Oh, How Quiet It Is

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I mean, seriously. Wattpad is so quiet these days. I barely get any tags or notifications, so I'm just trying to improve my writing while it's still quiet. XD

Anyway, remember that Dutch story I was talking about last chapter? Probably not. Well, anyway, apparently it was too shocking for the few people that read it. Like, so many people asked me if I was alright after reading it. Though it wasn't a good enough story. *laughs nervously* I'll try harder on improving.

Um... anyway, I'm just gonna do a random tag I found on the internet, hoping that will cause people to actually restart doing tags so that this book won't die. Thank you.

What genre of books do you like?

I like fantasy and fan fiction. I'm totally okay with any other genres, these two are just my favourites. I hate Dutch literature though. We're forced to read that sh*t. Half of the Dutch literature books contain explicit content and/or homophobia/sexism. There are a few okay books in the Dutch literature, but still...

Have you completed a book yet?

I completed False Hope. :3

What is your current favourite finished book?

Like, my own? Or somebody else's? Well, I myself only finished False Hope, so that'd be my favourite.

From somebody else I'd say A Pokémon Fairy Tale by Dfly17.

What 5 books are you excited to be finished?

Again, I'm not certain if they're talking about my own books or somebody else's.

My own:
• Fighting Arrows (That's gonna take a long while though.)
• Castle Of Lies (I honestly really like this story, but I'm too chicken to publish it. Plus, Fighting Arrows takes priority, so I won't update that much anyway.)
• Some book I've been wanting to write for a long time, but I want to be a good writer before truly writing it. It's not a fan fiction, so there's that, too.
• Define Love, aka my SasuNaru book I barely started writing. I doubt I'll ever finish it, but it'd be nice if I could.
• This book, lol. If this book is finished I will be so happy. Idk why though.

Other's books:
• Project: Love by Alpha_Sapphire_. She hasn't updated in months though. ;-;
• Love Me Deeply by @sasukeuchihadesu. I swear, SasuNaru will be the end of me.
• The Inkanni Chronicles: Secrets From The Start (1) by TrayC_Child_of_Mine. But we all know how long that'll take.
• My One Shots, again by Alpha_Sapphire_. She's just a really good writer. Let's put that differently.

• Honestly, any of the books in my library that I finished.

Smut, yes or no?

I'd prefer not, but I mostly just skip the smut scenes and read on anyway. When there are lemons however, I'm out.

Stories on hold?

Well, Fighting Arrows is gonna be on hold as soon as I've published the chapters I still have. Not like lots of you read it, but still.

Nickname by community?

I've got many nicknames, but the most common one is Lapis.

One shots, yes or no?

I mean, it depends. I like one shots, but they're difficult to be truly good. Mostly when it's a one shot for a pairing, it's hard to create actual chemistry between the two characters and a lot of pairings get together way too sudden.

If I criticise on False Hope, which isn't even a one shot, I'd say Ash and Misty got together way too sudden, and May and Drew had the most chemistry in the entire book.

One shots only have less time to create a good relationship between the two characters. The solution to that was to let the characters already be in a relationship, but I somehow can't enjoy that, unless it's really well written. In other words, the writer needs to be really good at writing, or I can't enjoy the one shots.

Top 5 OTPs

Difficult, but let's try. Also, this is for now. This list changes, like, every ten minutes.

5. Naruto: KibaHina or Kiba x Hinata. Oh, hello underrated ship that should've become canon. I'm honestly disappointed with the fact that NaruHina became canon, and not because of NaruSasu. Just...

Just that.

4. Haikyuu!!: KageHina aka Kageyama x Hinata. Honestly, if you've watched Haikyuu!! and you don't ship KageHina, I have just one thing to say to you.


3. Boku No Hero Academia: TodoDeku aka Todoroki x Deku/Midoriya. I know, Uraraka and Midoriya will become canon. I'm okay with that.

There's no disappointment like there is with SasuSaku and NaruHina. Midoriya and Uraraka have development in their relationship, chemistry and overall a true bond. I can see it, but I still ship Midoriya with Todoroki. I don't know why, but I can't help what I ship. I'll still ship it even after IzuOcha has truly become canon, while I'll be proud and supportive of Uraraka at the same time.

2. Naruto: NaruSasu aka Naruto x Sasuke. Need I say anything else?

1. Boku No Hero Academia: KiriBaku or Kirishima Eijirou x Bakugou Katsuki. Love these bois. They're worth wasting an entire summer vacation on. They're so damn worth it.

Tag 5 closest friends

No picking favourites, so I'm just tagging some people.






Yay. Bye!

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