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So 5SauceCashton tagged me a while ago but I've been lazy and my usual procrastinating self and am just getting around to finishing it but do not take this to mean I don't love you because I do <3 <3 <3

1) Your lock screen?

This one of my favorite inspirational quotes and a motto I try to live my life by ^

2) Your home screen?

I actually just recently changed it to this in honor of Calum's 23rd birthday ^

3) Your ringtone?

Just whatever comes already programmed into an iPhone

4) Device percentage?


5) Current anime you're watching?

Ummmm I've actually never read anime🙄 sorry

6) Device you're using Wattpad on?

My phone :p

7) Something you regret doing?

I lied to my parents the other day and said I did my meditation exercises like they wanted me to even though I didn't

8) Your zodiac sign?

Sagittarius, which I didn't know before doing this tag so that was cool to learn thanks!

9) One of your object obsessions?

Hmmm well I have quite a few but I really love my phone because that's what connects me to Wattpad, my other friends, music and videos and stuff

10) Your favorite quotes?

I have waaaay too many to list them all but here are three from my endless list of favorite book quotes

"What is the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable?"
-An Abundance of Katherines by John Green

"Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it."
Divergent by Veronica Roth

"I am different from what my world demands I be. And I am not worse for it"
-War Storm by Victoria Aveyard

So yeah thank you again 5SauceCashton for tagging me you are such a great friend ilysm *hugs*

Here are my tags....


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