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I was tagged by -Riends  this time and ONWARD

1) Full name
Angela Rodriguez

2) Favorite song
Why limit myself? Also just check O

3) who do you have a crush on
Top Secret Info

*whispers* no one....I also have a lot of blood on my hand right now

4) what musicals are you into
BMC, DEH, Hamilton, Heathers, Rent, Newsies, Hair Spray

5) Why come (heh come) to Wattpad
Because....I could

6) 5 things about yourself
I am of the female gender
I half convinced I'm part alien
I hate Snapchat for snitching and telling the other person when I take a screenshot
My life is movie cliche

7) Who do you look up to?

8) Do this in less than a week

9)  tag 10
Can't tell me what to do you asswipe


10) tell a funny story (nothing inappropriate)
Like a year or two ago (when you had friends. shUT UP) the people I hung out with (all boys. I was the only girl) were squeezing a yogurt from both ends so there was a big pressure in the center and they were stabbing it with a blunt pencil so it wasn't making a hole....yet

And two tables away the popular people were playing a game (a cruel ass game I might I add) where if you were the one the bottle chose then the rest of the participants chose one person . The one the bottle chose had to go up to the chosen person and ask them out. If the person said no then you win. If they say yes then you lose, because you have break their heart because you don't really like them.

Anyway a kid from the popular kid came over to our table and everyone else there followed him too but they were recording. He asked me out and I was about to respond but the yogurt finally broke thanks to the pencil and it splattered all over the dude. I waited for the yogurt to finish before I said "no" while trying not to laugh but everyone else at my table was bursting out in laughter

It was a beautiful thing to be apart of

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