13 Facts, 15 People

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I was tagged by silversparks123 for this challenge. So here are the rules:
List the rules {duh}
Have a creative title
List 13 things about yourself
Tag 15 people
Do this within a week

So here we are, here are 13 things about me:
1) I am going to be President of the United States one day, no joke.
2) I look nearly identical to my mom, so much in fact, that many people think we are sisters.
3) I am a 4th year at Hogwarts.
4) I would be a daughter of Artemis since I am so much like her, but since she is an eternal maiden, I am one of her Hunters.
5) I have a younger brother, he is 4 years and 8 months younger than me.
6) My family does not have Cable, Netflix, or any other TV thing, because my dad won't let us, even though my mom, brother and I all want it, so I have to rely on YouTube
7) I don't have a dog, but I really want one, again, my mom, brother and I all want one but my dad won't let us
8) I am fluent in sarcasm
9) I speak English as a first and second language
10) I let the dogs out
11) I LOVE studio c!!!
12) I really REALLY don't like math
13) I think it would be cool to be a bird

So there you have it, 13 facts about me!!! I now tag these 15 people:


Thank you and remember to vote for me for President!!!

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