"never, it's almost like someone purposely did this. Do you think they somehow gotten into the system? Do you think they're gonna try to push one of us in" veah asked and she turned to dora with a stare 

"I mean maybe but I don't know. we could just ignore it" dora suggested 

"I don't know if that's a good idea in any horror movie ever" she said 

"really? the horror movies again v? come on we're not in a horror movie" dora said and veah shook her head 

"we may as well be" veah said and dora sighed as she leaned her head on v's shoulder and they sat there staring at the water, maybe for once they could have a moment to themselves. just like juna and katya were doing not so far away from them


"how are you feeling about all of this sunshine?" juna asked katya who turned to them and shrugged. juna had always called Katya sunshine, maybe it had to do with the fact that she worked with kids being a server when they came in or that she was a ball of sunshine but either way, Juna always like to call her sunshine. Katya always called Juna the moon. She actually had a tendency to call her Luna. Juna was always grumpy when she came to work she had a scowl on her face, and she looked like she wanted to murder someone. But Katya came in with a smile on her face. Happy to be there.

"once in my life, I think I'm sad and it feels weird" katya stated and juna sighed softly as they at down together 

"i get it, this is scary" juna agreed 

"its not that, its the fact that we keep losing people left and right and I'm scared that I'm gonna be next and i don't want to be next. you killed one of them meaning there's one or two left and i keep thinking that they're gonna jump out and kill me at any second" she said and juna grabbed her face 

"sunshine, i will protect you no matter what. you are the only thing that matters to me right now. i will die for you if i have to but you mean everything" juna said and katya stared at her. she reached her hand up and brushed her hair behind her ear with a smile 

"can i kiss you?" katya asked and juna nodded. the two girls leaned in and kissed each other with smiles on their faces. they were happy to admit that they had feelings for each other before they died. juna had seen what happened with caden and kaylin and ultimately she felt horrible. she could never imagine not being able to tell someone you love them before they die and especially if its someone you've loved for longer then you can remember. 

"i really like you juna. like i really really like you and i want to be your girlfriend. i want to be with you before we die and i want to die knowing that we're together. will you be my girlfriend?" katya asked her 

"i would love to be your girlfriend" juna told her and they smiled as they leaned in and kissed again. It was clear that the two of them had wanted this for a while, and it was good that they had it. if they never admitted that they loved each other, they would have died thinking that the other didn't love them and that would've just been a tragic love story. 

What we see here now is two people loving each other, letting each other know that they do love each other and that means something more than we could ever imagine. Juna and Katya aren't a tragic love story but a sweet ending to a bad beginning. 

If veah knew that these two were together, she would think that they were the sweetest thing in the whole world and caden would too. At least someone got to be happy. 

but for how long?



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