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So, it's that time again. Isn't that right waitwhatthisusername

So... Guess we shall start to do that with whatever free time I have.

1. It's really damn weird I'm not gonna lie. There was this mobile blox game, I don't really remember it's name... Something-something city I used to play a couple of years ago. It was like GTA, except not really. Anyhow, there was this character I liked the design of, Dash. That was before I knew he was a Please-No-Copyright me Ash Ketchum.

As for the Banana part, guess I really liked fruit names especially after TheGamingLemon who I wish has gotten better with his mental health problems. I actually wanted to be TheGamingMelon, except that was taken. All of this was before I found out about Wattpad.

Anyhow this is a long story as you can see. So for some reason, I liked bananas... I don't know as well, so I can't answer if you ask. And I because Banana Gamer.... Then I didn't really like this name, and was someone else having it on YT. I wanted to be original, something that still contains "Banana" in it. Again, don't ask why.

And finally, a nostalgic feeling hit me the the fucking head just as I do with a table. Dash&Banana.... "How do I mix them?" I thought to myself..."Ah yes, D A S H I N G B A N A N A"

And the rest is history.


2. Casually. I'm the Lord of the Bananas after all. I eat ZE BANANA.


3. Yes.


4. Now that's a tuff question, so I'll just go through the authors I like their stories. kdog2201  the classic.

TheElevatedOne  Kiru boi maker, the Ultimate Asshole.

The SCOTLAND FOREVER mad lad Raging__Wolf

NEROSAMADA  made me laugh like an idiot, his stories are pog. Luzius1 is also a certified epic shitposter.

I don't think I need to mention this, but if you don't know about the Four Horsemen story, here is the author PitaNemuritoare  with the serious and good ass sibling story that I definitely should get back into, Death is pretty cool there I'm not even gonna lie. Surprisingly, he reads my Scanny Boy story sometimes.

I'm too tired to mention more authors, so feel free to go through the people I followed and maybe you'll find someone you like as well.

And as for the authors I mentioned, sorry for the annoying notifications.


5. Do I consume drugs and slam my head against tables on a daily basis? That's your answer. It's yes. Send help.


6. Don't know how many times I was asked about this, but I do. I got two little devils, I'm the eldest so it's not the most fun thing to deal with them.

They do have their moments tho, so I'll give them that.


7. Read the number 4. Go before Mista comes to sho--


8. That's an excellent question. I'm gonna let you on a little secret... I don't fucking know... Guess shits and giggles? When I saw people actually enjoying it... Despite me just.... Following the plot, and maybe adding in some things there and there, they love my weird ass sense of humor! It's a weird self esteem boost for me, and seeing how they liked it, I'm definitely continuing it until I finish it. If I don't finish it then that means I died... Or lost my account somehow.

I really should get back to writing, but studying is a pain that takes away not only alot of my time, but energy as well. It doesn't help that I'm ill at the moment, coughing there and there. It sucked even more yesterday, I'm doing better now, so no worries.


9. I'm a filthy degenerate weeb. I'll leave the rest to you.


10. It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of some cosmic coincidence or is there really a God watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I dunno, man, but it keeps me up at night.

Very creative, I know. Oh well, you took the time out of your day to read this. I don't know what else to add, I can't really tag anyone since this was directed specifically at me. Oh well.

Have a damn good day.

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