Tag 13

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I was tagged for this quite a while ago, I forgot, sorry 😛 it was ScribbleKingdom who had tagged me and I'd like to thank u too because I am getting a chance to tag a certain someone XD

1. There was once this guy who was behaving weirdly and harassing girls. I wouldn't like to mention the name but that was really a very weird experience
We were able to clear it up though.

2. I don't really know about life but there are friends who would support me for sure I know. Besides I don't really want someone to protect me at the cost of their life, I would forever feel guilty to create such a situation and I don't think there will be any good if that person ends up dies. The value of their life would be same as mine so in the end all will be left is a loss.

3. My friends of course. Even than my irl friends my wattpad friends supported me more than I could have imagined so I thank all of you.

4. Hmm, I don't have any siblings only cousins and yes...there is someone I trust a lot, I won't mention the name but that person has helped me more than they think so I would like to thank them too though I am sure I have thanked them numerous times before. 😁

5. Lol all my friends here are kind and supportive

6. If u talk about someone in wattpad it's definitely RED_THE_LEGEND and there's this irl friend of mine who once rushed towards the centre of a busy road in front of my school to save a puppy who was lying there, narrowly missing a car. She got scolded a lot for that but she was, "Like I care." Though she has left that school now but I respect her a lot for that.

7. I like a lot of things, I guess I will go with ice cream. 😁😁😁😁

8. That person whom I mentioned in question 4. Sorry, I don't think I would like to expose the name.

9. "If people are trying to bring you down it only means you are above them."

5 people......

Gekkouga555 ( Strike! You know u gotta do it!😛 For others it's optional)

paul_shinji (I tag u everywhere lol hope u don't mind XD)


Cya soon bye


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