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Tagged by starwarslover112

What is your favorite candy bar?

Milky Way, Hershey's Cookies and Crème, and a bunch of other stuff.

What color is your hair?

Blonde... don't judge me I'm not a dumb one.

What color are your eyes?

Different colors. Somedays blue, green, and sometimes grey.

What TV show do you not like to watch?

R E A L I T Y   S H O W S ! ! ! ! !

What is the one band that you don't like to listen to?

Idek I don't do bands that much but anything that my dad listens to.

Who is a singer that you can listen to all day and night?

Probably Kid Rock or Hoodie Allen or there's another one that I'm forgetting.

Favorite movie?

Rogue One or Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Favorite show?

Um... Rebels or Clone Wars duh. And others but mainly those 2

Favorite book?

Pretty much anything Star Wars but I likes the Ahsoka novel and Star Wars: A New Dawn.


K A N A N   D A D D Y  J A R R U S

Favorite music?

Rock, pop, country, rap

Favorite artist?

Wasn't this question already asked??????? Look up dummie

Favorite song?

. . . Really I thought people knew better. . . currently That's What I Like by Bruno Mars and The New Periodic Table Song by AsapSCIENCE but I mostly annoy my friends with it but its helpful bc I'm taking chem

Favorite actors?

. . . *sigh* Harrison Ford, David Tennant, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher (?) {RIP CARRIE}, NOT HAYDEN, Ewan McGregor, Daisy Ridley, and a bunch of others but NOT HAYDEN

Favorite adult cartoon show?


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