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I can make my usual, quick message with a thousand sentences saying the exact same thing; have an incredible day. Buuuut... I decided to do something else for you.

And it's probably the suckiest present you've ever gotten for your birthday, but you're getting it anyway. Hopefully I'll do better next year. XD


This is a Hitoshi Shinsou x Fem!Reader one shot. I actually don't really like x readers, so I'm not experienced or well prepared.

In the one shot you are a 15 year old girl, entering U.A. I'm so original, I know. (Note the sarcasm.)


You stare down at the letter in your hands as you make your way to the entrance of U.A. The sun was shining brightly and you could hear laughter and excited voices all around you. But even as you stepped on school grounds, the happiness didn't reach you.

A few months ago you had gotten the letter from U.A. You had already known what the outcome would be, but still you had felt tears coming up. It was not like U.A. had completely rejected you. They gave you a chance, and saw your supposed potential. But to not make it into the hero course had been a huge let down.

You sighed, grabbing the straps of your bag to push it against your back, almost as if you were pushing yourself to keep walking. You looked around, facing your next challenge of finding your homeroom class.

After a little while, you found yourself in front of a door labelled "1-C". You let out a heavy sigh. The chances of it were extremely low, but you could always still get into the hero course. So if you wanted to go there, it was necessary to show them your best.

You'd prove to everyone how someone with a quirk that was useless in battle could still become a hero.

Even in the classroom were those same excited voices, though less than outside. It was quieter, and more to your liking. You walked to the back of the classroom, putting down your bag before sitting. The homeroom teacher was already here, though there were still around five minutes before the class started.

A few more students walked in, and you noticed someone sitting beside you. You looked at the girl in front of you, debating whether or not you would try to make friends or wait until people would try to do it for you.

Before you could decide the bell already rang, making the teacher clasp her hands in order to get the class' attention. She had prepared a short speech, before giving everyone a paper with questions about why you had chosen to go to U.A. and what your goal for the year would be. You looked through your bag, getting out a pencil.

"Crap." the boy beside you muttered in a slow, lazy voice. You turned to him, questionably. He was tall and had remarkable purple hair.

"Something wrong?" you asked. The boy quickly looked your way. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his expression in general looked extremely tired.

You could notice the hesitation in his voice as he replied, "I forgot my pencil." You took a glance at your bag.

"You can lend one of mine." you offered, deciding not to question how he forgot his pencil on the first day of school.

The boy didn't make eye contact as he asked, "Can I?" You let out an agreeing hum, handing him one of your pencils. The boy's expression didn't change as he took your pencil and muttered a soft "thanks".

You quickly filled in the paper, finding yourself growing bored as the others took a long time with filling it in. You decided not to keep glaring at the clock and carefully looked over the purple haired boy's shoulder.

"A brainwashing quirk?" you questioned softly, not realising you said that out loud. But as soon as you figured that out you quickly smirked and added, "Not really a General Education kind of guy, huh, Shinsou?"

"What are you doing?" Shinsou asked, not even having to glare to intimidate you.

"E-eh... I was just curious." you replied stiffly, though as soon as you said that everything seemed to fall blank. Your body moved on its own, making you look away from the purple head. What the... Shinsou leaned over your shoulder, looking at your paper.

"Next time, think twice before you start looking over people's shoulder, y/n." was the lazy, threatening voice you heard before the world started to gain colour again.

So that was what the quirk brainwashing was. Interesting...


This... this turned out even suckier than I had expected. And also kinda short, but I like short.

Anyway, happy birthday to Alpha_Sapphire_!

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