Tagged, whelp

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Itz_Showtime tagged me.

1. Do you like someone?

No, right now I'm actually without a crush. XD

2. Do they like you back?

Since they don't exist … no?

3. Middle name?

Nope😅 (No to the whole tag😂)

4. Single or taken


5. Girl best friend


6. Guy best friend

I just have one best friend. 😅 And even if, he doesn't have Wattpad.

7. Fave otp

I'm not much of a shipper but it's probably Johnlock.

8. Last person texted

sleepy-sheepy (Answered to a text about the weather, yes, we are talking about the weather and that's probably the most grown-up thing I've ever said.😂)

9. Last song you listened to

Dancing through life from Wicked

10. Battery percentage


11. Lockscreen

This small guy I just can't remember where I found him. 😅

12. reason you made Wattpad

A friend told me about it and I was curious, then I found the magical world of fanfictions and started publishing myself so I stayed. 😊 No regrets, even though Wattpad can be annoying sometimes.

13. Birth date

November 26th

No tags, sorry. Can't do that to anyone.😂 This is already the most random thing on my account. I haven't published anything for a year or so and now there's a random tag in a completely different language so …😂

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