Tag 24

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Should I even call it a tag?!!. Well this is a definitely interesting one. Anyway I was tagged by both Grimsley_X and jimin_jimochi😁 thx for tagging!

5 quirks about Dawn_Hikari!😉

1. Ok so books and teddy bears are my all time non living best friends! I probably spend more time with those than my irl friends and during lockdown it isn't hard to believe anymore. I don't remember where I am if I sit down with story books be it a train or my room. I mostly don't even come out of my room when the exams are over and I have books which are yet to be read.

2. I don't care a tuppence about makeup but I like to dress properly anywhere I go. I don't spend hours choosing dresses but whatever I wear wear needs to be clean and smart looking. Add with it my vast collection of earrings which I adore. Anywhere I go I just have to pick one or two sets of those. So I have at least one which goes perfectly with each of my attire.

3. I absolutely love baking and cooking! They are one of my hobbies. And I love to try out new dishes! Be it cake or even a simple drink, I'd rather serve my guests with handmade drinks rather than purchased ones.

4. As many of you know by now, I am mostly an introvert. I also have that habit of thinking but in my case its not anxiety or nervousness. I do have nervousness and my palms sweat a lot for that but only during certain times, not always. My thinkings are mostly imaginations. I can just stare into space for hours without talking.

Imaginations which may come real in future so its not like I imagine things which are out of my reach. Most of my imaginations are private so I am not telling here but I love writing and keeping diaries so I have a vast collection there. I think about how I will deal with a certain thing which will most likely be happening in the future, can be two days later or two years later.

5. And lastly I love learning interesting facts about things. Anything that sparks my interest starting from learning about a certain bug to the history and culture of Egypt which I love.

If I am not reading I am searching facts about old Egypt or even Mona Lisa or some other facts. I love thinking about mysteries regarding ancient Egypt. I am terrified of a real creepy looking bug but I love to stare at them and learn about them in books.

Well that's all I guess! Now for tagging!


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