Tag #23

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JuneinWinter tagged me again. And it's my fault for taking so much time.

Which country do you live in?

The Netherlands.

Which music genre do you listen to?

Taylor Swift. It's a genre now.

What do I do for a hobby?

I swim...? And write.

What is my favourite makeup?

I don't wear makeup...

What is my favourite drink?

Orange juice.

What is my dream reading spot?

It's not a dream, but my bed.

Do I do any sports?

Yes, I do.

Did I make the honour roll?

No idea what an honour roll is, but I'm pretty sure I didn't.

Do I want to get married later in life?

Idk. Probably not. I'm not really all about the formal stuff.

Do you want kids?

No. I'm terrible around kids. I get annoyed way too easily and I can't shake them off. I also think kids don't like me, so that's good.

What is something I cannot leave the house with?

Keys and clothes.

Do I have any phobias?

Yes, many. I'm scared for a lot of things. I'm scared for dead fish. They stare at you. It's creeping me out.

What is my favourite clothing store?


What is my favourite type of flower?

A rose. 🌹

Have I ever had a near death experience?

Luckily not.

Tag 10 people

I don't want to tag people!!! Ugh. Just going to do the Elemeno.

You're tagged if you love Jigglypuff.

There you go! Bye now!

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