Tagged By Akaistuk

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Akaitsuk tagged me, and I'm too lazy right now to say some thing else

1. Said in the previous tags.
Dashing "Noob" Banana.

2. Well, I play video games and write. I used to play football which some of you call soccer, but with way less player. I was one hell of a defender lmao.

3. I don't really have a favorite song, but I do listen to Bakamitai the most.


Sometimes I want to change it, but I don't know what to. So it stays for now.

5. Not really, I just want my parents be proud of me. I'm tbuinkong of becoming either a Dentist or a Pharmacist, if that doesn't work then I don't know.

6. No. I sleep at like 1:30-2:00 AM. Sometimes if my siblings stop annoying me when I want to sleep at 1:00 AM.

7. I don't fucking know. None of them texted me during quarantine,expect one. I'm basically the "smart kid" in class so people come to me asking for my help or to borrow my notebook. Too many times... At least one of them thanked me about 2 months ago.

8. I don't really care about math. It depends on the teacher and his teaching, and thank God I have good teachers.

9. Ooo. This one is difficult. I'm guessing you mean school subject. That would be science,Biology and Chemistry since the teachers made me understand about then. Honestly I started to like math as well because of the teacher and his little jokes.

10. Earth.

11. Meh, not really. It's been so long since I played a sport that I enjoyed, my classmates get quite toxic when playing,they blame each other and insult each other like they have been enemies for a lifetime so I just stopped since I didn't have fun.

12. I don't fucking know. Do I look like a doctor?

13. Gimme a second need to Google how much a human costs, wish me luck! Okay, didn't find anything. So about 3 cans of Pringle I guess.

14. No.

15. Yes, two annoying little shits that I have to take care of. I'm the oldest and it sucks ass. Please just let me relax!

16. Kinda of.

17. So far none. And I'm scared when the day comes.

18. Nope. My school is an all boys school. It's separated between boys and girls in my country, at least until college or university.

19. Single... Very.... A lot.

20. Probably Keanu Reeves or Ryan Reynolds. Those two are wholesome and funny.

Anyways as for the people who will suffer by my doing.












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