A Letter to the Future Me-10

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April 4th, 2019, 8:00pm

Dear future me,

                    Hey bitch! How are you? I hope you're alright......... There are a lot of things I wanna ask ya, but, let's take it slow. Don't want my excitement to get over me. 

                    Haha.........so, I can tell you are married by now. Is your husband treating you well? How many kids do you have? Your first child is a girl or a boy? and-Wait! I'm getting excited again *deep breath* Ffffuuuuu. Ok. Well....This is supposed to be a letter and not a question bank. So...... Let's try again.

                    Hey 2040 me! How are you? I hope you are not regretting any decision(s) you made till now. Man! How I wish you could give me advice, so that I can make myself a better you and give myself a better future which would be your present....Haha! I know I'm making it complicated at this point, bare with your past self. 

                    By the way......are you still the boyish girl I am or you turned a bit feminine? Wish I could really have a chit chat with ya. I'm sure you are smiling right now. Reading stuff from your past self is not something you do everyday. And do you still have this weird habit of waking up at 2am to eat something? Haha! I hope you don't coz it's a bad habit, stupid me.

                     What is your occupation? Do you love the work you do? I hope you do. Oh! And do you still draw? or the circumstances made you leave drawing? Coz right now, I'm getting hints that I might have to leave drawing because of studies. But no worries, I'd rather die than leave drawing. I'll make sure that you are still drawing. 

                      Anyway, you know I (2019 me) don't have much friends, but do you have friends now or are you still a loner? Most importantly, are my friends still your friends? or did they left me? What about my wattpad friends? Are we still in touch? ...........

                      ............Are you brave now or do you still run away from reality?  We both know what I'm talking about..........

                      Well, whatever it is, I just hope you are alright and..............happy. I'll try my best to give you a happy present and myself a happy future. 

Lots of love,

Past you.


I was tagged by MONO_tone and LIA_the_sodium_NA

I know it's not good, but I loved writing it. I was planning on skipping this tag when mono tagged me, coz I know I don't write that well. But ended up writing it coz seven up tagged me in the same tag again. Anyway, I hope the future me will enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it.

Tag time














*I re-updated this. I'd already updated it but forgot to tag people. I remembered when ReadingbooksRocks101 * commented on this page.

Please feel free to point out my mistakes.

~Nero Ace

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