My Q&A #1

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Okay.... You guys are evil, but I promised I would answer the questions sooo....... 😪

1) this question was asked by SamanthaArmstrong059 and it is "Would you rather date Dan Miller (a boy in our school who is a right nutjob) or loose all your friends"

I took a while to answer this but my answer is: date Miller, and keep all my friends, because dating him would be psychotic and awful, but at least id have my friends for moral support! And  without my friends I would probably be dead to the world, due to my lack of social skills and self respect, so I need my friends to get me through the days.
So yeah, that's my answer (thank god it will never happen IRL!!!!)

2) this question was asked by LODisamazing and it was "Dan or Phil"..... You little shine-a-light! I HATE YOU!!!! But if I had to answer I would say.... :Bleach please!

I'm sorry I can't choose! Phan is one and they are like my oxygen.... I couldn't choose I'm sorry... I failed!

(Ps, I don't really hate you, lol! I ly (platonically)!!! Haha)

3) I got asked this by RamenNoodles10 (thank you for a fair, decent question that doesn't make me contemplate death) and it was "What was your reason for getting wattpad?" This is embarrassing so take a seat and brace yourselves...

A little while back I had heard of Phanfiction, but never written or read any if my own. I was watching a few Phan Crack videos and when I was scrolling through the comments, I saw somebody told anybody reading it to read "The Chair Fic"....

So I read it on the internet (and them cleared my search history) but then a notification came up saying the website I was using had an app which was faster..... AND THATS HOW I WAS BORN! (Not literally.... Great imagery kaitlyn......)

Ps... If you have not already read the Chair Fic DONT READ IT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! (But I won't hate you if you do seeing as I read it and enjoyed it........ Erm..... I mean..... I respect creative writing *cough*) 😇😇😇

(These next three questions were asked by CreativeCazzie )

3) "why do we cry, but not craft?"

Because sweetie.... Satan abducted our only gods and started a satanic cult where we all have been trash for so long that we have now become nothing more then Dan and Phil's possessed followers. Dan and Phil have now taken away our ability to craft because they want to build us up so we can fight against a higher purpose and give a meaning to life that the government doesn't hide from us....... Phew that was deep.....

4) "why does lying make us go to hell?"

I don't know.... But I've got a one-way ticket!

5)"Why Is everything
s o f t a n d n e a t?

Because if everything was hard and messy..... (Ewwwww this makes me think of all the fics I've read in my unworthy existence....)

6) this question was asked by jenso_phan (hey bleach buddy) and it is "Viktor, Yuuri or Viktuuri?"



And that's all the questions I'm gonna do for now so thank you to anyone who submitted a question! Feel free to follow everyone who asked questions because they are all amazingly awesome!!!!!

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