First Tag

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So I was just tagged by KawaiiRLovesShips so here's thirteen things about myself

          1. I like a couple people but not in super seriously just a minor crush.

          2. No I am pretty sure they do not like me back.

          3. My middle name is Ray after my grandpa.

          4. I am very single and have literally never even been on a date.

          5. The last person I texted was my only group of friends ever but they are the best.

          6. The last song I listened to was probably Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab because The    Cab is awesome.

          7. This one is stupid so I'm just going to say that my favorite book series is Wings of Fire.

          8. My best girl friend would be Bailey, she's Bi and she is one of the best people you will        ever  meet.

          9. My best guy friend would be Will, he is literally my only guy friend and he's the most    sarcastic little shit that has ever lived.

          10. There's too many but to name a few, Whiterose, Bumbleby, GLORYBRINGER, Cleril,      Qinterwatcher, Sunkat, Jelp, Shorange, Renora, and many, many others.

          11. The reason I made this Wattpad account was so that I could specifically follow LaurenABlack because I was reading Just a Little Glorybringer For Ya and I wanted to            keep up with the story.

          12. I don't have one I just kind of left it and never touched it.

          13. My birthday is May 10th and I am going to be turning fifteen next May.

OK so I hereby tag





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