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So I was tagged by DarkDisco7

Ten facts about me:
1. I'm female
2. I'm Asexual Pan-romantic
3. I have a beagle named Tucker
4. I once sang at a baseball game with this summer choir camp, not at a big league one though
5. My favorite colors are sea foam green and lilac
6. My favorite book series is the Heroes of Olympus series
7. I've been in choir since fifth grade
8. I started reading fan fiction on here when I was ten, but on a different account
9. I can play a bit of violin, but I quit last year
10. Phan is my real life otp , Solangelo is my fictional otp

So-so (by one of my best friends)
Twin (By a girl in my PE class)
*may be added to later*

Eye color: Greyish-green

Hair color: brown with blonde streaks

Siblings: three step brothers

Favorite celeb: Tyler Joseph?

Favorite animal: Red Pandas

Favorite song: for right now Entertainment by Phoenix

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