Tag #40

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Tagged by NataliexisWolf. She's been bothering me with this for some time now. *sighs* And... I need to write a one shot. Oof. I suck at one shots. Okay, a couple. Um... I'm just gonna go with Kenny x Hau. (It turned out with also some sort of Hau x Lillie. I really didn't mean that.) And, yes, the one shot is just part of the Hunger Games simulator written in a one shot. I'm not ashamed.

I quickly hid behind a tree, hoping Kenny wouldn't notice me here. I heard an annoyed groan. "Hau, stop following me!" Well, apparently he had seen me after all. I appeared behind the tree, disappointed. Yesterday we had a great time, and now he suddenly yelled at me I had to leave. "I told you to leave, didn't I?" Kenny said, looking as if he was struggling with his own emotions.

"You did..." I said after some time, the words were hard to get over my tongue. "But..."

"No, Hau." Kenny said, doing his best to sound determined. He had a point though. It wasn't smart for us to become close when one of us was gonna die one way or another. And this way we had a higher chance we wouldn't have to face each other.

"It's unfair!" I yelled. "I never signed up to be in this tournament! Then why can't you make friends here?! Why is all you are allowed to do murder?!" Kenny looked at the ground. I could swear I saw his eyes watering a bit. He sighed.

"It is unfair, Hau." Kenny admitted. "It has always been unfair. Last year's winner still has traumas of his time in the Games. But we have no choice. That's just the way it is. We know one of us will have to die, and I don't like the idea that I might have to kill my first friend, ever." I looked away. I knew why. I knew why he didn't want me to be here. I just didn't want to. I knew pretty damn well how this game worked.

"We can figure something out." I said, truly believing in it myself. "We'll make some crazy plan and we'll get out of here."

"Almost every plan has been tried before, Hau."

"I don't care, our plan will work!" I yelled frustrated.

"Hau," Kenny began again.

"No!" I screamed, finally letting the tears come out of my eyes. "My parents have isolated me from everyone in our district! I've been alone my entire life! I don't want to die alone!" Kenny looked a bit shocked, but shook it off quickly.

"We've all had a tough childhood, Hau." Kenny said, pretending he didn't feel anything. "I'm not God. I can't change the situation we're in. Stop stalking me, it's not gonna change my mind." I softly cried, in front of Kenny. He looked hesitant, but eventually decided to walk away. He turned around once and threw me a knife.

"Make sure you stay safe." Kenny said, and he walked away. I stared at him with watery eyes, until he had fully disappeared. I picked up the knife. What the heck was I supposed to do with this? I didn't want to kill, I had told Kenny about that. Was I supposed to wound people?

"That's only worse." I muttered grumpily. Though I had taken a mace from Moon, myself. I even considered killing her with it. Which was also the reason why I had thrown it in the river, after. It must be this game. I was told you shouldn't hurt girls, ever. Why did I suddenly ignore that advice, and went straight for violence? Wasn't there always another way?

"Almost every plan has been tried before, Hau." Yes, I was the only one believing there was still another way. But I at least knew I couldn't count on Kenny to help and believe in me. Maybe it shouldn't be him to tell me to leave, but the other way around. I should just forget about him.

I looked at the blue sky, wondering how long this day would take? I was at least in the afternoon. Good, that meant I didn't have to wait for 24 hours, but about 12 of them.

A loud cannon shot snapped me out of my thoughts. The thought immediately came up. Kenny. In panic I lost balance and fell out of the tree, lucky that my fall was restrained by the bush I fell in.

"Oh, berries." I accidentally said out loud, picking it. I then remembered the reason I had fallen out of the tree, and quickly got up, yelling, "KENNY!!!"

No reply. That was to be expected. I ran over the grass fields, praying Kenny was okay. My legs hurt. How far had Kenny gotten in the time we had been apart? It had been quite some time though. Half an hour maybe. I tripped over a rock and tumbled over the grass against a tree.

"Ouch." I said, rubbing on where the tree had hit my forehead with my hand. I stood up, hurt. I heard some sounds from somewhere nearby. I listened carefully, accidentally blurting, "Who's there?" Of course there was no reply, like I expected. But that didn't take away I knew someone was there. "I know you're here, come out."

A soft rustle, and a snapping twig. I wanted to turn around, but a knife was already pressed on my neck before I could do anything.

"One word and you're gone." she hissed. I couldn't see her, but her delicate hands and soft voice gave away her gender. I didn't say anything, but breathed heavily. Questions came into my mind, but I stayed silent. After a few minutes she put away her knife, and let me breathe normally again. I turned around to face her.

"You're the girl from Kenny's district." I blurted out. She narrowed her eyes.

"I still have my knife in my hand and I don't have a problem with using it." she snapped. I was a bit taken back that such a beautiful girl like her said these words. Well, this game did strange things to us after all.

"Have you seen Kenny?" I asked, quickly getting back to what mattered. The girl shrugged.

"I don't have anything to do with that guy." she replied blankly.

"We need to find him." I said hastily.


"Yes, we. He's in the same district as you. He might be dead."

"I don't care if he dies or not." the girl said, but I had already taken her hand and pulled her along with me to look for Kenny. "I did not spare your life to go look for a disappointment like him!"

I ignored the girl and kept running.

"KENNY!" I yelled.

I heard the girl scream, and quickly turned around. There he stood. One of his sais was stuck into the girl's shoulder. Blood spat on the ground. I looked shocked at the scenery. "Kenny?" The guy breathed heavily.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" he yelled. A loud noise came from the arena, but I couldn't stop staring at Kenny as he pulled out his sai out of the girl's shoulder. She fell on the ground, grabbing her shoulder. I ran to her, kneeling down.

"Kenny, what did you do?" I asked, shocked. It was weird to think yesterday he was so kind. Screams filled the place, and the noise from outside was still to be heard. I just looked at the girl's blond hair as her blood painted it red.

"It was a reflex." Kenny said as an excuse. I didn't try to remove the tear streaming over his cheek. Kenny moved and also kneeled down, looking at the girl. "Lillie, I'm sorry." he whispered. She didn't say anything and just stayed on the ground.

"RUN, YOU FOOLS!" someone yelled. I looked up and saw Barry running towards us. And behind him...

"A volcano has erupted!" I yelled. That explained the noise. I quickly picked up Lillie, and tried to stand up. Kenny also stood up. The lava was closing in unusually fast. I glanced at Kenny, but knew I couldn't stand here and wait for Lillie to die, so I started running. Kenny also ran.

"Barry, faster!"

"Run, Barry! Run!" But our calls didn't help much. Kenny seemed to be a slow runner and was far behind. Barry ran as fast as he can, but I heard his scream loudly. I did my best not to turn around, but I quickly looked. The lava came to Barry's ankles, and he grabbed Kenny's hand, hoping to be pulled out, but instead Kenny also got into the lava.

"NOOOOOOO!!! KENNY!" I yelled, but it was too late. The lava melted their skin. I turned around not to have to see Kenny die. I felt the tears streaming down my face as I ran through the woods. Several cannon shots to be heard.

I realised how Lillie's sobbing had stopped, and she was noticeably lighter. "Lillie?" I asked softly. The lava was closing in, so I did even more my best on running as fast as I could. "Lillie?" She didn't respond. I looked at her. "LILLIE?!" I looked back, and saw how the lava had just stopped. It was nowhere to be seen. Had I outrun lava?

I quickly put down Lillie and looked at her. "Oh, no." I said. And I thought as fast as I could. I took her pulse and checked if she had a...

No heartbeat. No, I picked the wrong place. I placed my ear on Lillie's chest, trying to hear her heartbeat, but I heard nothing. "No. No, no, no, no, no. You're alive. I can't lose everyone. Lillie!" But I realised it was true. She had died. Barry had died. And even Kenny... I cried loudly. I didn't care if anyone heard me. Let them kill me. There was no one to be alive for anyway.

Whelp. Done. And it sucked, people! XD

Let's see. The rules are:

• between 100 - 2000 words
• have to do it in a month

I tag...






Good luck!

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