Darwings that I made!!

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Here are two of my new ocs I will be putting in a boyfriend scenario book I'll make sometime in the future

This is Konobu. (Pronounced Ka-no-bu. just in case you didn't know)

He is 19 and loves volleyball.
He is 5.9 and average weight.

He plays volleyball, goes on hikes, plays video games, and protecc.
He enjoys when you come to watch him play his volleyball matches and come game with him.
He likes sushi, playing video games and volleyball, going on walks through forests/hikes, rice balls, cuddles, sleep, and not having school.

He dislikes math, swimming, pulling all nighters, when you're sick or can't come to his house/ to his games, having to go to school, mondays, sore losers on the court.

He is straight (sorry all males) but supports the LGBTQ+ a lot.

His personality: he is a competitive happy team player, but can also be cold, serious and stern. Very strict at times when his team isn't getting those wins that he desperately craves and sometimes is labeled as 'Bossy'.

What he calls you:
Innocent bean.
Precious and must protecc. 
Short stack-o-pancakes.

What he likes being called:
Tall boi. (Mainly called that by you)
Sworn protector. (Mainly you being sarcastic but he still takes it as a win)

What he HATES being called:
Know it all.
Show off. (Mainly called by you when your mad at him)
Jock. (Mainly used as an insult. Saying he's not smart)

This is FireShrine (pronounced Fire-Shrine if you live under a rock)
He is 6.1 and hates literally almost everyone.
He is below average weight (cause because he is not feed properly)

He can fly and has the power of fire and can burst into flames at anytime. People need to attempt to keep him locked up for safety.
He enjoys when you cook delicious food for him (mainly steak and other meats), if he is captured the fact that you try to help him break out, (mainly fails but it's the thought that counts).

He likes meat, when you free him, flying around at night, scaring people, his warm den full of crystals, the colour green, being alone with you (-_-*) no not that, getting headpats, and your cooking.

He dislikes being chained up, being captured, anything that has to relate to being locked up, vegans, vegetables (witch you somehow get him to eat), steel, when it's cold, having no crystals near him, when he's without you.

He is bisexual.

His personality: he is a hothead. A real tipsy boy. If you mess with hims or his stuff he will get mad. If anyone messes with you or attempts to take you away, he will burst into flames and attempt to attack them and/or kill them.

What he calls you
ember (his first impression on you)
Try hard (normally as a joke because you try to do cool cook stuff but normally fail.)

What you call him.

What he HATES being called.
Demon (normally called by you when you're mad at him)

So yeah. I'll have more characters soon. I was so anxious to show you theses drawings so I couldn't wait!!
That's all
(Daily shoutouts!!)
(I will do daily shoutouts whenever I post a chapter in this book)

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